[Labmax] Pharmacom NPP 08-SEP-2015

it is not 100% pass. I had NPP from Lyka Labs, some Indian company, it had very nice blue - green glow.

Is there pharma grade NPP around,confirmed by lab test to be 100% pure, so we could labmax it and compare the colors.
Ha, yea. Simec has PH grade NPP : )
Ha, yea. Simec has PH grade NPP : )

what they have is standard 99.99% pure, you can buy something like 0.01 mg for $500

not enough to make into oil.

I had once good NPP but it was like 3 yeas ago. Maybe Alpha Pharma or Baltic Pharmaceutical have something. I looked around I have not seen anybody else testing NPP.
Probably with 8 dropped you could miss the olive - green initial color in vial A for NPP, so you do not know how the A looks like.

but your look more like NPP, I see the green - blue in vial B

what RThoads posted was very bright yellow.

two samples two different results, it proves only that Pharmacom has very serious problem with quality (contaminations)
everebody has already seen, that you look for any tiniest catch to sully our name. Why don`t you just shut up unless you get any considerable evidences and not just your stupid conclusions, raised in your fevered brain.
Our nandrolones, both phenylpropionate and decanoate passed all tests in Simec, incl. both quantitive and qualitive analyses and no peaks has been detected on chromotogram, which obviously means there are no contaminants in any significant amounts.
everebody has already seen, that you look for any tiniest catch to sully our name. Why don`t you just shut up unless you get any considerable evidences and not just your stupid conclusions, raised in your fevered brain.
Our nandrolones, both phenylpropionate and decanoate passed all tests in Simec, incl. both quantitive and qualitive analyses and no peaks has been detected on chromotogram, which obviously means there are no contaminants in any significant amounts.

nice try

one peak, where are peaks for oil, BB, BA. do you think that you have idiots here.

you look like total moron now.

100% pure, do not make me to laugh.

just take your bunk gear and take the fuck to maybe eroids.
nice try

one peak, where are peaks for oil, BB, BA. do you think that you have idiots here.

you look like total moron now.

100% pure, do not make me to laugh.

just take your bunk gear and take the fuck to maybe eroids.
The oil, ba and bb concentrations are all stated on the label. These are known "contaminants" and are excluded from the analysis. They test only for aas as this also was not a heavy metal / contaminants type test. You accused them of cross contamination of steroids- such is not the case.
The oil, ba and bb concentrations are all stated on the label. These are known "contaminants" and are excluded from the analysis. They test only for aas as this also was not a heavy metal / contaminants type test. You accused them of cross contamination of steroids- such is not the case.

it is calibration run, there is no way to know to whom the graph belongs to. and also the date over 2 moths ago, he could take it from anywhere.

and as I stated do you really believe in 100% pure

results posted by source are not credible.
it is calibration run, there is no way to know to whom the graph belongs to. and also the date 2 moths ago, he could take it from anywhere.

and as I stated do you really believe in 100% pure

results posted by source are not credible.
Millard tested the shit if I am not mistaken? Not to mention members here tested at simec who were put off by labmax "results".
Millard tested the shit if I am not mistaken? Not to mention members here tested at simec who were put off by labmax "results".

ok then it is better than the shit in my local pharmacy 100% pure.

brutus you need to know how to interpret the results so you will not be fooled by manipulation and alternation of results

it is not test of the NPP oil in question here. it is pure powder standard used for calibration of the HPLC.
ok then it is better than the shit in my local pharmacy 100% pure.

brutus you need to know how to interpret the results so you will not be fooled by manipulation and alternation of results

it is not test of the NPP oil in question here. it is pure powder standard used for calibration of the HPLC.
You accused him of cross contamination of aas issues. I am saying random testing had been done by multiple parties. I am not arguing purity and I am not arguing about his screenshot.

Oh- labmax sucks. I would also not order from Pharmacom, and I don't even do steroids. They are illegal and bad for you.
ok then it is better than the shit in my local pharmacy 100% pure.

brutus you need to know how to interpret the results so you will not be fooled by manipulation and alternation of results

it is not test of the NPP oil in question here. it is pure powder standard used for calibration of the HPLC.

How much do you get compensated?
How much do you get compensated?
i have the same question.
nice try

one peak, where are peaks for oil, BB, BA. do you think that you have idiots here.

you look like total moron now.

