Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Is there a history of how Jano got its start in this industry? Curious, I bet it's a fascinating story.
Maybe in a decade I will release the story.
You'll get a free inscription in my biography!

Original documents are long lost, but the memory remains.

Basically, long story short, the entire company was started as a joke to prank my serbian friend and it got a little out of hand.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7h7aUPltRYo
GCMS is identity only, pretty much.
Hi. Just curious why your GCMS service is not quantitative?

Where can I find the assays/methods used for qualitative and quantitative AAS tests advertised on your website?

ICP-OES for metals?

Thank you.
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Hi. Just curious why your GCMS service is not quantitative?
Because we already have quantitative HPLC methods developed. Why develop (lot of time and $) and maintain for GCMS too?

Also GCMS is inherently less precise in quantitative analysis than HPLC.
Where can I find the assays/methods used for qualitative and quantitative AAS tests advertised on your website?
It's HPLC-DAD gradient methods, some details are here: https://janoshik.com/details/

ICP-OES for metals?

Thank you.

GCMS screening is a good test to order - it detects and identifies volatile and semivolatile components of the oil. It is not a trace analysis, but as a screening it's about as good as it gets.
How much is this test
@janoshik I have some hgh that has been stored unrefrigerated for several months. Humatrope cartridges to be specific. If I have one tested I’ll know the purity and dimer but would this equate at all to the effectiveness or safety. Thanks
@janoshik I have some hgh that has been stored unrefrigerated for several months. Humatrope cartridges to be specific. If I have one tested I’ll know the purity and dimer but would this equate at all to the effectiveness or safety. Thanks
Well, if you have it tested, it also determines the amount of the actual, undegraded hormone, so you'd know the effectiveness.

Regarding safety I would not throw that word around easily.
Purity and dimer appear to be associated with side effects.
Well, if you have it tested, it also determines the amount of the actual, undegraded hormone, so you'd know the effectiveness.

Regarding safety I would not throw that word around easily.
Purity and dimer appear to be associated with side effects.
That makes sense. Appreciate the insight