Labmax Anavar - two different sources

Unopened labmax:


So for the light blueish green tab, the entire tab weighed 240mg. Which contains 25mg of anavar. Therefore 9.6mg of the tab contains 1mg of anavar.


9.6mg is what I measured out for the labmax after crunching up the pill.



And tested out my homebrew raws (1mg powder):


Labmax photo references

Thoughts on results?
The top one looks like winny and the bottom one isn't var. not really sure if that's winny or something else, to be honest the second one looks like a mixture of different things.

How long did you wait till you took this photo?
How positive are you that bottom isn't anavar? Bc that's my raws. Blargh.
I'm not 100% since I'm not a vet at labmaxs. However, I've seen a lot of tests and this just looks like a fail.

I looked at your other test, the original one and it looks more like the actual color of Anavar then any of these. If you look at your labmax for the raws, you'll notice a seperation.

A successful Anavar test should be that of dropping 1mg down into the tube, shaking it gently and then watch color change for 15mins. It should be a MILKY opaque yellow/orange color without any other colors or separations

Why don't you try testing your raw with a test a/b instead of Anavar test to see if it shows positive as anything else?
The lighting on those pictures, and the focus on the camera, don't allow for proper conclusions. I'd be inclined to say they are a pass, but you'd need to take better pictures