Is there REALLY a difference between Pharm and Generic HGH?

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no, water retention everywhere.
your heart has to work much harder the more water you retain (the more "fluid" it has to transport so to speak).
if it is too much for your hearts capacity fluid will flow into your lungs --> your heart will slowly fail --> more water in lungs --> heart failure.
this is especially true if you already have a slight issue with your heart
Only way to know for sure is to buy a some of each and compare for yourself.

There are people on both sides with strong opinions on this. I've only used pharma, so I can't comment comparing my experiences with the two. My perspective has always been that I don't care what a test someone posts on a forum says, I'm going to use the pharma product if it's within my means. That goes for GH, AAS, and any other drug, hormone, etc.

Also, all pharma has not been created equal, in my experience. I think it's all legit, and even though they're made by the same company, I held way less water on Saizen than Serostim. Switched directly from Seros to Saizen and within days saw shoulder striations appear my mid section become more visible, skin appear tighter to the muscle.

Still using Seros, as they get the job done, are cheaper and more convenient to source for me.
Only way to know for sure is to buy a some of each and compare for yourself.

There are people on both sides with strong opinions on this. I've only used pharma, so I can't comment comparing my experiences with the two. My perspective has always been that I don't care what a test someone posts on a forum says, I'm going to use the pharma product if it's within my means. That goes for GH, AAS, and any other drug, hormone, etc.

Also, all pharma has not been created equal, in my experience. I think it's all legit, and even though they're made by the same company, I held way less water on Saizen than Serostim. Switched directly from Seros to Saizen and within days saw shoulder striations appear my mid section become more visible, skin appear tighter to the muscle.

Still using Seros, as they get the job done, are cheaper and more convenient to source for me.
I wonder what it is that causes the water retention
I wonder what it is that causes the water retention
From a prior user of hgh, 10iu daily is a very high dose. I'd personally never use that high at all, but everyone needs to decide if the benefit is worth the risk. Did a lot of reading a while back, and that kind of dose for extended periods could cause organ growth and I think diabetes if not kept in check. I'd have to refresh myself, but worth looking into if 10iu is the plan as I might be a little off but pretty sure it's a risk.

But I'd definitely work up to that if I was the OP, many get cts at much less and have to back down. Strangely, I got almost no sides at 6 to 8iu.

Update: Some reading on other forums shows some running 10 and higher, so maybe it's not as bad as I think. I'd definitely monitor blood sugar.
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From a prior user of hgh, 10iu daily is a very high dose. I'd personally never use that high at all, but everyone needs to decide if the benefit is worth the risk. Did a lot of reading a while back, and that kind of dose for extended periods could cause organ growth and I think diabetes if not kept in check. I'd have to refresh myself, but worth looking into if 10iu is the plan as I might be a little off but pretty sure it's a risk.

But I'd definitely work up to that if I was the OP, many get cts at much less and have to back down. Strangely, I got almost no sides at 6 to 8iu.

Update: Some reading on other forums shows some running 10 and higher, so maybe it's not as bad as I think. I'd definitely monitor blood sugar.
I agree that it’s really high haha I did it for a couple months just to see what would happened and it just made me sleep all the time . No one needs 10iu. 5iu is the most anyone would ever need.
From a prior user of hgh, 10iu daily is a very high dose. I'd personally never use that high at all, but everyone needs to decide if the benefit is worth the risk. Did a lot of reading a while back, and that kind of dose for extended periods could cause organ growth and I think diabetes if not kept in check. I'd have to refresh myself, but worth looking into if 10iu is the plan as I might be a little off but pretty sure it's a risk.

But I'd definitely work up to that if I was the OP, many get cts at much less and have to back down. Strangely, I got almost no sides at 6 to 8iu.

Update: Some reading on other forums shows some running 10 and higher, so maybe it's not as bad as I think. I'd definitely monitor blood sugar.
I don't' get sides from GH, for some reason. The most I ever get are hands fall asleep at night.
You don’t notice getting tired at all during the day?
What brand gh made u tired?
I only get this from half the gh brands the other half gives me more energy to the point its hard to fall asleep at night!
Other brands i sleep like a baby and have the craziest dreams .
Lethargy is a direct effect of rhGH as it modulates the adrenocortical system (promotes conversion of cortisol to inactive cortisone). I have some ideas of how to improve this practically.
You don’t notice getting tired at all during the day?
I've taken Riptropin, Hygetropin, Elitroprin (Mexi rex), and who knows what other generics over the years. The longest run with GH was my recent with Goodlyfe at 7 months 5ius ED.

I've tried Norditropin and Serostim; two pens, and 126iu kit (not long enough to truly know.)

Never did I get tired after a shot or anything like that.

The ONLY time my hands went fully numb after a shot, was the first time I ever took GH in 2006, where my friend who was playing arena football gave me blue tops and told me to take 1.5iu am and pm. Literally a little while after the first shot, hands went numb...never got that again from any other brand; I'd only get numb hands in the am when I wake up.
What you guys do when getting your bloodwork? Usually take growth in am fasted but need to get bloodwork done fast first thing in am. Skip that day or take anyway? Would think it would mess with sugars.
What you guys do when getting your bloodwork? Usually take growth in am fasted but need to get bloodwork done fast first thing in am. Skip that day or take anyway? Would think it would mess with sugars.
Always fasted
Let´s tell the truth and only the truth .
Nothing beats pharma hgh if you got it on your pharmacy and take it home on a cooler . But is my country Geno from pharmacy is 5 times more expensive than buy a very good UGL HGH like Meditrope .
It worth´s pay 5 times more?

* The biggest difference on pharma is they give you less water retention ( so if you are a top pro probably last weeks pre contest is better to go with pharma ).
Here's the crazy thing about my experience. Back in 2006, my buddy gave me a kit of blue tops; he said take 1.5 in the am, and 1.5 in the pm. My hands went numb... but NEVER again with any other product, whether Pharm or not since that time. So weird.

The recent kits I ran from Goodlyfe, I would wake up with sleepy hands, but that's about it. At 5ius, my IGF-1 came back at 371. If I ran 10ius a day, maybe I'd get 700 or something, but I didn't try. But if I did that, I'd be spending over 300 a month.
Do you think 2iu of Goodlyfe would keep sides to a min and still provide any better sleep or recovery? Did you take it before bed, post workout or?
Do you think 2iu of Goodlyfe would keep sides to a min and still provide any better sleep or recovery? Did you take it before bed, post workout or?
the only thing I literally notice, is better sleep and dreams...all the other magical claims I've never seen, including fat melting off no matter what, and super-duper recovery. My recovery is literally identical with or without GH, which makes sense, because GH doesn't grow muscle tissue, so why would they recover any faster? I've had people say it helps their injuries or whatever, but I've never been injured, so I can't comment on that.