[Labmax] Voodoo Test E + Voodoo Test P

Its getting kinda dark here on meso lately. All the shitbags are coming out of the woodworks.
I think Meso has been pretty good the last couple months. Much better then last fall and up til Xmas. I'm just so tired of Heisenberg(aka Nick505, aka urbangroop). I've been watching him pull this shit since last summer, with probably over 10 ugl's. Always running the same routine, never getting ANY other hormones checked, just his Total Testosterone. Always buying test prop, sometimes mixing in some tren. Don't know why because he always stops taking it after 4 days because the sides are too much for his pussy ass. I'm just sick and tired of it and I will continue to call him out every time.
I think Meso has been pretty good the last couple months. Much better then last fall and up til Xmas. I'm just so tired of Heisenberg(aka Nick505, aka urbangroop). I've been watching him pull this shit since last summer, with probably over 10 ugl's. Always running the same routine, never getting ANY other hormones checked, just his Total Testosterone. Always buying test prop, sometimes mixing in some tren. Don't know why because he always stops taking it after 4 days because the sides are too much for his pussy ass. I'm just sick and tired of it and I will continue to call him out every time.

Yea whats up with that guy, is he a scammer or shill? I see alot of people saying shit but Im out of the loop on this topic.
Yea whats up with that guy, is he a scammer or shill? I see alot of people saying shit but Im out of the loop on this topic.
He is a reverse scammer who always runs the same scam. Buys Test Prop because it's the cheapest. Doesn't take the prop but still gets Total Testosterone lab done, no hormones, no e2, no LH, no FSH, nothing to show if he takes the prop. Then he throws it up on the boards and gets the source to send him some Test E or C or Sustanon to replace the "bunk" prop. Guy makes out like a bandit every-fucking-time. I became aware he was doing this last summer and started riding his ass for it, so he switched from Nick505 to urbangroop. Now he's back as Heisenberg. Funny thing is he doesn't even deny he switches his handle. Maybe one time each time he switches will he deny it and that's it. Anyways, I still keep an eye on him and tell everyone not to believe his lab results.
He is a reverse scammer who always runs the same scam. Buys Test Prop because it's the cheapest. Doesn't take the prop but still gets Total Testosterone lab done, no hormones, no e2, no LH, no FSH, nothing to show if he takes the prop. Then he throws it up on the boards and gets the source to send him some Test E or C or Sustanon to replace the "bunk" prop. Guy makes out like a bandit every-fucking-time. I became aware he was doing this last summer and started riding his ass for it, so he switched from Nick505 to urbangroop. Now he's back as Heisenberg. Funny thing is he doesn't even deny he switches his handle. Maybe one time each time he switches will he deny it and that's it. Anyways, I still keep an eye on him and tell everyone not to believe his lab results.

How fucking cheap can you be, damn. It makes a lot of sense that heisenberg (breaking bad in new mexico) and nick505(new mexico area code) would be the same person. Ill keep an eye out now, thanks for keeping me up to date.
How fucking cheap can you be, damn. It makes a lot of sense that heisenberg (breaking bad in new mexico) and nick505(new mexico area code) would be the same person. Ill keep an eye out now, thanks for keeping me up to date.
Yeah he's somewhere around Albuquerque, NM. I am just tired of his existence here because everything he is about is a lie. I trust nothing he says or anything he posts. That's why I will continue to make members aware of his existence amongst us.
Why are people still ordering from this idiot? your 10Xs better off taking a gamble on Eroids top 10 sources. After wasting more then $1500 on Meso Sources Ive learned my lesson lol.

Ive ran both @MANWHORE prop and his tren and I had good gains with them. I liked his gear when I ran it. My problem was with accountability. I dont know you from flynn but this is the first time Ive heard about these reverse scamming speculations. I hope theyre not true because it would fuck up what Meso is all about, honest source reviews.
Yeah he's somewhere around Albuquerque, NM. I am just tired of his existence here because everything he is about is a lie. I trust nothing he says or anything he posts. That's why I will continue to make members aware of his existence amongst us.

Im from New Mexico too and Ive talked to him via pm, ABQ is correct.
Im from New Mexico too and Ive talked to him via pm, ABQ is correct.
Shit I saw he started a thread talking about how he wants to stop weights for a month before his next cycle, so he could just lose some fat. Says he's at 20-25% body fat now. I don't understand how fattie can skip ever getting his e2 checked at least. That much fat and his e2 levels should be soaring sky high. Makes no sense to me. We always check our e2, unless we are a reverse scammer and don't want a full hormone panel done because it would expose the fact that we didn't run any gear. He has NEVER done anything but Total testosterone levels. Who does that?
Shit I saw he started a thread talking about how he wants to stop weights for a month before his next cycle, so he could just lose some fat. Says he's at 20-25% body fat now. I don't understand how fattie can skip ever getting his e2 checked at least. That much fat and his e2 levels should be soaring sky high. Makes no sense to me. We always check our e2, unless we are a reverse scammer and don't want a full hormone panel done because it would expose the fact that we didn't run any gear. He has NEVER done anything but Total testosterone levels. Who does that?

I just realized its the same guy. With a lack of uderstanding of the basic bb fundamentals hes not a good candidate for gear. I cant understand the concept of not lifting to loose fat. I agree, 25% bf would be a good indicator of very elevated e2. With his last thread Im suprised he even had his total test levels done. Its cazy how many people over look e2.
Read back a little harry ;)
625mg test a wk, twice a week, consistently at 3days12hrs apart.
Bloods were taken at about 48hrs after last pin.

Nowhere near 10x.