Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

I dont see how it was an insult. The owner of neauvotrope sent in a sample of his own GH, and @3ml would like to know more info about that. He believes you may have doctored the results by being paid off by Taureau. He asked a simple question, that is all and its a fair question.
I give you the benefit of the doubt. I believe Taureau put real gh in a vial, slapped on a neauvo label and sent it to you. But he then continues to sell peptides as neauvo. Just strange that a few guys scored low serum and IGF tests awhile back but all of a sudden we have 10iu in a vial. I highly doubt that when you have the owner of the lab sending you test samples. Hopefully my post wasn't insulting, and you can answer.
Asking loaded questions is generally not very polite, and it is unarguable it indeed was a loaded question. The narrative itself we considered insulting as well, but let's leave that be.

Thank you for very civil reply and question, Sir.

We have not doctored the results.

If we were doctoring the results upon request, we believe it would have blown over the years - especially with us having hundreds of different customers. Wouldn't you agree?

It is absolutely possible that we have been sent a sample different from the product sold - we have absolutely no way of determining that and have never claimed we do.

However, all users do indeed have a way of determining if either the report or the sample sent were improper by simply sending a sample for testing themselves.

We believe that there are no unique identifying markers (such as batch # on meditropes) on Nouveautrope, so we can't see our judgement being influenced by being able to identify the sample, especially if vial is sent without the top (as most of our private customers send the HGH vials without it to prevent any bias).

If you are interested in our opinion, we believe it would be foolish of the source to send off a different sample for the analysis as the source would risk much higher backslash should his customers proceed with having the analysis conducted themselves.

Most of the sources which sell bunk products are either unaware of it or in the worse case when they are aware of it, the last thing they would like to do would be to provide their customers with a test report which includes contact on the service, through which they can verify the genuineness of the product.

According to the website, the cost of a single kit is 375$, so the analysis costs would be less than a single kit making it accessible to the purchasers.
You've been caught in a huge lie, how am I to believe you were not working with/for Taureau on that deal?

How would it be foolish? It's next to impossible to prve that taureau did that, but knowing him like I do and knowing what he would gain, its very possible. He runs his own forum for christ sake where he funnels clients to his own economy lab. He's in it for the money and nothing else. He's fucked over a few people over the years, and these people don't forget. So yes, I find it very suspect that the owner of the lab would be the one sending the sample to you as well.

I guess we can agree to disagree, especially once a sample is sent to an actual very legit testing service that has not been caught in a bad lie that I am aware of.
You've been caught in a huge lie, how am I to believe you were not working with/for Taureau on that deal?

How would it be foolish? It's next to impossible to prve that taureau did that, but knowing him like I do and knowing what he would gain, its very possible. He runs his own forum for christ sake where he funnels clients to his own economy lab. He's in it for the money and nothing else. He's fucked over a few people over the years, and these people don't forget. So yes, I find it very suspect that the owner of the lab would be the one sending the sample to you as well.

I guess we can agree to disagree, especially once a sample is sent to an actual very legit testing service that has not been caught in a bad lie that I am aware of.
You don't have to believe anything Sir.

It's the easiest thing in the world to send the same samples to multiple laboratories for the analysis or to send us a blind sample.

Actually, hundreds of the samples sent to us were either blind or analyzed through multiple laboratories and many of them are to be found in this forum as well.
You've been caught in a huge lie, how am I to believe you were not working with/for Taureau on that deal?

How would it be foolish? It's next to impossible to prve that taureau did that, but knowing him like I do and knowing what he would gain, its very possible. He runs his own forum for christ sake where he funnels clients to his own economy lab. He's in it for the money and nothing else. He's fucked over a few people over the years, and these people don't forget. So yes, I find it very suspect that the owner of the lab would be the one sending the sample to you as well.

I guess we can agree to disagree, especially once a sample is sent to an actual very legit testing service that has not been caught in a bad lie that I am aware of.

No one gives a shit what you think.. it’s ironic how these skinny idiots come on here thinking their opinion matters
No one gives a shit what you think.. it’s ironic how these skinny idiots come on here thinking their opinion matters

You've been caught in a huge lie, how am I to believe you were not working with/for Taureau on that deal?

How would it be foolish? It's next to impossible to prve that taureau did that, but knowing him like I do and knowing what he would gain, its very possible. He runs his own forum for christ sake where he funnels clients to his own economy lab. He's in it for the money and nothing else. He's fucked over a few people over the years, and these people don't forget. So yes, I find it very suspect that the owner of the lab would be the one sending the sample to you as well.

I guess we can agree to disagree, especially once a sample is sent to an actual very legit testing service that has not been caught in a bad lie that I am aware of.

Sounds like you have your mind made up. What's to stop whatever his name is, from doing what you're accusing of him to be doing with simec? Would it make it more believable? He could send them a good sample and sell bunk shit. And you would believe it solely because it's simec? I doubt you would, because it seems like you've made up your mind.
I find it very ironic you of all people are asking someone to not insult you when you are the king of insults.

And yes the owner sending samples to you to test is wrong on so may levels. If I have to explain it to you @janoshik you brain is starting to melt.

@Nolij is @Mr.Perfect skinny? And how does ones physique relate to their opinion mattering?

I really do not understand ... A customer sends a sample to him and he provide the results... Thats it... If you have doubts buy the product on your own and test it in a lab based on your preferation ... But dont Talk bullshit based on your thinking.

I used the service from janoshik i am very hsppy
I really do not understand ... A customer sends a sample to him and he provide the results... Thats it... If you have doubts buy the product on your own and test it in a lab based on your preferation ... But dont Talk bullshit based on your thinking.

