[Labmax] Voodoo Test E + Voodoo Test P

I just read this and he is pinning test e 500mg ew with a 27g 5/8 needle in delts. Never pinned test e anywhere but glutes with a 22g 1 1/2 in needle. Some other guys replied in that thread that if they get PIP more than once they throw it out? I mean sounds like a bunch of uneducated bs to me. Maybe if he did it correctly I would be worried. I've had PIP from every UGL I've ever used. Not saying that's a good thing but the gear was good and I sure as hell wasn't gonna toss it cuz I was a little sore.

Did you read the part where he said he had to go to the ER and get an IV of antibiotics?

I agree with MG's post, the technique OP used is questionable, but it is still important information that needs to be shared imo.

Based on the poor bloodwork, failed tests, failed HPLC, and deranged and sociopathic behavior, it is not unlikely that sterility is also lacking in what is without a doubt a pretty piss-poor operation.
I'm on the prop and I'm getting bloods in 2 weeks so if it's shit I'll be on here screaming FU to him but until then I'm not gonna be scared off by someone using gear that doesn't even have the sense to use an alcohol swab after working out in other peoples sweat
I'm not gonna be scared off by someone using gear that doesn't even have the sense to use an alcohol swab after working out in other peoples sweat

I would be scared of using a source who makes up lies about members who dare question him.

I would be scared of using a source who spits on and makes fun of the members testing his garbage gear.

I would be scared of using a source who calls customers reverse scammers without evidence.

I would be scared of using a source who dismisses just about every form of testing under the sun.

I would be scared of using a source who makes things up when its convenient for him.

I would be scared of using a source who does no real testing before sending out his gear.

I would be scared of using a source who demonstrates deranged and psychotic behavior.

It's your choice though.

MW has attempted to discredit just about every test result members have conducted, what makes you think he won't be calling you a reverse scammer in 2 weeks time?
I'd say it's time for him to go down with the ship.

Heisenberg!? He is a reverse scammer that's pretty obvious now. Look I'm scared of every source unless it's me doing the brewing. Unfortunately I don't have the space or time to do it. If he wants to call me a reverse scammer then go ahead but if my bloods come back bad then I won't be asking for replacements. I can promise u that.
Heisenberg!? He is a reverse scammer that's pretty obvious now. Look I'm scared of every source unless it's me doing the brewing. Unfortunately I don't have the space or time to do it. If he wants to call me a reverse scammer then go ahead but if my bloods come back bad then I won't be asking for replacements. I can promise u that.

I'm not just referring to Heisenberg, MW has attempted to discredit many of his customers test results.

MW is one of the most inept and shady sources that has ever been on this board, and probably the most dangerous in recent memory. Stay safe, your health is worth far more than a few vials of mystery brew my friend.
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I'm not just referring Heisenberg, he has attempted to discredit many of his customers test results.

MW is one of the most inept and shady sources that has ever been on this board, and probably the most dangerous in recent memory. Stay safe, your health is worth far more than a few vials of mystery brew my friend.

Thanks man not trying to defend him I just need solid proof for myself and if I end up in the hospital then everyone should trash their shit cuz I'm about as careful as they come.
A member recently reported being hospitalized from injecting Manwhore/Voodoo gear.

I was digging around and trying to fjnd the thread. Maybe someone else would have better luck, but I recollect MW saying something about filtering with .45um was fine, which would complete the picture with the infection. Someone brought up a stat sheet listing bacteria that could easily pass through that filter. Now im not a pro at this but have done a lot of research, and a .2um sterile filter like a watman should be used... might just have to filter the rest of this gear before I use it.. should have done that from the start honestly.
I was digging around and trying to fjnd the thread. Maybe someone else would have better luck, but I recollect MW saying something about filtering with .45um was fine, which would complete the picture with the infection. Someone brought up a stat sheet listing bacteria that could easily pass through that filter. Now im not a pro at this but have done a lot of research, and a .2um sterile filter like a watman should be used... might just have to filter the rest of this gear before I use it.. should have done that from the start honestly.

Yes, I actually remember the discussion you are referring to. MW was adamant that .45um is 'all that is needed' and anyone using a .22um is wasting their time.

I believe another member stated that .45um might be acceptable for pharmaceutical manufacturers brewing in sterile facilities, but most home brewers aren't brewing in conditions nearly as clean or sterile.

Here is the thread -

I was digging around and trying to fjnd the thread. Maybe someone else would have better luck, but I recollect MW saying something about filtering with .45um was fine,

MW seems to rely on heat rather than filtration.

I don't use a .22 filter..

I am not worried about bacteria or spores in my
gear, I just want to throw in oven for an even bake like I used to..

Correct, but it's a lot faster than using a .22

The heat kills bacteria and spores, and the filter gets out the floaties.. particles

When I brewed back in 2003, I used a Nalgene Nylon .45 cup filter unit,
and my stuff was not only clear as shit, but no one ever complained
of any kind of pain.. let alone an infection..

