Is Janoshik Scamming or am I stupid ?

To verify that Jano is reliable, I've sent in past 2 unlabeled deca and sust vials that we can distinguish only by color of top, and results came back as it should be
To test Jano's blind test,I made a unique mix of substances and sent them as "blind"sample,it came back as it should be
So in my book Jano is reliable.
Not necessarily referring to Jano, but I think what happens is, in unique circumstances, companies take a short cut, don't want to take the time for a unique circumstance, etc.. and think what the fuck I made $5,000 today, I'll just send them bunk, junk, or outright fuck em over, I'm king, I'm God, I'm making $5,000 today.. thinking no one will ever find out, then it ends up leaking out. The majority of the time, everything works fine, but .....
You do realize that capsules are mostly insoluble filler, right?

Still, that Janoshik guy is sus.

Lmao. This made me chuckle this am.

That said, the blind testing is essentially the credibility closer for me. I don't know why anyone would declare the product or the source when sending in for testing.

Unless your lab is protecting every source on the planet, I suspect ya'll do the best you can to be impartial and provide quality analysis. Thanks for all you do, we are lucky to have a decent lab that provides services to us.
Don't you have to make up stories about having something tested elsewhere?
I can't help but ask.. why all the complaints? I did the google search as one guy suggested.. and for a simple task such as testing a product, There was a few unhappy people making some serious claims against you.
I can't help but ask.. why all the complaints? I did the google search as one guy suggested.. and for a simple task such as testing a product, There was a few unhappy people making some serious claims against you.
All the complaints? lol

Look through the reviews of my actual clients, not anonymous trolls, straight out retards and shady sources.
I can't help but ask.. why all the complaints? I did the google search as one guy suggested.. and for a simple task such as testing a product, There was a few unhappy people making some serious claims against you.
Sources own the most steroid-related real estate on the internet. There are entire boards built just to push a few specific sources' gear. It is in their best interests to invalidate legitimate 3rd party testing because it does not align with the narrative of "jimmy's gear is fucking trash, you should stick to a reputable vendor from on this site like ryan". That's why on open forums like Meso/SST you see significantly more users praising Jano's services, and you even see customer performed/blind testing that matches samples submitted by sources.

I know you're trolling because you're only here to try to mess with a single Canadian source but there's a legitimate answer anyways.
Sources own the most steroid-related real estate on the internet. There are entire boards built just to push a few specific sources' gear. It is in their best interests to invalidate legitimate 3rd party testing because it does not align with the narrative of "jimmy's gear is fucking trash, you should stick to a reputable vendor from on this site like ryan". That's why on open forums like Meso/SST you see significantly more users praising Jano's services, and you even see customer performed/blind testing that matches samples submitted by sources.
I can accept that. Im guessing some of these guys are making.... $250,000, -$750,000.... $1,000,000 a year. I've had competitors persuade my customers into leaving negative reviews. ( I'm not in the AAS business). Then once you get one bad review, others just copy it and it snowballs. There are a lot of different sides to every story. Many times its not the truth that matters, but who spins the story or has the best line of bullshit that matters.
I know you're trolling because you're only here to try to mess with a single Canadian source but there's a legitimate answer anyways.

If you don't like what someone says, they are a troll or a Nazi. I understand.
I can accept that. Im guessing some of these guys are making.... $250,000, -$750,000.... $1,000,000 a year. I've had competitors persuade my customers into leaving negative reviews. ( I'm not in the AAS business). Then once you get one bad review, others just copy it and it snowballs. There are a lot of different sides to every story. Many times its not the truth that matters, but who spins the story or has the best line of bullshit that matters.

