Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Wow, four posts in a row.

The more posts you make in a row the more concise and well thought your argument looks, right?

Ease up on the meth man, it's not good for you. Looking like a desperate tweaker is a weird business strategy.
You reply just like a jr high kid dude.

Expect to be called out at every turn.

What you say is now being blurred by your own replies. What used to work is no longer going to, you are being exposed.
I won't even waste my time talking to jano the scum scammer worm anymore.
He/she is on my block/ignore list and what he/she says on Meso is of no interest to me.

It's all lies and games to make better his/her profits...just like that fucking weird Liska cat bitch cafe doppelganger low life .....
Being on the blocked list is what he wants. He replies with the intellect of a child. He does it on purpose because people get tired of stupid kiddie replies that have no real substance and give up.

That's his tactic bro, don't fall for it :cool:
It's just a matter of time your ass gets banned even here, troll. Go suck some gas from parked cars.

Only thing sad about it will be @Btop losing one of his very few friends.
What? He's going to be banned for calling out a POS scammer out?

Once again, all you have is name calling.

Grow up dude, that shit isn't going to continue to work. The further we push this, the more will wake up.

How does mr untouchable feel about being made to look like an ass around every corner?

We can tell when we are over the target, we become incompetent loser drug addicts.

You are banned at BOP for scamming the adminastration. Has 1tank1 been banned for scamming anyone?

We see you bitch...
We can tell when we are over the target, we become incompetent loser drug addicts
Yes, that's it. You've got me.

Definitely has nothing to do with the fact you've managed to fail a business reselling product that ought to have sold by itself, your supplier is putting hands away from you and you feel this tweaky urge to write essays daily, to document how you're losing it.

Can't see how anybody would think you are an incompetent adict. Geez.
Idk, I think his testing and work is legit there is no real way he could fake so many times. What would he benefit from it anyway, I think he does what he does good and I like his role in steroids world. His work at least looks professional and carefully and precisely done, he test everything twice as I see. Not everyone can do such a job, so respect for that.

On the other hand, time for some insults, I hate how he talks and carries himself outside of his work and that cat of his liska is so in your face and annoying. Jano learn to communicate you have low iq for real.

Why are you bothering with someone giving you negative feedback? Let others be the judge don't throw yourself in and make dumb jokes about meth and all that stuff. Not your fucking business anyway, who's doing what. Keep working man, you're doing good, but it's not your job to fight off people that try to be negative for you. Let the forum members do it.
It is his job to defend because it's true. His actions, in your face no regret or remorse says he really doesn't care.

He was even banned at BOP for scamming the administration. They were blind testing to get him vetted so he could get going over there.

They wanted his services, he failed and has been banned for it.

They even have the labs posted.

He's been caught twice scamming, he even admitted to the first one but lied and lied and lied before he did.

How many times do you think he didn't get caught? I would say a lot.

There is lab4tox for people who don't want to support a scammer.

Ya, @Liska carries the highest hgh scores, even higher than gmp hgh and he spends countless dollars with him. Or does he?

Neither one can be trusted.

I don't understand why people would keep supporting him while there is an alternative.
BOP is and always has been a trash, scammer haven full of dumb motherfuckers. It doesn't surprise me that you are from that neck of the woods.

And @1tank1 You're are a bona fide idiot. You should probably watch less Murder She Wrote. It's obviously rotting your brain.
So you think BOP is trash but jano is the good guy?

What does him FAILING at a blind test have to do with BOP's credibility?

I wonder about your credibility since you will not support someone you think is scamming but will support someone that is an admitted scammer.

I saw the BOP link posted here by one of the other guys that are tired of the bullshit.

I may join BOP and link all this shit up through his scammer thread.

Thank you my new friend for this interaction, it gave me a really good idea.
Yes, that's it. You've got me.

Definitely has nothing to do with the fact you've managed to fail a business reselling product that ought to have sold by itself, your supplier is putting hands away from you and you feel this tweaky urge to write essays daily, to document how you're losing it.

