[Labmax] Voodoo Test E + Voodoo Test P

anonymous is switching over to Panama and they erased all my emails I am not sure when you emailed me.. Did I respond
If dr. Jim says 24 hours after last testosterone enanthate shot then how is 48 to 72 hours after last propionate shot correct that doesn't make sense..

I just wanna see it to have a reference ..
This is for Prop correct ...
I have at least 2 more for Prop
And you didn't need to wait 6 weeks
Its enanthate ;) That would be stupid getting bloods 48hrs after prop due to its 2 day half life.
And not getting a response the last email, I expected. But the response I got before the last email was annoying. In short, I confronted this 'person' about the shortage. Then was told Ill be compensated on my next order. I told this person that I wouldent be making another order anytime soon (sugar coating without using the word never). And was told next time I order to let him know because he will probably have some deals going on. That right there is a repeat business trap. Why not just send reimbursement??
The last email I sent was just a blindfolded shot in the dark. And asked to make a very small purchase and have the reimbursement sent with it. And got no response.
I don't know what that means brother if you would like to PM me the details other than that I can't help you.. I asked you where you got your gear before because I do not recognize you
I honestly think this shit has gone on long enough. Im all about sources but there has to be accountability. When vials come short to two seperate individuals @Benny and @IronBrothers its speaks alot. Ive talked to ironbros a a bit and he knows his shit. If bloods come back low, which I assume they will, I would like to see some accountability and less talk. Otherwise we all know whats going to happen. It was all good that voodoo started out to help bros on here, but what happened???
Why are people still ordering from this idiot? your 10Xs better off taking a gamble on Eroids top 10 sources. After wasting more then $1500 on Meso Sources Ive learned my lesson lol.
Why are people still ordering from this idiot? your 10Xs better off taking a gamble on Eroids top 10 sources. After wasting more then $1500 on Meso Sources Ive learned my lesson lol.
So if you wasted $1500 here on sources, I wonder how much the sources you fucked over paid out to you in free gear. Oh and I am glad to hear you are hopefully moving on to eroids and their top 10. Maybe you will be accepted there since you certainly aren't here. Bye Nick505 and urbangroop.
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Ahh flounder the key board warrior! Get em tiger!
Seriously, how about you get a full hormone panel on your DomX prop, since prop is what you always get tested without any other hormones. You really fool no one, certainly not me.
Tell Ya what.. u sound the cash for the full panel and I will go ahead and give u that validation your daddy never gave you.
Total T is good for me. I have know need to get a full panel let users believe what they want. there will always be insecure paranoid people like yourself . As for me, I know I'm pinning the gear and if others don't believe me so be it no sweat off my sack.
"Suriously man" lol
I have nothing to prove to you or anyone else. Go cry to your daddy for validation
Interesting. See the truth is being revealed about your reverse scammer ways. I have been watching you do this here on Meso since last summer. I'll tell you what, you can take your request for me paying your labs and shove it in your mother's huge fuck box . So you wont pay the extra $20 for a full panel huh? You really are good at what you do, but I am here to make everyone aware that you are a REVERSE SCAMMER, Nick505 or urbangroop. Do not believe any test results from this fuck.
Total T is good for me. I have know need to get a full panel let users believe what they want.
So seriously, you have no need to check your e2? You post you're at 20-25% bodyfat so I would think your e2 would go through the roof. But I guess it doesn't when you don't actually take the gear you claim to. Reverse scammer.