Honestly if you think Jano ended his shadiness years ago after getting caught in a web of lies you are kidding yourself and everyone on meso.
He is evolved someway or another with Liska a source here on meso. Jano has stated before he should open up shop and sell GH.
Hell when we first started conversations he wanted to have me test aas from similar sources to confirm their legitimacy. This would generate his business platform and secure certain sources.
Just keep dreaming this guy is legit if it makes you sleep better at night.
Respect. You're absolutely right and anyone with real experience in this community sees the same things you see.
Jano only still exists in his business by preying on the weak, the gullible, and the newbies.
He's fake as fuck...
His offer of 5 free HGH lab tests for you was even more of an insult than scamming you to begin with coz who the fuck wants free lab tests from someone who already lied and did fake tests ROFL
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