Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Honestly if you think Jano ended his shadiness years ago after getting caught in a web of lies you are kidding yourself and everyone on meso.

He is evolved someway or another with Liska a source here on meso. Jano has stated before he should open up shop and sell GH.

Hell when we first started conversations he wanted to have me test aas from similar sources to confirm their legitimacy. This would generate his business platform and secure certain sources.

Just keep dreaming this guy is legit if it makes you sleep better at night.


Respect. You're absolutely right and anyone with real experience in this community sees the same things you see.

Jano only still exists in his business by preying on the weak, the gullible, and the newbies.

He's fake as fuck...

His offer of 5 free HGH lab tests for you was even more of an insult than scamming you to begin with coz who the fuck wants free lab tests from someone who already lied and did fake tests ROFL :rolleyes:
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Honestly if you think Jano ended his shadiness years ago after getting caught in a web of lies you are kidding yourself and everyone on meso.

He is evolved someway or another with Liska a source here on meso. Jano has stated before he should open up shop and sell GH.

Hell when we first started conversations he wanted to have me test aas from similar sources to confirm their legitimacy. This would generate his business platform and secure certain sources.

Just keep dreaming this guy is legit if it makes you sleep better at night.

I have no ill will towards you, bro. I respect what you stand for and can't blame you for your stance. He fucked you and that isn't going to change.

I just believe that he realized that he has a good thing going and there's plenty of money to made if he stays honest.

He obviously has the capability to test these things and we don't have a better option at this point in time.

Your point of view is understood and valid. I just believe that the positive outweighs the negative at this point.

Nothing but respect for you @mands. You've been a good dude and done good things for our community as well.

Hope you and yours are doing well, bud.
Honestly if you think Jano ended his shadiness years ago after getting caught in a web of lies you are kidding yourself and everyone on meso.

He is evolved someway or another with Liska a source here on meso. Jano has stated before he should open up shop and sell GH.

Hell when we first started conversations he wanted to have me test aas from similar sources to confirm their legitimacy. This would generate his business platform and secure certain sources.

Just keep dreaming this guy is legit if it makes you sleep better at night.

Bro hahaha jano is Liska and owns catcafe, I don’t know everything was mad suspicious. When David (Pharmasource) left liska answered his emails and refunded me. This sound crazy af but I think David is liskas chemist and does all the brewing and jano does the emails and selling and the testing haha but I don’t have any evidence.

Was just super strange that liska answered the mails from Pharmasource protonmail
With each passing day @janoshik is being exposed to the people that don't know the story and all the bullshit that goes with it.

All jano does is stick with one and two liners as a deflection from any real kind of talk.

I get it though, all he can say is...

Ya, I'm a piece of shit liar and scammer, I'd comment on being banned at BOP for blind testing from the same vial but that would just make me look bad so I won't.

But, I have plenty of guys to jump in there and demean anyone not agreeing so they can change the subject.

Ha ha, did I get that shit right?

Now, Take a listen here-

Doesn't anyone realize that his scamming is making him more money than if he was trusted??

All he and his lickers say is blind test, blind test, blind test.

Doesn't he get more money for blind testing?

So, since he can't be trusted, he gets paid more.

Are we starting to see here?

Blind testing is the biggest money making scam he's got. People pay extra because he can't be trusted.

Send your shit to the other guy or pay him EXTRA because you don't trust him.

Your choice fellas.
You are not a potential customer, you are a turd whose feelings I hurt that doesn't even lift and pretends to be a woman on online forums.

You are mad, because I have people appreciating me, sissy. Something you've never experienced before.
Don't be mad scammer.

@1tank1 is just calling it how it is...
He's honestly had people try to throw him curve balls like that, but he continues to get it right.

He did fuck up with mands but we don't have any better options. He is good for our community and imo, proved to be a valuable asset at this point.

We've all made mistakes and done shit we aren't proud of. I'm sure jano wishes he didn't do what he did but he's done pretty well trying to make it right since then. I know I've done some shit that I'm not proud of but none of us are perfect.

I appreciate what he brings to the table and his services have made our community a better and safer place.
He didn't get that shit right, at BOP they banned him for his blind testing.
Honestly if you think Jano ended his shadiness years ago after getting caught in a web of lies you are kidding yourself and everyone on meso.

He is evolved someway or another with Liska a source here on meso. Jano has stated before he should open up shop and sell GH.

Hell when we first started conversations he wanted to have me test aas from similar sources to confirm their legitimacy. This would generate his business platform and secure certain sources.

Just keep dreaming this guy is legit if it makes you sleep better at night.

You are absolutely correct dude.

Now he has @Liska running guard and pushing his testing. He has been the first to jump into any conversation against testing or jano.

They think people don't see it.

It's all good. There are a few of us running around now tired of the shit and ready to speak out.

We are just getting started as far as I'm concerned.
Wow, four posts in a row.

The more posts you make in a row the more concise and well thought your argument looks, right?

Ease up on the meth man, it's not good for you. Looking like a desperate tweaker is a weird business strategy.
Don't be mad scammer.

@1tank1 is just calling it how it is...

I won't even waste my time talking to jano the scum scammer worm anymore.
He/she is on my block/ignore list and what he/she says on Meso is of no interest to me.