I wouldnt use anything anyones filtered only using .45 filter.

Good, cause my customer list is full :)

Private labs are superior, right? LMAO

You new guys think too much..
I was brewing when you were still in diapers .. probably

.45 does not do a good job of getting out Bacteria or Staff Spores..
That's what the BA is for..
.45 gets out all particles, which is all that's needed..

.22 takes forever..
NO UGL uses a .22..
You can use it, if you like for your personal stash,
because it won't be much to filter..

If you're using a .22 and you think no bacteria is getting in,
then I dare you not to use BA.. Let me know what happens..

OK, I've wasted enough time on this thread
And then Docd lays the smack down

Lol you're assuming a lot about me but that's cool. Let me ask you this, if you're going to be injecting something into yourself, would you rather think too much or too little?

.45 gets out the particles....agreed

.45 does not do a good job of removing spores and certain pathogens....agreed

But you're wrong that BA gets out the spores or pathogens. BA will just kill them off, which is a good thing, it won't remove them from the solution. A .22um filter will remove damn near everything and the BA would then be your fail safe.

I've done 150ml of oil in under 25minutes before and that includes the time spent watching some tv during bc I'm not required to sir there and stare at the filter for 20min while it's doing it's thing. That's why I bought a vacuum pump for.

I couldn't care less what other UGLs use as a filter, I'm not using their products, partially for reasons similar to this. BTW I can think of 3 labs off hand that do use .22um filters and there are more.

If an extra 15min or so of time spent filtering your oil with a .22 filter vs a .45 filter is that much of a problem for you then It seriously puts your knowledge of sterilization into question.

The issue isn't whether you can see spores getting into the sample or not. The issue is we don't work In clean rooms. I've read stories of people brewing in rooms around pets, or with windows open, or with A/C units on....sterility is an afterthought for most when it comes to this shit so whenever you're presented with an opportunity to follow recommended practices you'd be best advised to follow them. .22 effectively removes more than a .45. A .22 is required by the Department of Health, pharmaceutical companies, compounding pharmacies, etc for most sterilizing protocols (some require even more filtration) not a .45. So I'll take "you've been brewing since i was in diapers" and I'll raise you This is coming from my cousin who is a PharmD and has worked for a pharmaceutical company and is now one of the head Pharmacists at a hospital in my state. Does your background include medical or pharmaceutical experience?

You can see the clearance rates of various types of bacteria in a .45um filter vs a .22um filter here:

View attachment 18190

As you can see, a .22 filter does a much better job removing bacteria and spores than the .45 which is why it's used as the standard when it comes to filtering most injectable preparations.

If you wish to take shortcuts for your own brews in the interest of saving yourself a little but of time, go right ahead. That is your right. But if you wish to advise others of taking these same shortcuts and not make them aware of the risks then you will be called out on it. Plain and simple.

Hopefully others haven't wasted their time understanding why it's always best to use a .22um filter.
.22um is a must and 2-4% ba Id say 3% is ideal imo but 2% the norm. .45um most certainly is faster but if you have the right equipment it won't make any difference, turn on and walk away
And then Docd lays the smack down

My buddy almost died from an injection from a pharmaceutical company inside a hospital. Interestingly enough my grandmother got staph from an injection from a pharmaceutical company in a very prestigious hospital in Texas.

You are all right in that we need to be as safe as we can but u just can't be sure especially when u are injecting something from a makeshift lab. What about all the pharma grade shit from Pakistan, Thailand, etc. What do they use? Most of our generic meds come from China. Hell most of our salmon comes from China and they feed em chicken shit! So we have all most likely consumed chicken shit at some point in our life. Has anyone else been hospitalized from this gear? Besides the one guy who rubbed his arm in some fat lady's butt sweat right before injecting?
.22um is a must and 2-4% ba Id say 3% is ideal imo but 2% the norm. .45um most certainly is faster but if you have the right equipment it won't make any difference, turn on and walk away

Didn't I see someone post bloods from ur gear that showed straight oil was used?
MW only uses unbleached filters because he's environmentally conscious. Nothing but the best for his customers! :eek:


There are so many instances of MW posting things that would indicate his brewing standards are seriously lacking, its hard to imagine why anyone would do business with him in the first place. Reading his posts on filtration indicates to me that infection is almost inevitable with his gear.

It's almost a shame that this information is so spread out across many different threads, I would hope potential customers become aware of his extremely dangerous behavior before ordering.

MW is deserving of his own thread in the underground warning members to stay away imo, if its even possible to fit all that evidence in a single post...
Didn't I see someone post bloods from ur gear that showed straight oil was used?

Also last time I walked through wegmans by the cooking oil I never look over and thought "Fuck look at that shit the fucking Grape seed oil has fucking crashed better heat that shit up to get them crystals out"