[Labmax] Pharmacom NPP 08-SEP-2015

it was private to Pharmacom, if you read more carefully I did not intend to post any results. But since he showed no interest, case closed, the results will stay only with me.

So what seems to be the problem ?

Also I do not trust any results posted here there is no way to prove that they belong to specific vial / batch. And you can use photoshop to change them. I only trust what I test myself.

Then Who the fuck cares? You're not posting results and only making them available to the source means shit to anybody else. You could have done this through PM instead of parading it around looking for attention.
Also I do not trust any results posted here there is no way to prove that they belong to specific vial / batch. And you can use photoshop to change them. I only trust what I test myself.
OK, so you trust no testing done by others, even if performed by Simec, only gear you have tested yourself by your own lab. And no one here will trust the gear you have tested by your own lab. Sounds like this should work out really well for you.
OK, so you trust no testing done by others, even if performed by Simec, only gear you have tested yourself by your own lab. And no one here will trust the gear you have tested by your own lab. Sounds like this should work out really well for you.

You do not read my posts and jump in the middle in conversation. Simec is doing good job by they only and only look for the main steroid.

My lab is doing more detailed analysis I know exactly what else inside, all contaminations etc. So it is better what Simec is providing. And I am not posting my results so if you trust or not is irrelevant. The main reason for not posting, too many trolls and the discussion, , mistrust, accusations would never end. So what's the point just rely on place you know.

You pay over $300 to Simec, they only tell the concentration of the main steroids but if there was something really unsafe, they do not tell you. My lab will give me this information.
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The main reason for not posting, too many trolls and the discussion, , mistrust, accusations would never end. So what's the point just rely on place you know.

Which ironically enough is EXACTLY what you do with labmax. You make wild speculations and accusations with a bullshit test then when Simec proves you wrong all of a sudden there's a problem wih Simec. And when you get called out on that bullshit you start claiming there are contaminants in an UGL's gear which you've admittedly never purchased nor tested.

If you do not care then it means that you are afraid of the results. I am not in business to discredit every lab, for that reason I will not post results.

Let the trolls pin.

Why would you not post the analytical data? You are not making any sense, as per usual. Back up what you are saying.

For the record, labmax is not completely garbage but the words from your mouth are. Also, those in this thread are only making the case for this source stronger with their objections for you. Maybe just shut the hell up and bow out for a bit.
i have the same question.

are you only trying to seem a jerk or are you indeed? i have never said that our steroids are 100% pure. it is impossible to synthesize an absolutely pure steroid. But our samples were tested for purity and almost all of them are not less as 98% pure. As compared to the certified Simec reference standard. Lots of our samples are according to tests even a bit purer, which Simec confirmed, however this could be a difference in humidity of samples, etc. It does not matter now. What really matters is that i have evidences in written and you nothing. That graph is a from our Simec report, which i have already published here. It has an individual number and it`s verifiable. So, everyone can contact Simec, provide this number and get results confirmed. if someone wants to check it, i will gladly provide raw data to any volunteer.
You are so sure, that our products are contaminated with other steroids? Stop fat-mouth bullshit and prove it in deed.
Here is the deal: you anonymously buy an npp vial at any time and in any section of our storel. You ship it unopened to Simec and get it tested. I will completely reimburse all expenses. Simec will show peaks, if any steroids beside NPP are there. If this is the case, i will pay you 1000$. Everybody heard this? I promissed it. iF it comes as NPP only, you owe me 1000$. Testing is still paid by me.
You was so bull-headed on words all the time. Its time to show, what can you do in practice beside of vaporing. Show us, how sure you are in what you say, because i am absolutely sure in my point and in our quality and i am ready to defend not only by word. So, stop be a pussy and do at least something useful for the community. Or shut up.

Send it to me. I'll test your 98% pure hormone.
Why would you not post the analytical data? You are not making any sense, as per usual. Back up what you are saying.

For the record, labmax is not completely garbage but the words from your mouth are. Also, those in this thread are only making the case for this source stronger with their objections for you. Maybe just shut the hell up and bow out for a bit.

You realize by posting this you are now a certified troll by his standards? :p
Ok, I am going to get this done but it is confusing as hell to me because most of what I find is not in English. So I will just post as I run into questions. I have PM a couple of you and appreciate the help. Also, @Pharmacom Labs has been working with me in PM and putting a lot of effort into helping by giving me the links to Simec etc. This is just difficult because I have never done it before and there are multiple language barriers between myself, people helping me and Simec.

are these three that I circled in yellow the correct certs to include in the package?

Is this the correct (maybe only available) order form?
If so, what do I need to check on it to get Chromatography (identification that I have NPP or do not have NPP) and concentration (how much potential NPP per mL)?

I am not seeing prices or ways to pay -- anyone with experience that can point that out to me please do so.

I have multiple PMs going and I will be asking stuff here in public--hang in there with me guys and I am sorry if it should be easier for me to understand. but remember I am doing this to help us all here.
not if it came from the same batch as mine -- Simec HPLC results were good:

I'm new here, but I REALLY appreciate the work you're doing in these forums. It sounds like "hope" to me. I'm going to keep researching extensively, After reading in these forums I'm extremely worried to order Primo from anywhere. Hoping to see some promising findings somewhere. Thank you very much for investing your time and money to benefit the community (and yourself of course).
Since I also posted failed LM results here on Pharmacom NPP, I should mention I'm pinning it anyway, and it is behaving as expected. That is, I believe it is NPP. I didn't see any point in asking Frank to cover Simec testing just because my NPP had a different failed LM result than RThoads'.