Is there REALLY a difference between Pharm and Generic HGH?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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I dont have as much info as I would like. Doesnt seem like there is a lot of info out there. I would think when it drops below the 98% pharm standard the degradation effect more than just potency. I would wager its degraded on a immeasurable molecular level. Im just bro sciencing out of my ass its based out of logic the little research Ive done but yea bro science really
Right. I'm thinking along the same lines. In other words, if GH can still be tested as 98% purity, but do these tests ensure the product is still good?

For example, if some test can pick up that this substance is made of eggs, can it tell whether or not the eggs are spoiled?
What Ive heard is the manufacturing process is so complex and sensitive, there are only a few facilities in the whole world that make it. The difference between pharma and generic is degradation. My bro science opinion is that the gh is being sold out the back door and/or its expired by usp/gmp standards and then it makes its way to black market. Then its stored improperly and shipped not refrigerated, in most cases with no preservative other than the drying process if you get the powder. Or I wonder if pharmacies are selling it either legally or illegally depending on the country
Many companies are manufacturing it. I think its just all talk to make pharma grade HGH seem so much better (when it really isn’t).
Agree about the dosage. GH is one thing where the more you use the better, and really other than being a little sleepy there really aren't many sides. I don't get numb hands anymore because I had Carpal Tunnel surgery. I usually run 4iu per day of Serostim, but bumped it up to 6iu per day for about 3 months last summer and it is nuts how much the body changes on that dose. Gonna do 8-10 iu of Serostim per day for about 6 months starting in March along with test, Rimos, and Var.

How did the 8-10 of Serostim work for you?
Many companies are manufacturing it. I think its just all talk to make pharma grade HGH seem so much better (when it really isn’t).
Indeed. Competitive markets cause people to shit on each other. Of course the Chinese are going to undercut Big Pharm in the West, and Big Pharm has to fire back with some kind of disinfo campaign. Now I would always say get Rx over UGL, but when RX is expensive because Big Pharm literally makes 1000% profit, it's not justified. If the difference between Pharm vs generic was like 100 dollars, for the same amount of ius, would always go pharm, but it's simply not the case.

Moreover, the Chinese are notorious for faking shit, (even eggs no joke), and so perhaps many of these pharm-grade fans have gotten screwed over by low-quality or completely bunk generics. Some have said that generics are not even GH, but peptides combined with shit to mimic gh affects lol. Idk how that works, but it seems like a cope if you ask me.

I get no GH sides; not even when I took Norditropin pens, and 126iu Serostim kit. Ironically, the ONLY time I got carpal tunnel the was the FIRST time I ever took gh, and that was back in 2006 when my buddy told me to take 1.5iu twice a day from 100iu kit (no labels at all) of generic blue tops. He played arena football, so his source was legit as his whole team was juiced. Never after that did I get any tingly hands or anything, other than in the morning after I wake up from taking. That was the first time I got it during the day, and mind you, that was when I was 22 years old.

My homebrewed gear has been just as good as Rx, and literally is 1000x cheaper. I pay .90 cents for a gram of test, versus 70 dollars a bottle from CVS, and that's with a discount code.
Indeed. Competitive markets cause people to shit on each other. Of course the Chinese are going to undercut Big Pharm in the West, and Big Pharm has to fire back with some kind of disinfo campaign. Now I would always say get Rx over UGL, but when RX is expensive because Big Pharm literally makes 1000% profit, it's not justified. If the difference between Pharm vs generic was like 100 dollars, for the same amount of ius, would always go pharm, but it's simply not the case.

Moreover, the Chinese are notorious for faking shit, (even eggs no joke), and so perhaps many of these pharm-grade fans have gotten screwed over by low-quality or completely bunk generics. Some have said that generics are not even GH, but peptides combined with shit to mimic gh affects lol. Idk how that works, but it seems like a cope if you ask me.