It's all lies and games to make better his/her profits...just like that fucking weird Liska cat bitch cafe doppelganger low life .....
I won't even waste my time talking to jano the scum scammer worm anymore.
He/she is on my block/ignore list and what he/she says on Meso is of no interest to me.

It's all lies and games to make better his/her profits...just like that fucking weird Liska cat bitch cafe doppelganger low life .....
It's just a matter of time your ass gets banned even here, troll. Go suck some gas from parked cars.

Only thing sad about it will be @Btop losing one of his very few friends.
Idk, I think his testing and work is legit there is no real way he could fake so many times. What would he benefit from it anyway, I think he does what he does good and I like his role in steroids world. His work at least looks professional and carefully and precisely done, he test everything twice as I see. Not everyone can do such a job, so respect for that.

On the other hand, time for some insults, I hate how he talks and carries himself outside of his work and that cat of his liska is so in your face and annoying. Jano learn to communicate you have low iq for real.

Why are you bothering with someone giving you negative feedback? Let others be the judge don't throw yourself in and make dumb jokes about meth and all that stuff. Not your fucking business anyway, who's doing what. Keep working man, you're doing good, but it's not your job to fight off people that try to be negative for you. Let the forum members do it.
On the other hand, time for some insults, I hate how he talks and carries himself outside of his work and that cat of his liska is so in your face and annoying. Jano learn to communicate you have low iq for real.


Won't matter if he fixes more damage about his fake shitty attitude though. He/She is on a downward spiral and will not last/survive on the bbing forums long term.

It's only newbs and the ugl suckers that are taking him/her seriously at the moment coz that's his target (weak minded) audience....
He didn't get that shit right, at BOP they banned him for his blind testing.
BOP is and always has been a trash, scammer haven full of dumb motherfuckers. It doesn't surprise me that you are from that neck of the woods.

And @1tank1 You're are a bona fide idiot. You should probably watch less Murder She Wrote. It's obviously rotting your brain.
BOP is and always has been a trash, scammer haven full of dumb motherfuckers. It doesn't surprise me that you are from that neck of the woods.

And @1tank1 You're are a bona fide idiot. You should probably watch less Murder She Wrote. It's obviously rotting your brain.
Didn't BOP get hacked?
Just remember that people were real assholes on that forum.

Ontopic: playing devils advocate here. Jano could just get roidtest kit or something similar to that and that way know what compound was sent to him.
Didn't BOP get hacked?
Just remember that people were real assholes on that forum.

Ontopic: playing devils advocate here. Jano could just get roidtest kit or something similar to that and that way know what compound was sent to him.
Using reagent tests that can’t produce consistent or reliable results and can’t identify blends and can’t test peptides and have any number of other drawbacks seems like a really shitty alternative to just using the analytical equipment we know he has. But hey, someone has to pay for Palumbos lifestyle so why not Jano
Using reagent tests that can’t produce consistent or reliable results and can’t identify blends and can’t test peptides and have any number of other drawbacks seems like a really shitty alternative to just using the analytical equipment we know he has. But hey, someone has to pay for Palumbos lifestyle so why not Jano
fuck yeah @graciebjj

You know whats up. There's no reliable way to reagent test steroids like there is for tryptamines and whatnot. Roidtest is fucking bullshit and also it doesn't tell you concentration, so who gives a fuck. Congrats on having a vial of test brewed at 8mg/mL lmao.

Ok everyone, here is the real test: go ahead and send jano a real vial, homebrewed and labeled, but at a different concentration than the label says. E.g., send a test E vial brewed at 100 mg/mL that is labeled as 250 mg/mL and see what he comes back with. That would be the best way to know for sure what's going on.

Does it just somehow magicly come back at 240 mg/mL (an acceptable number)? Or does he find out that it really is brewed at 100 mg/mL
. Hell, you could even just brew a normal batch but for 1 vial dilute it proportionally so that one vial is 100 mg/mL and then send that as a test. This could be done for any substance and maybe be even better proof of honesty than a blind test. First you can see if he rakes a shortcut or not and second you don't have to pay as much.

IMO this would be the best route to go. I would really like to see someone do this and post the results.
fuck yeah @graciebjj

You know whats up. There's no reliable way to reagent test steroids like there is for tryptamines and whatnot. Roidtest is fucking bullshit and also it doesn't tell you concentration, so who gives a fuck. Congrats on having a vial of test brewed at 8mg/mL lmao.

Ok everyone, here is the real test: go ahead and send jano a real vial, homebrewed and labeled, but at a different concentration than the label says. E.g., send a test E vial brewed at 100 mg/mL that is labeled as 250 mg/mL and see what he comes back with. That would be the best way to know for sure what's going on.

Does it just somehow magicly come back at 240 mg/mL (an acceptable number)? Or does he find out that it really is brewed at 100 mg/mL
. Hell, you could even just brew a normal batch but for 1 vial dilute it proportionally so that one vial is 100 mg/mL and then send that as a test. This could be done for any substance and maybe be even better proof of honesty than a blind test. First you can see if he rakes a shortcut or not and second you don't have to pay as much.

IMO this would be the best route to go. I would really like to see someone do this and post the results.
Err. I'm fairly sure there are quite a few examples of that in the lab testing section already.