Is there REALLY a difference between Pharm and Generic HGH?

  • Thread starter Deleted member 123722
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Yeah for me blacks are pretty bad and mauves are basically unusable because of how bad the cts is almost immediately.

30iu gh..... What's your blood sugar look like? Or was that a one shot deal, not something you ran for a length of time?
I use the 30ius for 4 weeks enough to see the results and sides. Yes lethargy is hard but nothing we cant handle if we are tough and focused . Blood sugar no problem because i never ever use hgh without slin . people dont understant what makes you diabetic is using hgh alone mostly at dosages over 8ius. of course this was a test and now using more normal dosages like 10 to 15 day
Going to bump this. Right now a little frustrated. Over the years I have run various generics, a few of the options from tp as well as opti. All of them give me that hand pain/numbness/cts

I can run serostim at 4iu with no issues, switch to opti at the same dose and the cts is so bad it screws up my sleep. I always end up dropping it, starting back at 1iu and trying to taper my way up but encounter it every time i try to go past 2iu.

If opti has such a high purity, such low dimmer content and is made in a licensed gmp facility, why do I get these side effects that I don't with serostim?

I would love to be able to save several hundred dollars a month and run generics, but if the cts is ruining sleep it's counter productive.
I switched from GL to Opti and I'm getting cts now. I was running 6-7 of GL and then 6-7 of Opti. I am dropping the dose to 4 but my IGF was the highest it was been on Opti.
Gl is goodlyfe right?
Yes. I was happy with his product too. When I started everything I got super excited and bought hgh from both of them lol. I stopped ordering goodlyfe because I had Opti on hand.

I noticed increased water retention from Opti but a higher igf1. The CTS has been bad over the past week but I am dropping the dose to 5iu nightly.

I still have about 16 kits total. 6 Opti, 10 qsc. After this I'll give QSC a try.
Yes. I was happy with his product too. When I started everything I got super excited and bought hgh from both of them lol. I stopped ordering goodlyfe because I had Opti on hand.

I noticed increased water retention from Opti but a higher igf1. The CTS has been bad over the past week but I am dropping the dose to 5iu nightly.

I still have about 16 kits total. 6 Opti, 10 qsc. After this I'll give QSC a try.
Huh very interesting. I'm still on the fence what I want to do here. Stick with the opti or find a way to fund the pharma and avoid the cts.

How drastic was the difference in your Igf?
Huh very interesting. I'm still on the fence what I want to do here. Stick with the opti or find a way to fund the pharma and avoid the cts.

How drastic was the difference in your Igf?
About 95. There are some other factors. New cycle, nandrolone was added but same overall total AAS mg.

Increases caloric intake as well.

But the CTS is most definitely annoying. I feel I am responding higher to this compound and I noticed the more water retention I have the worse it is. Maybe adding daily dandelion root or low dose lasix wouldn't be a bad idea.
About 95. There are some other factors. New cycle, nandrolone was added but same overall total AAS mg.

Increases caloric intake as well.

But the CTS is most definitely annoying. I feel I am responding higher to this compound and I noticed the more water retention I have the worse it is. Maybe adding daily dandelion root or low dose lasix wouldn't be a bad idea.
Really appreciate the input. I like the fact of how much less opti costs but if I can't even get up to 4iu it's kinda frustrating
Really appreciate the input. I like the fact of how much less opti costs but if I can't even get up to 4iu it's kinda frustrating
Yea it's bearing the shit out of my hand right now while I'm typing this. But i plan to keep running 5 of this. Maybe I will just reserve this one for my wife since she is running lowe doses
Really appreciate the input. I like the fact of how much less opti costs but if I can't even get up to 4iu it's kinda frustrating
Sides are so individualistic when it comes to hgh. I have ran 2 up to 10iu of optis and the only side I get is just tightness in my thumbs. I could probably stay on 10iu for months and be fine, but that's way too much.

Definitely give opti or gl a try, much cheaper than pharma and you might end up tolerating sides just fine.
Sides are so individualistic when it comes to hgh. I have ran 2 up to 10iu of optis and the only side I get is just tightness in my thumbs. I could probably stay on 10iu for months and be fine, but that's way too much.

Definitely give opti or gl a try, much cheaper than pharma and you might end up tolerating sides just fine.
I am on Opti now, can't seem to run more than 2iu, might try gl
Pharm rHGH its tears of Chinese children :) If you buy underground rHGH, you should know that purity and other properties are poor. In USA/CA you buy most likely Mexican rHGH, in Europe is Chinese.
You should buy only in the pharmacy, for Instance, I prefer Pfizer rHGH
Yes some people born for bodybuilding handle all sides and others cant handle 5ius hgh . i see i can handle 30ius one month , but to use all year round cant go over 20ius per day
Yo monstro, do you run insulin with your hgh? If so, can you please help a brother out with a good slin protocol.
What Ive heard is the manufacturing process is so complex and sensitive, there are only a few facilities in the whole world that make it. The difference between pharma and generic is degradation. My bro science opinion is that the gh is being sold out the back door and/or its expired by usp/gmp standards and then it makes its way to black market. Then its stored improperly and shipped not refrigerated, in most cases with no preservative other than the drying process if you get the powder. Or I wonder if pharmacies are selling it either legally or illegally depending on the country
What Ive heard is the manufacturing process is so complex and sensitive, there are only a few facilities in the whole world that make it. The difference between pharma and generic is degradation. My bro science opinion is that the gh is being sold out the back door and/or its expired by usp/gmp standards and then it makes its way to black market. Then its stored improperly and shipped not refrigerated, in most cases with no preservative other than the drying process if you get the powder. Or I wonder if pharmacies are selling it either legally or illegally depending on the country
If this is the case, would these HPLC tests that everyone uses to find out purity, not be able to distinguish if the product has degraded to shit?
If this is the case, would these HPLC tests that everyone uses to find out purity, not be able to distinguish if the product has degraded to shit?
I dont have as much info as I would like. Doesnt seem like there is a lot of info out there. I would think when it drops below the 98% pharm standard the degradation effect more than just potency. I would wager its degraded on a immeasurable molecular level. Im just bro sciencing out of my ass its based out of logic the little research Ive done but yea bro science really