I get no GH sides; not even when I took Norditropin pens, and 126iu Serostim kit. Ironically, the ONLY time I got carpal tunnel the was the FIRST time I ever took gh, and that was back in 2006 when my buddy told me to take 1.5iu twice a day from 100iu kit (no labels at all) of generic blue tops. He played arena football, so his source was legit as his whole team was juiced. Never after that did I get any tingly hands or anything, other than in the morning after I wake up from taking. That was the first time I got it during the day, and mind you, that was when I was 22 years old.

My homebrewed gear has been just as good as Rx, and literally is 1000x cheaper. I pay .90 cents for a gram of test, versus 70 dollars a bottle from CVS, and that's with a discount code.
Are those recent pics in the ketamine thread? This is the leanest you have been? TBH you just need to actually diet, hard, and hit cardio, how many calories are you eating?

And I don't mean to be the breaker of bad news but if you ate 5k in one meal last night thats 5k you added to your weekly "deficit" which may not be a deficit, aka you ate 2-3 days worth of food in one meal. Even lyle Mcdonald the reseed king now admits eating a cheat meal isn't going to magically boost your metabolism and just melt it all off, it doesn't work like that.

Especially considering you probably took in a shit load of fat. Good god man
Are those recent pics in the ketamine thread? This is the leanest you have been? TBH you just need to actually diet, hard, and hit cardio, how many calories are you eating?

And I don't mean to be the breaker of bad news but if you ate 5k in one meal last night thats 5k you added to your weekly "deficit" which may not be a deficit, aka you ate 2-3 days worth of food in one meal. Even lyle Mcdonald the reseed king now admits eating a cheat meal isn't going to magically boost your metabolism and just melt it all off, it doesn't work like that.

Especially considering you probably took in a shit load of fat. Good god man
You need to go to my cutting log and see where I started, and then you'll see how much progress I've made. You critiquing me here is not relevant to this thread. Go there and do it.

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How long have you guys been on opti till u experienced cts?

My first run of Opti greys were unkind to me and after approx 3 weeks the cts was unbearable. Some time has gone by and i ran some kits from another supplier and now im back on opti greys. Been using 6ius a day (half a vial) and three weeks or so later minimal cts is there. Its nowhere near like it was. Dunno if this helps.

My first run of Opti greys were unkind to me and after approx 3 weeks the cts was unbearable. Some time has gone by and i ran some kits from another supplier and now im back on opti greys. Been using 6ius a day (half a vial) and three weeks or so later minimal cts is there. Its nowhere near like it was. Dunno if this helps.
Odd. I havent had any cts whatsoever from optis
Yes, this is true. Some ´´generics´´ actually have better results than pharma grade. We should stop calling them generics by now I feel like.

This is pharma grade HGH from Iran - Cinnatropin

Cinnatropin test.png

Here is Optitropin
all 3 vials tested higher with no dimer


Same with the Golden Top from Meditrope





And here is Genotropin


notice it is underdosed by 3iu


again, notice it is underdosed 7-8iu


The point is, we are getting pharma grade hgh from these well known top generics. They even test higher in purity and less dimer. They all usually within that 94-97% purity with the new testing. What I also seemed to notice is that ´´real pharma grade´´ the Cinnatropin HGH and Genotropin HGH both were underdosed with some iu´s while the top generics were never underdosed, but rather overdosed which is just a plus for all of us.

We are only nitpicking at this point. All this HGH is amazing and you are getting a good product either way.
@dros Your incessant need to post about HGH and tell the community what 'we' should be doing when you haven't even a basic understanding of the subject matter is equally confusing as irritating. Why not sit back and learn until you have something valuable to contribute other than random results you cherry-picked from various threads without even crediting the posters/labs that paid for them.
Where have I said what the ´´community´´need to be doing?

What is wrong about sharing lab tests?
What basic understand am I missing when it comes to HGH? Please tell me or show me where to look instead of just being irritated.