If you don't like what someone says, they are a troll or a Nazi. I understand.
Not quite. I don't paint with such a broad brush. That being said you have hyper-specific interest in Jet and a clear desire not to cause any trouble in the threads of any other Canadian sources, so your motive becomes more easy to identify.
Not quite. I don't paint with such a broad brush. That being said you have hyper-specific interest in Jet and a clear desire not to cause any trouble in the threads of any other Canadian sources, so your motive becomes more easy to identify.
I commented in that thread, and the Jet guy replied back. Nothing more nothing less. So, when I debate one person, you think it's a conspiracy, and I'm targeting one person! :). I state facts and valid points. But everyone is open to their own interpretation of reality!
I commented in that thread, and the Jet guy replied back. Nothing more nothing less. So, when I debate one person, you think it's a conspiracy, and I'm targeting one person! :). I state facts and valid points. But everyone is open to their own interpretation of reality!
You can call as many people conspiracy theorists as you'd like, you've written out your playbook quite clearly already:
Many times its not the truth that matters, but who spins the story or has the best line of bullshit that matters.
I can't help but ask.. why all the complaints? I did the google search as one guy suggested.. and for a simple task such as testing a product, There was a few unhappy people making some serious claims against you.

I would suggest that the old internet standard applies. People as whole... are 11 times more likely to submit negative feedback on social media as they are positive.

I think education and expectation also play a major part.

Some folks simply don't understand the industry or the service, and that creates frustration that may be inappropriately leveled at the lab... we are all human.

Just a thought.
I would suggest that the old internet standard applies. People as whole... are 11 times more likely to submit negative feedback on social media as they are positive.

I think education and expectation also play a major part.

Some folks simply don't understand the industry or the service, and that creates frustration that may be inappropriately leveled at the lab... we are all human.

Just a thought.
I treated my customers good at first, but.. after a few bad reviews got online, people would read them, and make them nervous, and turn them into hypochondriacs, seeing problems that didn't even exist with my products. Competitors would file fake complaints with the better business bureau. Everything snowballs. It's a fun game to play. After a while you just start fucking everyone over, knowing most won't read reviews anyways since the fakes already destroyed your reputation. Why waste time on customer service when orders are coming in, which means $
I would suggest that the old internet standard applies. People as whole... are 11 times more likely to submit negative feedback on social media as they are positive.

I think education and expectation also play a major part.

Some folks simply don't understand the industry or the service, and that creates frustration that may be inappropriately leveled at the lab... we are all human.

Just a thought.
I agree with the first point. But most of us understand the steroid world. 9 times out of 10. Your source(s) are not your personal friend. They don’t know you, you don’t know them. They can easily short change you. That vial of test 400 you have may very well be test 300. That “primo” you have may be testosterone prop. That “Tren” may be straight MCT oil etc. Saves them a bit of money and you don’t know any better. Is there a undoubted way to know what’s in that vial? Nope. Regardless of what Jano the scam artist would have you believe. In my opinion, *and many others* he’s a piece of shit. A lot of labs don’t even use him because of his REPEAT history of being a fraud. Some sources do use him; one source that I like used him to test his products. But many members time and time again have good experiences with the gear. That means more to me than a fake testing report. I’ve seen blind test reports on sources that come back accurately, but it’s some of the worst fucking gear I’ve ever used
I agree with the first point. But most of us understand the steroid world. 9 times out of 10. Your source(s) are not your personal friend. They don’t know you, you don’t know them. They can easily short change you. That vial of test 400 you have may very well be test 300. That “primo” you have may be testosterone prop. That “Tren” may be straight MCT oil etc. Saves them a bit of money and you don’t know any better. Is there a undoubted way to know what’s in that vial? Nope. Regardless of what Jano the scam artist would have you believe. In my opinion, *and many others* he’s a piece of shit. A lot of labs don’t even use him because of his REPEAT history of being a fraud. Some sources do use him; one source that I like used him to test his products. But many members time and time again have good experiences with the gear. That means more to me than a fake testing report. I’ve seen blind test reports on sources that come back accurately, but it’s some of the worst fucking gear I’ve ever used
Who would you recommend to do testing Mr Connor? Whats the alternatives?
Some folks simply don't understand the industry or the service, and that creates frustration that may be inappropriately leveled at the lab... we are all human.
no dumbass. it's because he literally scammed a meso vet and said he tested products when the samples got bounced at customs and returned to the member. not because people "don't get it." he literally scammed someone and acts like it's a joke when people bring it up. childish af. and who knows how many times he has done the same thing to other people