Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Wait, so even with Janoshik's new testing method, TP's Black Tops have 98% purity and no dimer content? That's better than the competition, no?
That is correct Jeff, now that was for batch 126. According to both test done on this batch by different facility I don't have any reason to doubt that any of his stuff has been tested by Analiza bialek are faulty. Yes better than any any competitors as of late.
That is correct Jeff, now that was for batch 126. According to both test done on this batch by different facility I don't have any reason to doubt that any of his stuff has been tested by Analiza bialek are faulty. Yes better than any any competitors as of late.
A surprise, but a welcome one. Do you know who published this test? In any case, thanks for sharing it.
How long does it take for Jano to send shipping instructions after notice of payment? I requested a test and within a few minutes I received an email for payment. Made payment, notified Jano but still waiting for shipping instructions. Has only been a day but thought it would be right away after the prompt response to the testing request.
How long does it take for Jano to send shipping instructions after notice of payment? I requested a test and within a few minutes I received an email for payment. Made payment, notified Jano but still waiting for shipping instructions. Has only been a day but thought it would be right away after the prompt response to the shipping request.
Wait 7 days then ask for a tracking number.
How long does it take for Jano to send shipping instructions after notice of payment? I requested a test and within a few minutes I received an email for payment. Made payment, notified Jano but still waiting for shipping instructions. Has only been a day but thought it would be right away after the prompt response to the testing request.
It's Saturday, my email team doesn't work weekends. Possible you've mailed us at the end on their Friday shift.

-Have you ever been asked to measure dimer in a peptide other than HGH? I was looking for a peptide analysis result with dimer, other than HGH, but couldn't find one.

-Do aggregates larger than dimer (oligimers through visible >100um) get included in the dimer measurement, or do aggregates larger than dimer subtract from purity?

-Are samples filtered post reconstitution, prior to, what I assume(forgive me if this is wrong) is Size Exclusion Chromatography for dimer measurement?

Thanks in advance!

-Have you ever been asked to measure dimer in a peptide other than HGH? I was looking for a peptide analysis result with dimer, other than HGH, but couldn't find one.


-Do aggregates larger than dimer (oligimers through visible >100um) get included in the dimer measurement,
yes, but I scratched what I don't really understand/doesn't make sense

-Are samples filtered post reconstitution, prior to, what I assume(forgive me if this is wrong) is Size Exclusion Chromatography for dimer measurement?

only those that exhibit anything worrying such as turbidity etc


yes, but I scratched what I don't really understand/doesn't make sense

only those that exhibit anything worrying such as turbidity etc


Thanks for the answers. I ask, in my clumsy layman's way, because I've been reading about the increasing focus of pharma manufacturers on aggregates, particularly in the context of immunogenicity developing, making peptide based therapies less effective, and in some cases causing side effects of varying degrees.

Larger aggregates appear to develop well after manufacture, as a result of packaging (the presence of silicone in auto injectors for instance) and handling (poor temperature control and shear stresses from significant agitation).

The studies looking into this either used "aged" retail, non-lypholized peptides or simulate the conditions described, allowing times of 5+ days to "incubate" for these larger aggregates to develop. So a lot of the effort to prevent aggregation has been on packaging.

Here's an illustration regarding the size classification of aggregates I was referring to:



Thanks again for indulging me, you are a unique, irreplaceable asset to this community.