Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

I find this very worrying tbh. So many here use Jano for testing and will now have to ask themselves if he can actually be trusted.
Nah, all they have to do is take the label off and send a blind sample. If he gets it right then they can be sure it's correct. If not then let everyone know. The only one of be concerned about is tren since it has a trademark golden piss color. Would be interesting to see if you could somehow color some test yellow and send it off looking like tren. Or brew it at a weird concentration like 58 mg/mL
Nah, all they have to do is take the label off and send a blind sample. If he gets it right then they can be sure it's correct. If not then let everyone know. The only one of be concerned about is tren since it has a trademark golden piss color. Would be interesting to see if you could somehow color some test yellow and send it off looking like tren. Or brew it at a weird concentration like 58 mg/mL
He's honestly had people try to throw him curve balls like that, but he continues to get it right.

He did fuck up with mands but we don't have any better options. He is good for our community and imo, proved to be a valuable asset at this point.

We've all made mistakes and done shit we aren't proud of. I'm sure jano wishes he didn't do what he did but he's done pretty well trying to make it right since then. I know I've done some shit that I'm not proud of but none of us are perfect.

I appreciate what he brings to the table and his services have made our community a better and safer place.
He's honestly had people try to throw him curve balls like that, but he continues to get it right.

He did fuck up with mands but we don't have any better options. He is good for our community and imo, proved to be a valuable asset at this point.

We've all made mistakes and done shit we aren't proud of. I'm sure jano wishes he didn't do what he did but he's done pretty well trying to make it right since then. I know I've done some shit that I'm not proud of but none of us are perfect.

I appreciate what he brings to the table and his services have made our community a better and safer place.
That's What my impression has been as well @MadBret

I've seem a bunch of people send him unlabeled stuff and he gets it right. Is it possible he potentially cuts corners with a labeled vial? Maybe? But I don't see why he would, the gain is so small vs the risk.

It is also possible that there is truth to the original story about replacing the #17 vial with Mands, but who knows. Maybe he did fuck up and yes, we have all fucked up. I've done plenty of stuff I am not proud of too.

Regardless, I too appreciate what he does for the community and I think the net positive he provides far outweighs the negatives.
Jano really impresses me, it takes a lot of heart to #1 completely own up to ones mistake and #2 to come back and be the guy this community has so badly needed for so long.

Janoshik is one of the best things to happen to the AAS community. PGP encryption, Bitcoin, domestic UGL, Meso, Janoshik.

We are fortunate to have him no doubt about it.
Janoshik is one of the best things to happen to the AAS community. PGP encryption, Bitcoin, domestic UGL, Meso, Janoshik.

We are fortunate to have him no doubt about it.

And the award for the brownest nose firmly stuck up an asshole goes to....:p.

He would be more useful and have more credibility if he had (a) not scammed/lied and (b) stayed off the bbing forums and kept his business profile professional and independent of labs and (c) not been so much of an arrogant sarcastic egomaniac with selected potential customers that he deems to not be as important to him as others on his buddy/fanboy system of doing dodgy business and having no ethics...

The predecessor testing services that operated before him never ever even once acted the way Jano does and they were never seen posting on bbing forums coz they were "professional/independent" testing services.......but keep stroking his ego if you want to and you will just make him more arrogant and self loving than he already is.

Jano is one of the best things to happen to the AAS community you say?...Bah...that might be true if you're a youngster with no real clue about the past within this community and your only real experience in this game is from using a wave of easy-to-set-up UGL labs that Jano is happy to get affiliated with and be buddies with out in the open on bbing forums..
And the award for the brownest nose firmly stuck up an asshole goes to....:p.

He would be more useful and have more credibility if he had (a) not scammed/lied and (b) stayed off the bbing forums and kept his business profile professional and independent of labs and (c) not been so much of an arrogant sarcastic egomaniac with selected potential customers that he deems to not be as important to him as others on his buddy/fanboy system of doing dodgy business and having no ethics...

The predecessor testing services that operated before him never ever even once acted the way Jano does and they were never seen posting on bbing forums coz they were "professional/independent" testing services.......but keep stroking his ego if you want to and you will just make him more arrogant and self loving than he already is.

Jano is one of the best things to happen to the AAS community you say?...Bah...that might be true if you're a youngster with no real clue about the past within this community and your only real experience in this game is from using a wave of easy-to-set-up UGL labs that Jano is happy to get affiliated with and be buddies with out in the open on bbing forums..
You are not a potential customer, you are a turd whose feelings I hurt that doesn't even lift and pretends to be a woman on online forums.

You are mad, because I have people appreciating me, sissy. Something you've never experienced before.
You are not a potential customer, you are a turd whose feelings I hurt that doesn't even lift and pretends to be a woman on online forums.

You are mad, because I have people appreciating me, sissy. Something you've never experienced before.


I'm not mad or hurt. I would need to actually care about what you say to feel emotions like that.

You're too bitchy to even bother continuing a conversation with.

Crack on and keep calling me silly names if that's all you've got.....

I'm not mad or hurt. I would need to actually care about what you say to feel emotions like that.

You're too bitchy to even bother continuing a conversation with.

Crack on and keep calling me silly names if that's all you've got.....
Nobody is having a conversation with you, so you don't need to be worried about that.

I'm not mad or hurt. I would need to actually care about what you say to feel emotions like that.

You're too bitchy to even bother continuing a conversation with.

Crack on and keep calling me silly names if that's all you've got.....
Did jano fuck your wife or something? How long are you going to cry about this shit? You have time to write these walls of texts everyday. Jeez
Nobody is having a conversation with you, so you don't need to be worried about that.

You're now blocked and ignored coz I can't be bothered with your pissy attitude and snide comments anymore that are clearly only given to try and deflect away from your own issues as an uncredible and untrustworthy service provider/business on Meso.

I'll still continue to raise awareness about you though and follow you with a vengeance in support of the community I've loved for so many years but blocking your replies will just save so much aggro for me coz you're clearly a waste of time and effort and obviously just a dodgy business/selective scammer.

Au revoir.....
@1tank1 Bro you shouldn’t fuck with jano haha you will lose , 95% of mesorx members and most sources are behind him. Unless you have rock hard evidence you can’t win.
@1tank1 Bro you shouldn’t fuck with jano haha you will lose , 95% of mesorx members and most sources are behind him. Unless you have rock hard evidence you can’t win.

Don't fuck with Jano? Seriously? ROFL and LMFAO.

Man up bro.

I'm not trying to win any arguments or gain popularity on a bbing forum for social or financial reasons. I just say what I think and I mean what I say.....always!

I'm not scared of, or intimidated by, Jano and his/her pathetic affiliated forum entourage....:eek:
He's honestly had people try to throw him curve balls like that, but he continues to get it right.

He did fuck up with mands but we don't have any better options. He is good for our community and imo, proved to be a valuable asset at this point.

We've all made mistakes and done shit we aren't proud of. I'm sure jano wishes he didn't do what he did but he's done pretty well trying to make it right since then. I know I've done some shit that I'm not proud of but none of us are perfect.

I appreciate what he brings to the table and his services have made our community a better and safer place.
Honestly if you think Jano ended his shadiness years ago after getting caught in a web of lies you are kidding yourself and everyone on meso.

He is evolved someway or another with Liska a source here on meso. Jano has stated before he should open up shop and sell GH.

Hell when we first started conversations he wanted to have me test aas from similar sources to confirm their legitimacy. This would generate his business platform and secure certain sources.

Just keep dreaming this guy is legit if it makes you sleep better at night.
