Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

That's all you got Jano? Do I need to flood your thread with quoting your lies. Or should I just link it here for all to read.
We believe the threads are already linked and relevant parts mentioned.

Do you have something that adds value to the discussion, or is spamming the thread all you can offer to the community here?

What do you think? How many times is too many?

If someone has a bad experience with a source, is sharing it over and over acceptable? Is 10 times too many? How about 100? 1000?

Now how about this? If someone has a good experience with a source, is sharing it over and over acceptable? Is 10 times too many? How about 100? 1000?

For me, if anyone says a source is a spammer (or gtg) without providing a clear reason or reasons then even one time is too many. They are simply wasting my time.

If the post adds value to the discussion, then I approve. If it doesn't, well then...
Den there were not actual test prints given to me but PM's stating the concentration of my GH sent in. There is a link in the GH section. It's a sticky that shows the whole fiasco.


Check the sticky out... I did post evidence. And not subjective evidence either. Clear cut admission of guilt.

I know the story that has had mands, with jano, I read that thread more than once. In that case, it is clear that jano was wrong. But it happened over a year ago, and I think it's the only case where jano has worked badly. Everyone can be wrong once ... now after 1 and a half years, jano has got to be tested by many users, resellers and producers, we have many tests on this forum too, and show that he is reliable. I believe that now that he is regaining confidence, he has understood that a mistake, it can cost very dear ... it takes little to ruin his reputation, so I think now he will not make more mistakes. I'm not a shill, but cheap alternatives are few. so it is better to hold tight, what we have available.
But it happened over a year ago,

I know a child molester who said the same thing.

show that he is reliable

You have that backwards... there is proof that he is NOT a reliable. How are you getting that he is reliable? When a child molester touches a kid, does it not matter if the perp was “nice” to many others? Cmon...

I believe that now that he is regaining confidence, he has understood that a mistake, it can cost very dear ... it takes little to ruin his reputation, so I think now he will not make more mistakes.

Pretty bold claim to make on behalf of a proven con-man.

I'm not a shill, but cheap alternatives are few. so it is better to hold tight, what we have available.

You would do exactly what I already stated and continue to utilize this lab for your own personal gain, thereby enabling Jano, when he chooses, to play around with the results as he pleases to trick others. And you would let this issue get burried so as not to have new members become aware of the shady history which Jano has.

He made a calculated decision to deceive Mands knowing that the information would be utilized for the purposes of advertising dosing which in turn would lead directly to SALES. He’s not a kid. He didn’t spill some milk. It wasn’t a “mistake.”
I know a child molester who said the same thing.

You have that backwards... there is proof that he is NOT a reliable. How are you getting that he is reliable? When a child molester touches a kid, does it not matter if the perp was “nice” to many others? Cmon...

Pretty bold claim to make on behalf of a proven con-man.

You would do exactly what I already stated and continue to utilize this lab for your own personal gain, thereby enabling Jano, when he chooses, to play around with the results as he pleases to trick others. And you would let this issue get burried so as not to have new members become aware of the shady history which Jano has.

He made a calculated decision to deceive Mands knowing that the information would be utilized for the purposes of advertising dosing which in turn would lead directly to SALES. He’s not a kid. He didn’t spill some milk. It wasn’t a “mistake.”
Lmao at pedophile comparison. I won't get into this debate. But you've got to be kidding me?!
I know a child molester who said the same thing.

You have that backwards... there is proof that he is NOT a reliable. How are you getting that he is reliable? When a child molester touches a kid, does it not matter if the perp was “nice” to many others? Cmon...

Pretty bold claim to make on behalf of a proven con-man.

You would do exactly what I already stated and continue to utilize this lab for your own personal gain, thereby enabling Jano, when he chooses, to play around with the results as he pleases to trick others. And you would let this issue get burried so as not to have new members become aware of the shady history which Jano has.

He made a calculated decision to deceive Mands knowing that the information would be utilized for the purposes of advertising dosing which in turn would lead directly to SALES. He’s not a kid. He didn’t spill some milk. It wasn’t a “mistake.”

yet, you did not understand the juice of the speech. if a person sends samples (Blinds) to analyze, in 2 or 3 laboratories, and the reports are more or less equal, it means that all 3 laboratories are reliable. jano had results in line with other laboratories, analyzing the same samples. so jano proved to be reliable. nobody can say the opposite. The reports speak for themselves. I'm only interested in this.
yet, you did not understand the juice of the speech. if a person sends samples (Blinds) to analyze, in 2 or 3 laboratories, and the reports are more or less equal, it means that all 3 laboratories are reliable. jano had results in line with other laboratories, analyzing the same samples. so jano proved to be reliable. nobody can say the opposite. The reports speak for themselves. I'm only interested in this.

You did not understand the juice of MY speech. Who cares if he has the ability to do what he says... he probably does! It's the fact that he is not trustworthy and has proven this.

Now you can deal with an UNTRUSTWORTHY lab testing VERIFICATION service all you like, however, there is an irony in combining the words verification and untrustworthy in the same sentence... something you have no concern about. I'll leave this dead horse at that.
You did not understand the juice of MY speech. Who cares if he has the ability to do what he says... he probably does! It's the fact that he is not trustworthy and has proven this.

Now you can deal with an UNTRUSTWORTHY lab testing VERIFICATION service all you like, however, there is an irony in combining the words verification and untrustworthy in the same sentence... something you have no concern about. I'll leave this dead horse at that.

we have two different ways of thinking, it is useless to continue this discussion. now every member in this forum knows the history of jano, and everyone will be able to draw conclusions on this story. Those who consider it unreliable will use another laboratory. Who, according to recent tests, considers it a good option, will send to analyze from him. I think there is nothing else to add.
Hello Jano. I found your analysis on androchem, and them were really good (all products over 96%). Are they true ?
Hello Jano. I found your analysis on androchem, and them were really good (all products over 96%). Are they true ?
Hello @Damian!

Please, let us know the task numbers or provide us with a link and we will check and let you know.

If the tests are from the past year, they can be verified on the following link by inputting the task number located in the upper left corner of the report and the key located at the bottom of the report:

- Janoshik
Please, when emailing us at info@janoshik.com make sure to include the following information:

1. what kind of samples would you like to have tested (AAS raws/oils/tablets, HGH, peptides, SARMS, ancillaries...)
2. which country would the samples be shipped from

It helps us serve you faster.

Thank you.
Please, when emailing us at info@janoshik.com make sure to include the following information:

1. what kind of samples would you like to have tested (AAS raws/oils/tablets, HGH, peptides, SARMS, ancillaries...)
2. which country would the samples be shipped from

It helps us serve you faster.

Thank you.

Can you share your prices or do we have to email you?
how long does it take to get to Jano from XXX? Dropped it off outside the post office on saturday.
@Sajan are you a fucking tool? Why don’t you email him this question?
I don't think so.
But I will go ahead and apologize for asking a Jano specific question in a Jano specific thread to users/Jano who may have experience on shipping times.
Thanks for your help!
I don't think so.
But I will go ahead and apologize for asking a Jano specific question in a Jano specific thread to users/Jano who may have experience on shipping times.
Thanks for your help!
Many issues like this can be solved by an email. Not to mention don’t put out your location.


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