Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

@jano it's not that I don't trust your service.. but I've had surgeries in the past through dirty gear and fake lab tests to convince me of junk...I notice that the products tested here on the forum almost always positive results are .. never results that a brand is junk or something .. I'm just sure that not every ug brand sells what they claim to sell .. so my question is are there also negative results .. a friend of mine namely made a suggestion of " if there are only positive results then isn't there a financial conspiracy between jano and the sources that let them test gear for marking... i'm not suggesting anything but just being careful that's why i'm asking gr
@jano it's not that I don't trust your service.. but I've had surgeries in the past through dirty gear and fake lab tests to convince me of junk...I notice that the products tested here on the forum almost always positive results are .. never results that a brand is junk or something .. I'm just sure that not every ug brand sells what they claim to sell .. so my question is are there also negative results .. a friend of mine namely made a suggestion of " if there are only positive results then isn't there a financial conspiracy between jano and the sources that let them test gear for marking... i'm not suggesting anything but just being careful that's why i'm asking gr
If there are thousands of blind tests send by thousands of different individuals, what are the chances of such conspiracy lasting a decade?

Take notice of how long do unreliable analytical labs last in this business and take a guess why I thrive on unmoderated forums would by my two suggested thinking points for the friend of yours.
@jano it's not that I don't trust your service.. but I've had surgeries in the past through dirty gear and fake lab tests to convince me of junk...I notice that the products tested here on the forum almost always positive results are .. never results that a brand is junk or something .. I'm just sure that not every ug brand sells what they claim to sell .. so my question is are there also negative results .. a friend of mine namely made a suggestion of " if there are only positive results then isn't there a financial conspiracy between jano and the sources that let them test gear for marking... i'm not suggesting anything but just being careful that's why i'm asking gr
1. Popular UGL sources such as QSC and Pharmacom have been found to send products which have the wrong identity or are underdosed. Some sources even denied Jano's results because "he's just a random internet stranger claiming to own a HPLC machine in his home".

2. If you want to test Jano's legitability, send him blind samples (don't include the brand and compound identity/dose).

I've personally used his service in the past, and I'm quite satisfied with the results, as he's able to correctly identify the compound and dose of the samples I sent. Pretty sure he's not some kind of wizard who's able to randomly guess the compound & dose of thousands of blind samples.
1. Popular UGL sources such as QSC and Pharmacom have been found to send products which have the wrong identity or are underdosed. Some sources even denied Jano's results because "he's just a random internet stranger claiming to own a HPLC machine in his home".

2. If you want to test Jano's legitability, send him blind samples (don't include the brand and compound identity/dose).

I've personally used his service in the past, and I'm quite satisfied with the results, as he's able to correctly identify the compound and dose of the samples I sent. Pretty sure he's not some kind of wizard who's able to randomly guess the compound & dose of thousands of blind samples.
and you are not also in a financial conspiracy to say that? haha no kidding bro, good explanation thnx but so you see how paranoia people start to think through all those fucking ugl labs that screw things up .. just make good gear or make it's not..
and you are not also in a financial conspiracy to say that? haha no kidding bro, good explanation thnx but so you see how paranoia people start to think through all those fucking ugl labs that screw things up .. just make good gear or make it's not..
Any decent lab/source will at minimum cover the cost of your blind testing in store credit, which can reduce the cost of alleviating your paranoia to almost nothing. The process of placing an order and taking/sending samples for testing isn't that much effort and becomes way more efficient if you send in more than one product sample per order.
.. so my question is are there also negative results .. a friend of mine namely made a suggestion of " if there are only positive results then isn't there a financial conspiracy between jano and the sources that let them test gear for marking... i'm not suggesting anything but just being careful that's why i'm asking gr
Janos discovered a fake for me a few years ago, I posted it here. Tablets supposed to be 25mg primobolan acetate was instead 7mg anavar if I remember right. Brand was ARL Russia or something like that. Their popularity on Meso lost momentum in the aftermath.

Maybe ARL was not part of this global conspiracy covering Asia, Middle East, Europe, North America... or maybe they just sold bunk gear.
Laboratory holidays from 26 SEP 2022 to 11 OCT 2022 due to renovation of laboratory and revalidation of laboratory equipment. Emails are handled, samples are received, everything goes as usual, but samples are not tested during that period.

Honestly, I expect it to take about half that, but I prefer to be conservative in my estimates.


Average and guaranteed turnaround times have been updated for routine analyses.


Rush fee in the previous sense of things had its cost cut to half and new option of guaranteed results within 48 hours of receipt of the samples had been introduced.
The notion is too ridiculous to be worth disproving :)
@janoshik is all HCG Recombinant nowadays? and not derived from female urine?

Bit nervous using ugl /Chinese/Indian HCG just in case it’s tainted.

I have some Driada HCG and they said theirs was recombinant but on the test you did for them is there any way to tell?
@jano it's not that I don't trust your service.. but I've had surgeries in the past through dirty gear and fake lab tests to convince me of junk...I notice that the products tested here on the forum almost always positive results are .. never results that a brand is junk or something .. I'm just sure that not every ug brand sells what they claim to sell .. so my question is are there also negative results .. a friend of mine namely made a suggestion of " if there are only positive results then isn't there a financial conspiracy between jano and the sources that let them test gear for marking... i'm not suggesting anything but just being careful that's why i'm asking gr
Also worth nothing, because I've seen this accusation come up against Jano a few times before, that just because there are few negative results posted doesn't mean that bad results/bunk steroids don't exist *or* that Jano is in a conspiracy with any lab.

More likely, it means, among many other possible explanations, that sources are just not posting their bad results because it's not in THEIR own interest to expose their bad product. They will usually only post their best results. It's not Jano's obligation (and I think people would be really pissed if he did) to post the results of every single lab test he runs. If sources only post their good labs, it will appear like they've never sold bad product.

Also, bunk product is just way less of a problem in the AAS world than it was even a few years ago. It's easier to find sources, find experiences
Janos discovered a fake for me a few years ago, I posted it here. Tablets supposed to be 25mg primobolan acetate was instead 7mg anavar if I remember right. Brand was ARL Russia or something like that. Their popularity on Meso lost momentum in the aftermath.

Maybe ARL was not part of this global conspiracy covering Asia, Middle East, Europe, North America... or maybe they just sold bunk gear.
arl russia, was a shitty brand based in Malta. many products worked, and continued to work until they were analyzed. no one noticed if there was oxa in the methenolon tabs or in the oxa win. it took just a few blind tests to annihilate these scammers. who say that the products are always well dosed, does not know what he is talking about. there are several brands years ago that were heavily underdosed or containing molecules other than those declared. some examples besides arl: sqs lab, kenwoo pharma and other Bulgarian brands whose name I don't remember. They are all brands that have disappeared from circulation. Since the possibility of testing the products has existed, the aas scammers have a short life, which is why I consider the service of jano and other similar testing labs to be essential. before 2010 the fake / bunk brands could go on for many years ..
@janoshik Have you ever gotten raw or oil tests for estered-DHT such as androstanolone acetate/propionate/enanthate/undecanoate? If so, how do the purity tests usually come back as?

I’m trying to find a source, and currently eyeing a undecanoate ester from echemi.
@janoshik Have you ever gotten raw or oil tests for estered-DHT such as androstanolone acetate/propionate/enanthate/undecanoate? If so, how do the purity tests usually come back as?

I’m trying to find a source, and currently eyeing a undecanoate ester from echemi.
If I recall properly I did once or twice, relatively long ago. No purity reading with finished oils and given I usually don't know what the oils are supposed to be dosed at, I can't provide further insight.