Janoshik Analytical laboratory testing services

Is there a service where we can pay to have all the test results ever done on a specific ugl in the past emailed to us or would we need to send in our own samples?
Can this lab detect lipi polysaccharides at all or is that just almost impossible?
We don't share results of other clients.

We offer endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide) testing.
Is it just the presence of endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide that is detected, or is the amount detected as well?
Edit: I am thinking of this involving the peptides for the most part.
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Is it just the presence of endotoxin or lipopolysaccharide that is detected, or is the amount detected as well?

Note my comments well. Janoshik has been very helpful as we develop a new standard for the community. Early days WRT testing raws and finished oils as part of improved Meso standard.
That's not terribly nice of you.

Sorry about that, samples being processed outside of the usual workflow cannot be delivered as fast as usual.
I have wrote you an email on the purity test of the raw, thank you anyway I was mostly joking, I know you are working as fast as you can
I can tell you after doing my dude diligence that Jano operates with honor and integrity. What due diligence have you done? How much money have you spent? What do you think?

Form your own conclusion based on relevant facts. It takes work though.

Jano, can't imagine your day some days. Respect Sir.

And sorry I gave you shit about the sig figs. I get it now unfortunately.

Stupid of me to project an ivory tower on this cess pool of ugl world. My apology.
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Just saw this on the website:

"Only approved shipping containers must be used:
Containers on Amazon (great for NORTH AMERICA, UK, WESTERN EUROPE): https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Parfums-Perfume-Essential-Bottles/dp/B01HTRDK08 (Option 1), https://www.amazon.com/Grand-Parfums-Perfume-Reclosable-Essential/dp/B01FWALEP2/ (Option 2), Option 3, https://www.amazon.com/Autosampler-Sample-Bottles-Graduations-Ks-Tek/dp/B08816SCZD/ (Option 4)
AUSTRALIA: Option 1, Option 2
REST OF THE WORLD: Inquire with us.
Original sealed ampules, original sealed vials or other containers can be used only after consulting with us beforehand.
Is this still accurate? Or is it OK to just send in a sealed 10ml oil vial? It being sealed seems important for, e.g. sterility and endotoxin tests.