Is there truly a difference in UGL testosterone and Pharma grade?

Its funny you quoted it too. UGL Test ( testosterone ). He wasnt refering to trenbolone or halotestin for sure
So you think bodybuilders only buy tren and halo from ugls?

Im pretty sure a lab that produces tren has no problems with test.... or is there something magic about pharma grade test now?
1st choice is human grade
2nd is vet grade
3rd is ugl

You have your base with human grade products testo nandro drol,dbol
And then you build with ugl ,tren masteron etc.

That's what every successful bodybuilder does.

I'm using ugl testo myself when I wanna save money. It's working good everything but when I change from ugl to pharma I certainly notice a difference, better libido ,better elections, better moods , more size etc.
Human grade works better at least in my body.
I use as much pharma as I can then the rest are ugl.

Have anyone come across vet grade trenbolone these days ?

PS: for anyone doesn't know there is also HG version of drostalone propionate.
Bristol Myers drosta diprop 100mg/ml 20ml vial.
They use it in hospitals and clinical trials. It's very rare to find it but there is and there are bodybuilders with good connections who using it.
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Pharma is only better because of quality control and safety. It's not stronger. It's just properly dosed.
Unless you have gotten underdosed gear from a UGL. Then of course Pharma would be stronger. You can get more potent gear from a UGL if they overdose it.

I have brewed my own raws from China, and also used pharma stuff. No difference because my raws source is legit. Same levels because I brewed myself.
If getting vials sent from a source, there is no way of knowing how they brewed it. No way of knowing if their raw source is getting quality raws. Your at the mercy of the raw source and the finished sources brewing techniques.
Of course ugl is often underdosed, for every 1 person that tests it there are 500 other idiots that don't know any better and think just because they're on a needle it must be good!

Powder is the bottleneck of production, it always is. What does a company do when they can't keep up with production versus customer base? Easy, underdose shit!!
Just common sense pharm grade is made in multi million dollar facilites and are of much much higher quality, from raws to oills used to proceedure, everything is of high quality
You have a pretty vivid imagination. The raws come from the exact same places as the ones you have access to from Panda et al. Hell, you can get online and find a dozen raw suppliers right now and they’ll sell you whatever you want, in bulk. The raws for valsartan were so pure and so high grade for those discerning pharma companies that the finished product had to be pulled from the shelves because they were full of carcinogens. It wasn’t the first time, it won’t be the last. Hell, when Covid first hit there was serious concern for the pharma supply chain because most of their raw materials come from…wait for it…Wuhan and the surrounding area along the Yangtze River. Those factories will sell directly to YOU tomorrow if you have the cash for a bulk order. Pharma isn’t special. The CSO that my test is made in is USP grade, something I can buy from a dozen different wholesalers, no special license required. The only difference is sterility of the lab and filtration, neither of which need to be better than the minimum threshold. After that point the hormone isn’t somehow magically better or more effective, it’s just made in a place that checked off a lot of boxes.
You have a pretty vivid imagination. The raws come from the exact same places as the ones you have access to from Panda et al. Hell, you can get online and find a dozen raw suppliers right now and they’ll sell you whatever you want, in bulk. The raws for valsartan were so pure and so high grade for those discerning pharma companies that the finished product had to be pulled from the shelves because they were full of carcinogens. It wasn’t the first time, it won’t be the last. Hell, when Covid first hit there was serious concern for the pharma supply chain because most of their raw materials come from…wait for it…Wuhan and the surrounding area along the Yangtze River. Those factories will sell directly to YOU tomorrow if you have the cash for a bulk order. Pharma isn’t special. The CSO that my test is made in is USP grade, something I can buy from a dozen different wholesalers, no special license required. The only difference is sterility of the lab and filtration, neither of which need to be better than the minimum threshold. After that point the hormone isn’t somehow magically better or more effective, it’s just made in a place that checked off a lot of boxes.
I was honestly under the impression that Watson and other big pharma companies alike made their own raws. Guess I was wrong. Your point is valid imo

If both are dosed the same mg / ml and the same active ingredient.

But the problem is you get raws on occasion that are say 95% pure, is that 5% enough of a difference? likely not.

Is the rate of release different between oils? Possible, I don't know if any studies have been done on this. Some oils may release slower or faster.

Placebo is very powerful too. People can legit be given sugar pills and feel similar effects of people given the actual drug. This is very well established within the scientific community.

Go on youtube and type in placebo effect, there plenty of videos about this.

So people saying yes pharma feels better it's going to all be in their head. They think it's better therefore they will feel better on it or notice more positive changes cause they have convinced themselves of it. That or the ugl test they have been using is dogshit low purity which is also possible.