Can't see how anybody would think you are an incompetent adict. Geez.
Ha ha, once again.

You avoid everything.

No worries, it's expected and people are starting to see.


Doesn't anyone realize that his scamming is making him more money than if he was trusted??

All he and his followers say is blind test, blind test, blind test.

Doesn't he get more money for blind testing?

So, since he can't be trusted, he gets paid more.

Are we starting to see here?

Blind testing is the biggest money making scam he's got. People pay extra because he can't be trusted.

Send your shit to lab4tox or pay him EXTRA because you don't trust him.

Your choice fellas.
@Btop honestly, I don't care. It's your dog fight between yourself and Jano.

I just mentioned I hate his attitude and low class insults, but I don't doubt his work at all.
Ya, @Liska carries the highest hgh scores, even higher than gmp hgh and he spends countless dollars with him. Or does he?
When I wake in the morning I take a deep breath of the purest GMP certified air (would rather suffocate than inhale any generic air, smells like cigarettes to me). Replying to non GMP certified forum generic posts like yours disgusts me to the point of puking in my litterbox so I have to get really high on some GMP Meow Meow beforehand (thanks for the hookup again).
@Btop honestly, I don't care. It's your dog fight between yourself and Jano.

I just mentioned I hate his attitude and low class insults, but I don't doubt his work at all.
I see what you are saying but you called the scamming a hoax, which it's not.

Do you trust him enough to send in gear not blind tested?

I hope the answer is no.
When I wake in the morning I take a deep breath of the purest GMP certified air (would rather suffocate than inhale any generic air, smells like cigarettes to me). Replying to non GMP certified forum generic posts like yours disgusts me to the point of puking in my litterbox so I have to get really high on some GMP Meow Meow beforehand (thanks for the hookup again).
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Of course you have nothing to say.

Cute little story by the way.

It's what was expected though.
So you think BOP is trash but jano is the good guy?

What does him FAILING at a blind test have to do with BOP's credibility?

I wonder about your credibility since you will not support someone you think is scamming but will support someone that is an admitted scammer.

I saw the BOP link posted here by one of the other guys that are tired of the bullshit.

I may join BOP and link all this shit up through his scammer thread.

Thank you my new friend for this interaction, it gave me a really good idea.
Not for nothing man but you do realize I can send Jano 2 samples and say it’s from the same vial when clearly it’s not?
Here's my experience with Jano. I was going back and forth with a PPL rep on SST, since I was upset that my T levels came back lower than expected, not thinking it was my fault with my first homebrew. The PPL rep insisted that I get the raws tested; on PPL's website, it literally states he will not except Jano testing, so I thought I'd make it a point to get it from him, thinking that PPL was selling shitty raws or something and afraid of Jano.

I overnighted a sample of my raws, which I paid a shitton for shipping. Jano got me the results literally the next day. As much as PPL and Jano hate each other, and Jano had the chance to literally say his raws were garbage, he did the exact opposite.


So I don't get it...

The only thing that could be a scam, is if people on this board are lying for Jano and get kickbacks saying they sent him blind samples but didn't. But due to him getting thousands of samples from all kinds of people, you'd have to see how this conspiracy would be rather large to uphold, especially with all the competing UGLs here.

I can see how the first scandal was bad; and frankly, we are in a drug business full of CRIMINALS, so what do you expect lol? Literally every one of us here is breaking the law, especially those of us in the US. This doesn't justify what Jano did back then, but if he stopped doing it, and he did it to save face at a critical time of his business so he could build up his brand, I can understand, although I wouldn't have lied. But now he has apparently proven himself thousands of times, and due to my experience, I see no reason to believe he is still lying or scamming.

Granted, could he have literally made up the results to this test? Sure. Could it be possible that he just literally takes in samples and grades them at random with made up numbers? Sure. The only way to know is to test the same sample with two different testing sources, so you would send the same sample to two different labs and see what they say.

But none of this explains the blind testing results.
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