I used the service from janoshik i am very hsppy
https://thinksteroids.com/community...n-and-liar-thread-you-be-the-judge.134381544/. This might help explain the history, and why people find him to be untrustworthy
I find it very ironic you of all people are asking someone to not insult you when you are the king of insults.
We are not asking anybody to not insult us Sir, we are implying that we are in no way obliged to answer insults or insulting questions.

Always happy to help.

And yes the owner sending samples to you to test is wrong on so may levels. If I have to explain it to you @janoshik you brain is starting to melt.

I personally think sources should test their own gear for peace of mind on their end
or getting source to send you samples to test with letting the source know up front
Mail me this offer. 100 amps primo and 5 boxes anadrol. I will send off for testing. When it comes back good, I will send you $700.00 US dollars. I'll take $100 out for testing on your original $800 offer.


We are sorry, that you seem to have no better business than trying to insult us, however, please, feel free to suit yourself if that is what you'd like to do with your time.

Have a nice day.
I find it very ironic you of all people are asking someone to not insult you when you are the king of insults.

And yes the owner sending samples to you to test is wrong on so may levels. If I have to explain it to you @janoshik you brain is starting to melt.

@Nolij is @Mr.Perfect skinny? And how does ones physique relate to their opinion mattering?


your opinion do not matter when you have no business insulting a source, skinny or not. These guys seeking attention and jumping on the bandwagon of what they saw of others posted. bunch of followers, sheep; have no business being in here.
Let this guy do what he wants to do, let the ppl decide for themselves. You don’t want to use him; fine, who cares ? it’s on you. Let others form their opinion. They are grown as men.
This guy produced fraudulent lab results. That's not an opinion, that is a FACT. And yes, everyone should have a problem with that!

There is a difference between the AAS community and the AAS culture and we can see this here: The community is a bunch of punk bitches that are using Jano only being greedy for their own personal value and gain. You have nothing to offer the community in terms of harm reduction, you are just looking for the best deal with lab testing with a bullshit UGL. You can't utilize the services of a proven liar, then claim you are bearing the burden for the community. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You enable an underhanded system of backdoor deals and then begin to pass this information along to new members as if the information is valid and genuine. As if fraud has not been committed recently already.

The true AAS culture doesn't seek shortcuts. We build the community from the ground up by giving respect to those that have earned it and weeding out all those who are not trustworthy. Sources included.

There's other testing services out there that are impartial and do not have a history of ulterior motives. Why not use them?
How much does the equip to do this cost? Brand/model? C an joe blows with money buy it set it up themself.
We are not asking anybody to not insult us Sir, we are implying that we are in no way obliged to answer insults or insulting questions.

Always happy to help.

or getting source to send you samples to test with letting the source know up front

We are sorry, that you seem to have no better business than trying to insult us, however, please, feel free to suit yourself if that is what you'd like to do with your time.

Have a nice day.
That's all you got Jano? Do I need to flood your thread with quoting your lies. Or should I just link it here for all to read.

If you look at the timeline Analyzer had no idea what I was sending him for testing. But, feel free to dig up more and waste some time on me.

@Nolij I don't believe it's actually jumping on the bandwagon but actually educating the members what happened with this clown. All grown men can use guidance and learn from others. It's not a bad thing.

And I would say I had more than just a problem with him.

This guy produced fraudulent lab results. That's not an opinion, that is a FACT. And yes, everyone should have a problem with that!

There is a difference between the AAS community and the AAS culture and we can see this here: The community is a bunch of punk bitches that are using Jano only being greedy for their own personal value and gain. You have nothing to offer the community in terms of harm reduction, you are just looking for the best deal with lab testing with a bullshit UGL. You can't utilize the services of a proven liar, then claim you are bearing the burden for the community. Get the fuck out of here with that shit. You enable an underhanded system of backdoor deals and then begin to pass this information along to new members as if the information is valid and genuine. As if fraud has not been committed recently already.

The true AAS culture doesn't seek shortcuts. We build the community from the ground up by giving respect to those that have earned it and weeding out all those who are not trustworthy. Sources included.

There's other testing services out there that are impartial and do not have a history of ulterior motives. Why not use them?

Where are the results of fraudulent tests? until now I have not seen any fraudulent results. Tests with multiple laboratories, which have made nandroxl and euroroid, have shown that jano is reliable. Until you give me evidence to support what you wrote, I can not believe one word of your post.
Where are the results of fraudulent tests? until now I have not seen any fraudulent results. Tests with multiple laboratories, which have made nandroxl and euroroid, have shown that jano is reliable. Until you give me evidence to support what you wrote, I can not believe one word of your post.
Den there were not actual test prints given to me but PM's stating the concentration of my GH sent in. There is a link in the GH section. It's a sticky that shows the whole fiasco.

I'm gonna ask it in a polite way

Dear sir
Can you please be so kind as to enlighten us on which of the following methods do you use to come up with the purity figures?



Where are the results of fraudulent tests? until now I have not seen any fraudulent results. Tests with multiple laboratories, which have made nandroxl and euroroid, have shown that jano is reliable. Until you give me evidence to support what you wrote, I can not believe one word of your post.

Check the sticky out... I did post evidence. And not subjective evidence either. Clear cut admission of guilt.
If you look at the timeline Analyzer had no idea what I was sending him for testing.
We were not talking about Analyzer at all, Sir - just pointing out your lack of consistency. One could interpret that as deliberate hypocrisy.

In one post you are insulting us for accepting samples for testing from a source, in second post you say that sources should test their stuff, and in the third post you yourself are telling the source to send samples specifically for testing.

Den there were not actual test prints given to me but PM's stating the concentration of my GH sent in. There is a link in the GH section. It's a sticky that shows the whole fiasco.


Thank you for confirming that the only issue ever (that also happened years ago) with the results from our company was not even an official result on a report.

How many companies in the same field have record as good as that?


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