Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

@janoshik , yo Jano sorry for hijacking your thread man once again, but seems you are the only one knowing what happens on eastern europe, can you please shed some lihght on what the hell is going on with balkan/sp products, all of the sudden they are all out of stock, rumor has it DEA and interpol are involved, talking about "official resellers" such as ashop, bodyroids, realroids and balkanpharm, all of them, on top of that balkan official website just removed all androgens related products leaving only testosterones but even those are not been sold anymore on these websites, something really stinks
you think jano will reply you if ashop didnt provide more info ?.. situation too bad and dont need to write everywhere.
I might be the only person in the world to actually have the standard.
Perks of being in the game for so long.
Wow. You could just say, our process is proprietary, then I may have believed you… or is that a joke?
Regardless, dodging real question about legitimacy of test big name iso labs struggle with. Moving along…
Wow. You could just say, our process is proprietary, then I may have believed you… or is that a joke?
Regardless, dodging real question about legitimacy of test big name iso labs struggle with. Moving along…
lol, move along then
Wow. You could just say, our process is proprietary, then I may have believed you… or is that a joke?
Regardless, dodging real question about legitimacy of test big name iso labs struggle with. Moving along…
iso labs like Lab4Tox struggle with simple blends as well, unlike me, if you want to use that as a merit of ability :cool:
Havent seen this question here:
Is it possible to get tests on what kind of dimers/ impurities are in the material that is send to you?

Lets say a 90% purity hgh can be better than 98% purity if the latter has lead, mercury or whatever in it and the 90% has impurities that are harmless.
If you can't do such test what is the barrier?
Sorry I am the worst.
Also would like to elaborate on my previous question why I ask.
We have lots of 'brands' and suppliers which we know are kind of legit. Means somewhere around 90-98% of what we order what we get.

I would-and I assume lot more people- pay someone to do these sorts of tests on these 'big' ugl or generic brands. Because honestly I mind it more if my anavar came back 96% pure with impurities that are terrible for health than taking something 'underdosed' but not as pure but having no ill effect on my body. I think that is real harm reduction. Also this is why I don't like people's idea that we need to order bunch of stuff and use it for 2-3+ years. Because even the smallest heavy metal impurities in one item could be detrimental for health using just one source for so long. Unfortunately these things I don't really read about anywhere and people who are 'smart' in a way, order a huge batch, test it as they should and pin it for years are more 'exploitable' for such maleurs. Idiots who order from this and that source, changing shit up, never test them are in a way a bit more shielded in this exact way.

What exact machinery do you use for your tests? I visited your website but didnt find such info.
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Well, it is possible, but highly unlikely, that higher purity GH will contain something like that.

About such advanced testing - there's mostly cost limitations. You can't test for all possible adverse chemicals at a reasonable cost.

About your worries with heavy metals - having tested a few dozens of AAS samples for heavy metals, none turned up having anywhere near dangerous levels.

Most of testing is done on HPLC, some on GCMS, heavy metals on ICP-OES or Hg specific detector.
"About your worries with heavy metals - having tested a few dozens of AAS samples for heavy metals, none turned up having anywhere near dangerous levels."

Thanks for your reply. Is there any data on the internet about that?
"About your worries with heavy metals - having tested a few dozens of AAS samples for heavy metals, none turned up having anywhere near dangerous levels."

Thanks for your reply. Is there any data on the internet about that?
Not that I know. I can't really keep track of all the reports that I issue :)
How much would you charge for such test?
GH and AAS. I am not that interested in actual content (one chooses okay can't go worse than -10-20% as I saw on small sample) of medicine but whether it has mercury or other heavy metal.
I hope he ordered the heavy metal analysis.
Nope. I think the primo e was switched for tren a in manufacture here, when it didn't dissolve at 200 mg/ml they applied more heat. Then some more heat... aaand now we have good old motor oil tren.

Kinda confirms what I thought and voiced before about that motor oil tren incident we all know about - too much heat applied causes this.

The raw data looks disgusting too.

It's like the tren molecule had diarrhea all over the place, then withered and died.

Is that pumpkin seed oil?

Who brews with that, it makes the end control almost impossible...
Don't think so mate.
@SkankHunt Did you get a chance to try USPS first class? Planning on sending something out for testing and may take the risk rather than shelling out $100 for FedEx.
No I don’t trust USPS, they can’t even deliver my mail. I’ve always used UPS expediated which is $190. The past 2 times I’ve used UPS worldwide economy for $130 and it takes maybe a day longer. Well worth it. The only difference is if the expediated isn’t delivered by said date, you get a refund. It’s guaranteed, economy isn’t.