Some of those tests could have had hgh degradtion or bad storage thats why some was underdosed. but the point is you are getting good hgh from ´generics´

You also have HGH with similar results. maybe you are irritated because i didnt include yours?
Where have I said what the ´´community´´need to be doing?

What is wrong about sharing lab tests?
What basic understand am I missing when it comes to HGH? Please tell me or show me where to look instead of just being irritated.

Some of those tests could have had hgh degradtion or bad storage thats why some was underdosed. but the point is you are getting good hgh from ´generics´

You also have HGH with similar results. maybe you are irritated because i didnt include yours?
Note every statement you make with 'we' in your post. No, those results are not affected by degradation or 'bad storage' to any significant degree, which you'd know if you actually looked into this and/or performed regular testing yourself.

Your sample size is completely insufficient to make sweeping statements about generic or pharma HGH as categories. Sharing lab tests (though not without permission in all cases) is fine, summarizing the results incorrectly is to the detriment of the community however.
Note every statement you make with 'we' in your post. No, those results are not affected by degradation or 'bad storage' to any significant degree, which you'd know if you actually looked into this and/or performed regular testing yourself.
Ok, than what caused it? Can you not explain instead of just saying .no,no.wrong.wrong

I am typing we because it´s a community. I have no other ulterior motives or whatever the fuck you think I got going on. You seem so irritated yet never explain what is wrong. Just saying no. wrong. no. no. wrong.

Your sample size is completely insufficient to make sweeping statements about generic or pharma HGH as categories. Sharing lab tests (though not without permission in all cases) is fine, summarizing the results incorrectly is to the detriment of the community however.
The point is. Top generics tested better than HGH Pharma grade in these results. That is all I have posted.

Please summarize the results correctly then if I did it wrong. Or explain what was wrong. You dont point to any direction for me or others to learn by replying this way.
@dros I don't think you have ulterior motives, you're just overeagerly posting a handful of lab reports that support your theory while missing some pharma reports that scored way better than any generics, missing out on information we do have on the time in uncooled transport various HGH samples have spent during different seasons of the year from which we can deduce any significant degradation (spoiler: not significant or discernable against the margin of error inherent to HGH testing) and a lot more that cannot just be summarized into a bite-sized post.
The only difference from PHARMA GRADE and GENERIC, with the same dosage of raw is ECCIPIENTS/ INGREDIENT.
In injection the best oil is ONLY CASTOR OIL, not other oil or EO, MCT , because its absorbiment is very long from the depot of the muscle, the other oils aren't good for long Ester and frequency 1-2 time for week.
In oral there are more eccipient for absorbiment in the stomache and other thing. In the REAL ORIGINAL HGH like Humatrope( the first hgh) there are eccipient and in water of hgh there arr other eccipient. READ INGREDIENT OF HUMATROPE, GENOTROPIN... SAIZEN...
The best pharma is always the first on the market, after patent is finish, other company do the GENERIC( the copy with the same raw).
Pharma grade test e in USA is the GENERIC OF TESTOVIRON( this is the original) .
Im running optis now after years of pharm grade hgh all different kinds and the CTS im getting from opti right now is so bad im having to sleep with my hands off the bed at night! It feels like my hands are on fire!I never got CTS from any pharm grade hgh EVER like this and I dont know what they put in the generics but its rough. Ive been on hgh for almost ten years so not new to this game but not sure what else to do dropped my dose to see if it helps but otherwise im done with generics for good!
Im running optis now after years of pharm grade hgh all different kinds and the CTS im getting from opti right now is so bad im having to sleep with my hands off the bed at night! It feels like my hands are on fire!I never got CTS from any pharm grade hgh EVER like this and I dont know what they put in the generics but its rough. Ive been on hgh for almost ten years so not new to this game but not sure what else to do dropped my dose to see if it helps but otherwise im done with generics for good!
How much u running of either?
Just wondering if you take Pharma HGH and send it over to Jano for testing, what are the chances that you can get dimmer in the results? I get it, all the pharma stuff is getting checked way more better then generic stuff... But what if...?