Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Bro. Im on Jet’s Anadrol this is fucking retarded.

Its so fucking strong and lower back pumps so strong bro wtf. My strenght is fucking stupid.

Bro im running anadrol every cycle now
Bro. Im on Jet’s Anadrol this is fucking retarded.

Its so fucking strong and lower back pumps so strong bro wtf. My strenght is fucking stupid.

Bro im running anadrol every cycle now
How much anadrol are u running? Everytime iv run it in the past it would kill my appetite in less then a week
100%, I didn't become aware of it until after I had already picked up the Test-E. That's definitely my plan for my next cruise.

Since I finished my last blast (Test-E/Mast-E/NPP) I've had my sights set on running EQ alongside Test/NPP (love NPP) for when I start my next massing phase, from the research I've been doing most guys advocate for Primo being that it can be less neuro-toxic than EQ.

I just got some.of his bold cyp can't wait to compare it with what I have as the one I'm currently running has some bite to it and I usually don't get pip from oils

Maybe I'll give it a go with some npp as well since bold/deca is a favourite of mine
100%, I didn't become aware of it until after I had already picked up the Test-E. That's definitely my plan for my next cruise.

Since I finished my last blast (Test-E/Mast-E/NPP) I've had my sights set on running EQ alongside Test/NPP (love NPP) for when I start my next massing phase, from the research I've been doing most guys advocate for Primo being that it can be less neuro-toxic than EQ.
Yup loving the primo npp combo rn. Just watch out jets primo is pip
Trying jets unfiltered cyp. Ran through .2 micron syringe filters into sterile 20 ml bottles
(irradiated). Pretty smooth hardly any pip with 1.5 ml into delt. In several weeks I'll post how the anavar runs at 50 mg a day for 50 days preworkout. Might dose up and order more depending on my lower back pumps I get from it.
Trying jets unfiltered cyp. Ran through .2 micron syringe filters into sterile 20 ml bottles
(irradiated). Pretty smooth hardly any pip with 1.5 ml into delt. In several weeks I'll post how the anavar runs at 50 mg a day for 50 days preworkout. Might dose up and order more depending on my lower back pumps I get from it.
Try running 5g+ taurine to prevent cramps worked wonders for me. Revolution nutrition has 1kg bag for $18
which is the before and after...seriously? I thought the point of taking gear was to gain muscle. Not to look like a meth addct lol Hey Jet here's your new t-shirt logo a skinny bone rack lol
Man, my main goal was to loose 20-25 pounds. Sure I could’ve done it without running any gear, and I have learned while doing this cycle. My goal wasn’t to stay at 220 while doing this cycle, and in all seriousness, I don’t get why you come here and post a comment without any constructive comments. Do you feel any good when you post shit about someone, who hasn’t even said anything to you in the past. Have a nice day my man xoxo
Is anyone successfully using the 200mg/ML primo without crippling themselves with pip the day after?
I used several vials of the 200mg/ml Primo when it first came out at 400mg/week and had no issues. And I have 5 more vials of it. I have mixed it in with my TRT dose without PIP. Plus used the cruise blend recently without issue.
Sadly, I don’t have any smart advice for you, other than trying the usual common injection protocols that I’m sure you know or have read about.
Sometimes higher MG concentrations of certain compounds just don’t work for some people, no matter what you do.
My body hates orals…doesn’t matter dose, or if I take it with food. Without. Morning. Night. All orals result in a slow painful reduction in my appetite, then waves of nausea, and by week 4/5 I have heart burn to the point I can barely sleep. I still use them, just have to be aware of the issues.
Meanwhile I can jab 3MLs of anything into my quads and there isn’t an issue.
Hopefully you find a solution.


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