That's why anecdotal reports are worth very little.

Also could some of the impurities in the UGL test make you feel a little shitty? Yeah sure. @janoshik posted a sheet with a list of them I think?

But for arguements sake if pharma and a ugl use 99% pure powder, both will yield the same results.

You cant rewrite the laws of chemistry. A testosterone molecule is a testosterone molecule whether it's ugl or pharma despite what anyone has convinced themselves of.

If both are dosed the same mg / ml and the same active ingredient.

But the problem is you get raws on occasion that are say 95% pure, is that 5% enough of a difference? likely not.

Is the rate of release different between oils? Possible, I don't know if any studies have been done on this. Some oils may release slower or faster.

Placebo is very powerful too. People can legit be given sugar pills and feel similar effects of people given the actual drug. This is very well established within the scientific community.

Go on youtube and type in placebo effect, there plenty of videos about this.

So people saying yes pharma feels better it's going to all be in their head. They think it's better therefore they will feel better on it or notice more positive changes cause they have convinced themselves of it. That or the ugl test they have been using is dogshit low purity which is also possible.

That's why anecdotal reports are worth very little.

Also could some of the impurities in the UGL test make you feel a little shitty? Yeah sure. @janoshik posted a sheet with a list of them I think?

But for arguements sake if pharma and a ugl use 99% pure powder, both will yield the same results.

You cant rewrite the laws of chemistry. A testosterone molecule is a testosterone molecule whether it's ugl or pharma despite what anyone has convinced themselves of.

Janoshik said that it wasn't even worth testing for the heavy metals with the few people that *had* requested them.

The answer to this question is where do you think the APIs for the big pharma companies come from? Most likely India and China as well. If you have HPLC tested Test Cyp that is 98+% brewed properly then no it's in your own head.

Nice to see @Connor 25257 is still here with his schizophrenic takes on how the UGL market is collapsing. I'm still waiting, the Canadian labs having Anavar sales etc when the world is supposed to be running dry.....

Ignore him and move on.

I've tried both and pulled bloods and a good lab puts me at the same levels as the pharma test with the same feeling.
I dont mean heavy metals.

I meant things left over from the reaction process. Trace amounts of random test molecules and things like heptanoic acid.

Is any of that in high enough quantities to cause any actual effects? Debatable.
Janoshik said that it wasn't even worth testing for the heavy metals with the few people that *had* requested them.

The answer to this question is where do you think the APIs for the big pharma companies come from? Most likely India and China as well. If you have HPLC tested Test Cyp that is 98+% brewed properly then no it's in your own head.

Nice to see @Connor 25257 is still here with his schizophrenic takes on how the UGL market is collapsing. I'm still waiting, the Canadian labs having Anavar sales etc when the world is supposed to be running dry.....

Ignore him and move on.

I've tried both and pulled bloods and a good lab puts me at the same levels as the pharma test with the same feeling.
No AAS sample ever tested nowhere near dangerous heavy metal level.
Janoshik said that it wasn't even worth testing for the heavy metals with the few people that *had* requested them.

The answer to this question is where do you think the APIs for the big pharma companies come from? Most likely India and China as well. If you have HPLC tested Test Cyp that is 98+% brewed properly then no it's in your own head.

Nice to see @Connor 25257 is still here with his schizophrenic takes on how the UGL market is collapsing. I'm still waiting, the Canadian labs having Anavar sales etc when the world is supposed to be running dry.....

Ignore him and move on.

I've tried both and pulled bloods and a good lab puts me at the same levels as the pharma test with the same feeling.
I’m not from Canada. So I have my doubts about this “Anavar sale” unless it’s bunk Anavar, seeing as it’s commonly faked it wouldn’t shock me. This thread is old though. But since it was brought to my attention, yes, UGL’s are dying- plain and simple. My bloods on ugl and pharma test differ very much- in favor of the Pharma as you could guess
I’m not from Canada. So I have my doubts about this “Anavar sale” unless it’s bunk Anavar, seeing as it’s commonly faked it wouldn’t shock me. This thread is old though. But since it was brought to my attention, yes, UGL’s are dying- plain and simple. My bloods on ugl and pharma test differ very much- in favor of the Pharma as you could guess
Holy fuck Connor… you just hit a whole new level of stupid..
I’m not from Canada. So I have my doubts about this “Anavar sale” unless it’s bunk Anavar, seeing as it’s commonly faked it wouldn’t shock me. This thread is old though. But since it was brought to my attention, yes, UGL’s are dying- plain and simple. My bloods on ugl and pharma test differ very much- in favor of the Pharma as you could guess
Find yourself a reputable UGL. Rest assured they are not dying. In Canada they are alive and well.