Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Yea, "Fuck Joe Biden" is being chanted at major sporting events across the nation here in the US. At a Nascar race a couple of weeks ago, there was a racer being interviewed that was named Brandon. During his interview, the crowd was chanting Fuck Joe Biden, and the reporter tried to get cute and said the crowd was chanting "let's go Brandon".

So, now in the US when someone says "Let's go Brandon", it actually means Fuck Joe Biden.
TBH I'd probably order a vial of test just for the novelty. I'm not sure I'd want to find out how tren-no-ester in water feels injected IM or makes me feel between the ears.

If you mix the tren suspension with test suspension there's honestly very little pip and the workouts will be ridiculously good :p
Yea, "Fuck Joe Biden" is being chanted at major sporting events across the nation here in the US. At a Nascar race a couple of weeks ago, there was a racer being interviewed that was named Brandon. During his interview, the crowd was chanting Fuck Joe Biden, and the reporter tried to get cute and said the crowd was chanting "let's go Brandon".

So, now in the US when someone says "Let's go Brandon", it actually means Fuck Joe Biden.
I finally understand this meme in my newsfeed now, thank you.

@JetsFan this post implies that you were sourcing before this thread was posted. were you sourcing via pm/other boards?
Not sourcing, he’s a friend of mine, and him and I did some trades for products some time back, and I knew he brewed suspension, so I asked to buy some off him, and that’s who I’ve gotten all my suspension from since.
So to be clear you sold gear via pm that you brewed, before opening shop? Rodger that...
He wasn’t sourcing afaik, we did trades for products we both had that the other wanted, and I had known he brews suspension from conversation and his posts in the homebrew section.. the stuff I have doesn’t even have these sale labels.. also my pms would confirm all of this, if you’re really putting him on trail here.
I’m all for vetting, but this sourcing over PM thing seems like a witch hunt.

He wasn’t secretly sourcing via PM to avoid the SCOC; he was hooking some people that he knew up with some of his home brew because not a lot of Canadian sources carry the suspensions that he makes.

I don’t see it as an issue, especially considering the amount of testing that he brought when he did post his sourcing intro.
Hey guys I can take orders/questions via Wickr as well, Jetlabs

I hope everyone's thanksgiving weekend is going great :)
You need more then a few cucks swingin from your baby nuts. No intelligent member would inject shit from a unproven snake in the grass.
Do you ever actually contribute anything of value?

You don’t even help vet, you just talk (very weak) smack and make dumb comments in source threads.
You need more then a few cucks swingin from your baby nuts. No intelligent member would inject shit from a unproven snake in the grass.

Bro I use to work with at risk teenagers so dealing with you is easier than eating ice cream lol and by all means please keep bumping my thread up lol :)
You need more then a few cucks swingin from your baby nuts. No intelligent member would inject shit from a unproven snake in the grass.
What is your REAL issue here? I don't get it. Did @JetsFan rip you off in some way? I don't think he has or you would have already mentioned whatever the issue is. From what I have seen, you don't like him because of his attitude that he sometimes displays (which I have to admit, rubbed me the wrong way at first, but then after a while I realized that's just how he talks, not that he's trying to be a dick), but what the fuck does that have to do with his gear quality or customer service? And he has not shown any attitude at all in this thread.

He has posted product testing, pics of his gear, and pics of his equipment. From what I saw he provided all of the requested info that sources are to provide. And you don't like him because of some perceived issue that only you can see.

There's some heavy hitters in this thread that seem to be content with what he has provided so far. No one is saying his is good to go, and you can be certain that if he crosses the line, I'll be one of the first to jump his ass. But let's be objective here.
What is your REAL issue here? I don't get it. Did @JetsFan rip you off in some way? I don't think he has or you would have already mentioned whatever the issue is. From what I have seen, you don't like him because of his attitude that he sometimes displays (which I have to admit, rubbed me the wrong way at first, but then after a while I realized that's just how he talks, not that he's trying to be a dick), but what the fuck does that have to do with his gear quality or customer service? And he has not shown any attitude at all in this thread.

He has posted product testing, pics of his gear, and pics of his equipment. From what I saw he provided all of the requested info that sources are to provide. And you don't like him because of some perceived issue that only you can see.

There's some heavy hitters in this thread that seem to be content with what he has provided so far. No one is saying his is good to go, and you can be certain that if he crosses the line, I'll be one of the first to jump his ass. But let's be objective here.

I've never ripped anyone off bro, lets just be crystal clear on that!