Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Apologies for this question you probably have had many times but I am too lazy to search for.
when you get multiple vials of a glp or really anything, do your tests reveal whether or not they came from the same raw batch?
I know this is an odd question but I'm genuinely curious. I don't use recreational drugs. But do you have reference standards for alprazolam and other schedule 2-3 "recreational" narcotics?

Again I don't use recreational drugs, but I was curious after I watched a documentary last night about counterfeit narcotics in the USA made in Mexico.

Hope you have a great weekend janoshik!
And what about cannabis?

Here in the USA there are testing facilities specializing in cannabis testing, Which is required per state laws. But you must have a commercial marijuana cultivating license to use those facilities. Has anyone ever requested you test their cannabis?
I know this is an odd question but I'm genuinely curious. I don't use recreational drugs. But do you have reference standards for alprazolam and other schedule 2-3 "recreational" narcotics?

Again I don't use recreational drugs, but I was curious after I watched a documentary last night about counterfeit narcotics in the USA made in Mexico.

Hope you have a great weekend janoshik!
Yes, but we can't test them yet as we're waiting for some paperwork. Good weekend to you too! :)
And what about cannabis?

Here in the USA there are testing facilities specializing in cannabis testing, Which is required per state laws. But you must have a commercial marijuana cultivating license to use those facilities. Has anyone ever requested you test their cannabis?
We can do all that no problem.
