[Labmax] Voodoo Test E + Voodoo Test P

Read back a little harry ;)
625mg test a wk, twice a week, consistently at 3days12hrs apart.
Bloods were taken at about 48hrs after last pin.

Nowhere near 10x.

Post your results in the testing section also. This info (bloodwork) might get lost in this thread

Sorry about the low numbers

I have his test P and I'm on 2 weeks. Will be getting bloods soon. Calling tmrw to set an appointment. Sex drive isn't up too much atleast I don't see a difference and for some reason every inject the pip lasts a while which I'm used to from previous cycles but for some reason every shot with his prop makes the area swell up bad. I'm talking about every shot.. Iv used other stuff and I just get pip which I can tolerate it but these are to the point to where I can barley walk. Can't play basketball on my cardio days cause of the pain. Can't do legs cause of the pain.. (I do Quads) and when leg day approximates I do Shoulders but I won't be doing anything that involves shoulders those next few days.. Is that normal?

Did you do bloodwork yet?
Im taking an AI but apparently not enough to bring my e2 down.
And yesss, buttcheeks where its at.
You taking any orals during the cycle? The E2 is not overly high, but you possibly bring it down by slightly increasing your AI. Platelets are out of whack. Did you have pre cycle blood work done?
These were my pre cycle bloods
And for Orals, yes. Week 1-4 anadrol 50mg ed.
Running pharm grade adex at .25 eod
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IMO,bump the adex up to .5 for a couple of weeks and if you can, retest. Perhaps you can pin down the correct dose for you. Just an observation from both tests, you need to be careful with the orals. Also, you can donate platelets to help the high count if they don't go down on the next test. Good luck.
IMO,bump the adex up to .5 for a couple of weeks and if you can, retest. Perhaps you can pin down the correct dose for you. Just an observation from both tests, you need to be careful with the orals. Also, you can donate platelets to help the high count if they don't go down on the next test. Good luck.
Appreciate your input @greenddog1
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So does the low T on the pre cycle bloods affect the results? I mean if a guy with natural test levels at 800 took the same dose as ironbros would he come back with a higher TT level compared to ironbros levels mid cycle? Or does that even matter since you are essentially shutting yourself down anyways? Maybe a dumb question just curious. I'm getting bloods on the prop soon but have no precycle bloods to reference because I was cruising on a private labs test e before I decided to run the prop.
Shit I saw he started a thread talking about how he wants to stop weights for a month before his next cycle, so he could just lose some fat. Says he's at 20-25% body fat now. I don't understand how fattie can skip ever getting his e2 checked at least. That much fat and his e2 levels should be soaring sky high. Makes no sense to me. We always check our e2, unless we are a reverse scammer and don't want a full hormone panel done because it would expose the fact that we didn't run any gear. He has NEVER done anything but Total testosterone levels. Who does that?

Wtf!? This guys a fuckin punk if that's the case! If my "full panel" bloods come back decent then I'm gonna have to call this mfer out too. Posting natty levels when I've invested a lot in voodoo gear will have me pissed the fuck off. I'm only running the prop at 75mg ED for a few weeks just to set the record straight. I was saving it for my next cycle but I have enough extra to do this and help out the board and of course help myself to rest a little easier knowing I don't have straight oil and no hormone. I stopped my cruise on a private labs test e to do this. I wasn't going to run a cycle until May.
Wtf!? This guys a fuckin punk if that's the case! If my "full panel" bloods come back decent then I'm gonna have to call this mfer out too. Posting natty levels when I've invested a lot in voodoo gear will have me pissed the fuck off. I'm only running the prop at 75mg ED for a few weeks just to set the record straight. I was saving it for my next cycle but I have enough extra to do this and help out the board and of course help myself to rest a little easier knowing I don't have straight oil and no hormone. I stopped my cruise on a private labs test e to do this. I wasn't going to run a cycle until May.
Are you running the same batch as Heisenberg? This sure would help prove my point if you are, and if the labs come back with even half dosed gear then Heisenberg would be busted finally. He's been called out many times, we've just never boxed him in and caught him.
Shit I have no idea. I think he said his had voodoo on it and none of mine do. And I ordered a lot more than I should have. I'll have to go back and check that
My vials had Dolls on them. Voodoo dolls to be exact. than he sent me out test e as a replacement. Havent even touched that crap. Afraid to even waste a LM on them.

Couldn't find his batch number in any of his posts but maybe he will let us know...
So does the low T on the pre cycle bloods affect the results? I mean if a guy with natural test levels at 800 took the same dose as ironbros would he come back with a higher TT level compared to ironbros levels mid cycle? Or does that even matter since you are essentially shutting yourself down anyways? Maybe a dumb question just curious. I'm getting bloods on the prop soon but have no precycle bloods to reference because I was cruising on a private labs test e before I decided to run the prop.

No, natural T levels do not affect bloods on cycle as your natural T's production is shut down.

Sorry about the bloods, Iron.. All these Manwhore/voodoo bloods, labmax, and HPLC seem to be coming back bad..
Just crunched some numbers and pinned a lot more gear tonight to compensate which will give me about 5588 ng/dl. 1100mg wk is definitely heavy considering half that dose of good gear would yield around the same bloods. Hope others dont fall into this over priced trap unless they want to pin twice as much gear to get where they want.
Just crunched some numbers and pinned a lot more gear tonight to compensate which will give me about 5588 ng/dl. 1100mg wk is definitely heavy considering half that dose of good gear would yield around the same bloods. Hope others dont fall into this over priced trap unless they want to pin twice as much gear to get where they want.

I hope this doesn't sound like a stupid question, but how are your gains going? Bigger, stronger, leaner, or whatever you were doing. I know its not really the point, just curious.
How come MW goes silent every time a bad test result comes out? Shouldn't he be here answering for it? Must be busy behind the scenes, trying to buy his customer's silence with free gear.
How come MW goes silent every time a bad test result comes out? Shouldn't he be here answering for it? Must be busy behind the scenes, trying to buy his customer's silence with free gear.
A member recently reported being hospitalized from injecting Manwhore/Voodoo gear.


Manwhore has had more problems in the last few months than most of the major public sources that have been here in the past.

I'd say it's time for him to go down with the ship.
A member recently reported being hospitalized from injecting Manwhore/Voodoo gear.


the problem lies in the OP last post. He said he pinned after a workout, using no sanitary precautions.

it's a toss up really, but I'd bury voodoo ass permanently if that happened to me.....

I'm glad you posted this @weighted chinup.

Manwhore/Voodoo you done fucked up now. I don't see how you will be tolerated any longer on this forum. You put a members health in jeapordy with your unsanitary gear. I'm not the only one who believes this!

Edit: jb beat me to it...lol
A member recently reported being hospitalized from injecting Manwhore/Voodoo gear.


I just read this and he is pinning test e 500mg ew with a 27g 5/8 needle in delts. Never pinned test e anywhere but glutes with a 22g 1 1/2 in needle. Some other guys replied in that thread that if they get PIP more than once they throw it out? I mean sounds like a bunch of uneducated bs to me. Maybe if he did it correctly I would be worried. I've had PIP from every UGL I've ever used. Not saying that's a good thing but the gear was good and I sure as hell wasn't gonna toss it cuz I was a little sore.