100% pure, do not make me to laugh.

just take your bunk gear and take the fuck to maybe eroids.

it is calibration run, there is no way to know to whom the graph belongs to. and also the date over 2 moths ago, he could take it from anywhere.

and as I stated do you really believe in 100% pure

results posted by source are not credible.
are you only trying to seem a jerk or are you indeed? i have never said that our steroids are 100% pure. it is impossible to synthesize an absolutely pure steroid. But our samples were tested for purity and almost all of them are not less as 98% pure. As compared to the certified Simec reference standard. Lots of our samples are according to tests even a bit purer, which Simec confirmed, however this could be a difference in humidity of samples, etc. It does not matter now. What really matters is that i have evidences in written and you nothing. That graph is a from our Simec report, which i have already published here. It has an individual number and it`s verifiable. So, everyone can contact Simec, provide this number and get results confirmed. if someone wants to check it, i will gladly provide raw data to any volunteer.
You are so sure, that our products are contaminated with other steroids? Stop fat-mouth bullshit and prove it in deed.
Here is the deal: you anonymously buy an npp vial at any time and in any section of our storel. You ship it unopened to Simec and get it tested. I will completely reimburse all expenses. Simec will show peaks, if any steroids beside NPP are there. If this is the case, i will pay you 1000$. Everybody heard this? I promissed it. iF it comes as NPP only, you owe me 1000$. Testing is still paid by me.
You was so bull-headed on words all the time. Its time to show, what can you do in practice beside of vaporing. Show us, how sure you are in what you say, because i am absolutely sure in my point and in our quality and i am ready to defend not only by word. So, stop be a pussy and do at least something useful for the community. Or shut up.
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i have the same question.

are you only trying to seem a jerk or are you indeed? i have never said that our steroids are 100% pure. it is impossible to synthesize an absolutely pure steroid. .

I am sure that you have something worth attention. Maybe your test cyp is top of the line. But since you are reseller you have no control of the quality and what you get from your supplier.

Everybody claims that sells only the best gear.

But for whatever reason the statistics show that over 50% are bunk on the market and I do nothing that you can deny it.
I have access to private lab if I get my hands on your sample I will share the results in private with you. They provide much better and more detailed information than simec.

I will not post here. I will not argue again with few trolls here about the lab results later.
I have access to private lab if I get my hands on your sample I will share the results in private with you. They provide much better and more detailed information than simec.

I will not post here. I will not argue again with few trolls here about the lab results later.

Ahhhh yes the infamous University of Florida lab that you can provide no information about whatsoever.
Mercury please keep posting, you are killing me! Ahahahhaha!

Yesterday walking to my job I almost felt and cracked my head because I was laughing so hard reading this thread :)
I am sure that you have something worth attention. Maybe your test cyp is top of the line. But since you are reseller you have no control of the quality and what you get from your supplier.

Everybody claims that sells only the best gear.

But for whatever reason the statistics show that over 50% are bunk on the market and I do nothing that you can deny it.
you are wrong here. and if you read my messages you would know that i am not a reseller, i am manufacturer. I am an employee of Pharmacom Labs and basicstero.net has been established as our direct store. All items are shipped directly from our factory. We don`t buy them in bulk and resell and other resellers do. We manufacture them. So, i know, in which conditions it is produced, otherwise i wouldn`t be so sure.

I have access to private lab if I get my hands on your sample I will share the results in private with you. They provide much better and more detailed information than simec.

I will not post here. I will not argue again with few trolls here about the lab results later.
I guess you wanted to say "i have ties in private lab and these guys can provide me any results, whatever i inquire for", but you misspeled a bit.
I don`t have any trust into this lab and as I see others also do not. Thus i don`t care what it will show. Simec is an independent GMP certified laboratory, which is specialized on steroids testing, which has certified reference standards and respective technologies. And which is most important, its results are verifiable and they are ready to stand for them even in a court if required.
Maybe every source claims he has the best gear. Here you are right. But by far not every source provides opportunities for everyone to get it tested and pays for this. My offer is still valid. We have nothing to hide. Every customer, who ordered in our store any item and has doubts in its quality can ship it to Simec. It is possible to ship it from the USA. It`s not a problem at all. I cover all shipping and testing expenses. Show me other sources who offers this opprortunity, i don`t think you find them.
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I don`t have any trust into this lab and as I see others also do not. Thus i don`t care what it will show.

If you do not care then it means that you are afraid of the results. I am not in business to discredit every lab, for that reason I will not post results.

Let the trolls pin.
If you do not care then it means that you are afraid of the results. I am not in business to discredit every lab, for that reason I will not post results.

Let the trolls pin.

Yes bc your lab, which is yet to be verified btw, is one to be trusted. Just like the NPP you claimed was test cyp, just like you state you can. Tell concentration from a labmax result, just like you state there are contaminants in gear from a labmax result. I'd be just as "scared" if it were me as your bullshit/shilling has reached epic proportions. Nobody should believe a word you say, rely on your testing, etc.
I have access to private lab if I get my hands on your sample I will share the results in private with you. They provide much better and more detailed information than simec.
You must use an impartial lab that has no connection to either yourself or the source, otherwise the results will not be accepted. Come on Mercury, you know what you are offering is unacceptable here on Meso. HHmmm unverifiable private lab results? Sounds legit..
You must use an impartial lab that has no connection to either yourself or the source, otherwise the results will not be accepted. Come on Mercury, you know what you are offering is unacceptable here on Meso. HHmmm unverifiable private lab results? Sounds legit..

it was private to Pharmacom, if you read more carefully I did not intend to post any results. But since he showed no interest, case closed, the results will stay only with me.

So what seems to be the problem ?

Also I do not trust any results posted here there is no way to prove that they belong to specific vial / batch. And you can use photoshop to change them. I only trust what I test myself.
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