Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Sick, man.

You've been good to me here and helped me out with a few issues. The next time I need to stock up for a blast, I will definitely order through you.
Your a liar!!! He didn't help you , your just trying to shill this bullshit....beta bathtub lab see all the evidence is hear!!! Its all adding up, cant fool me
?!?!?! ROTFLMAO:rolleyes:

My contest entry. Lol

Sorry @Pantera i used you for gohomeorlift's next comment for the contest lol. Completely joking.
How about a contest where everyone guesses gohomeorlift's next outlandish comment or speculation about me lol? The most ridiculous, far fetched, ubsurd reply wins.

How's that sound? ;)

First place winner= $250 store credit
Second place winner= $100 store credit
Third place winner= 1 free product of choice

That would be a contest based on one fabulous man's (me) opinion. As a judge, great power comes with great responsibility and i must remain impartial and not cloud my judging abilities.

Something a little more cut and dry would be necessary.
Yeah MSG cuz we've never seen anything more outlandish then a 2 bit bathtub brewer trying to make a quick buck. Uproven, shill accounts ,selling gear via pm. So creative and new lol Oh wait that's right this is Meso , we've seen 100x morre outlandish shit then this rookie.:rolleyes:
^ He’s like a low budget Cdnguy with less meth and more stupid.
That would be a contest based on one fabulous man's (me) opinion. As a judge, great power comes with great responsibility and i must remain impartial and not cloud my judging abilities.

Something a little more cut and dry would be necessary.

Toss up some fabulous ideas than brother ;)

Yeah MSG cuz we've never seen anything more outlandish then a 2 bit bathtub brewer trying to make a quick buck. Uproven, shill accounts ,selling gear via pm. So creative and new lol Oh wait that's right this is Meso , we've seen 100x morre outlandish shit then this rookie.:rolleyes:
Don't forget about a few of the labels being a tad off. Get your shit together.
Toss up some fabulous ideas than brother ;)

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Someone mentioned a vial guessing scenario. That's not bad. i would say guess the score of tomorrow's playoff game, but Toronto missed their chance by 1 game and Boston vs. Houston probably wouldn't interest my Canadian friends.

We could have them guess how many vials MSG has in his stash. It's Less than 100 and more than 1.

i just got home from my shitty job, so let me mull it over for a bit and see if i can come up with something more interesting.
Someone mentioned a vial guessing scenario. That's not bad. i would say guess the score of tomorrow's playoff game, but Toronto missed their chance by 1 game and Boston vs. Houston probably wouldn't interest my Canadian friends.

We could have them guess how many vials MSG has in his stash. It's Less than 100 and more than 1.

i just got home from my shitty job, so let me mull it over for a bit and see if i can come up with something more interesting.
Looks like you'll have to bet on the Leafs score instead
Ok fellas post up your fun contest ideas. Once we figure it out I'll run the contest for 1 week then Mr. Fabulous A.K.A. @MisterSuperGod will be picking the winners :)
If enough people watch football it would be fun to do a contest where we pick the winners of all of the games for a week. Whoever gets closes wins. Everyone picks the score of the Monday game and one other game as a tiebreaker.
If enough people watch football it would be fun to do a contest where we pick the winners of all of the games for a week. Whoever gets closes wins. Everyone picks the score of the Monday game as a tiebreaker.

Like go by overall points? I know sweet fuck all about sports aside from playoff hockey being awesome lol :p
Like go by overall points? I know sweet fuck all about sports aside from playoff hockey being awesome lol :p
Basically you pick the winners of all of the games as well as the total scores of two games, one being the Monday game. If there’s a tie on picking wins then the person who picked closest to the total score of their two games wins.
If enough people watch football it would be fun to do a contest where we pick the winners of all of the games for a week. Whoever gets closes wins. Everyone picks the score of the Monday game and one other game as a tiebreaker.

That's not a bad idea, but i would appoint you record keeper, judge guy for that one. i don't do the NFL anymore. Their antics have ruined the game of football for me.