Pm responded

I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't work that way. Think about it this way. They are not only a source they are mainly DRUG DEALERS. Would you go up to a drug dealer and ask him to show you where he produces his cocaine? I respect your opinion but the lab part which would be great to see is just to much of a risk in my opinion for both the source and buyer.
As for the vials I can't argue with that. It's a solid point. I have 72 vials of juice myself. I don't source by the way just personal use. Can never have to much juice... by vials of juice I am talking about 72 vials filled with 10ml of apple juice. I love apple juice.

I can't think of a worse comparison to a UGL than a cocaine dealer. Even high-level dealers with kilos of coke aren't producing it themselves. And if I were high up enough in the game that I was purchasing cocaine directly from the manufacturer, then yes, I would want some assurance about the quality of their facilities before I purchased from them.
A few things. Don't be disrespectful. Learn to talk like an adult. I was not disrespectful to him or anyone. I'm not new I've been here since 2010 and on another board since 2004. You joined last year. If anyone is new it is you disrespectful member you like you annoy me. Just so you know he sent me a pm and we talked it out. Unlike you the OP at least knows how to communicate properly.
1- I could send you a picture of a shit ton of vials filled with GSO. The picture does nothing.
2-Posting a picture of a big lab puts you on the radar of the Feds a lot easier. In the drug world it is about staying low key.

If you reply be respectful if you cannot then please don't bother replying. Your post alone made me feel like I am arguing with a 20 year old.

What did I say that was disrespectful, exactly?

I facetiously asked if you were new because posting proof of stock is SOP. If you feel that's "disrespectful" then I don't know what to tell you.
What did I say that was disrespectful, exactly?

I facetiously asked if you were new because posting proof of stock is SOP.
The way you asked if I was new. Where I am from we talk to people in a respectful manner.

I can't think of a worse comparison to a UGL than a cocaine dealer. Even high-level dealers with kilos of coke aren't producing it themselves. And if I were high up enough in the game that I was purchasing cocaine directly from the manufacturer, then yes, I would want some assurance about the quality of their facilities before I purchased from them.
It is not that far off my friend. I noticed you joined this year. I'll have you know that a lot of the sources that are private and sale some of the best gear sale cocaine, opioids, stimulates, etc... I noticed you are new and are just learning the ropes so take this advice. Test your own gear. Never trust a source! NEVER!!! They are drug dealers and all they care about is money. They could give 2 cents about your opinion and life. As for the assurance from a drug dealer trust me when I say this. If you ask those kinds of questions 1 of 2 things will happen. Either they will watch you and your family while blackmailing you for years or kill you on the spot. That is how the drug world works.
Some problems I have with this. @loveyourbody . Your one of a multitude of "members" from the 07-08 era that were dormant for years...yearso_O most of the others were found to be connected to ugls like hammer or one of @manwhores handles. So which one is it? Asking for pics and specifics on a ugl has been meso fuckin standard for as long as you've supposedly been here.

P.S. I meant all that in the most respectful way;)
Some problems I have with this. @loveyourbody . Your one of a multitude of "members" from the 07-08 era that were dormant for years...yearso_O most of the others were found to be connected to ugls like hammer or one of @manwhores handles. So which one is it? Asking for pics and specifics on a ugl has been meso fuckin standard for as long as you've supposedly been here.

P.S. I meant all that in the most respectful way;)
What do you mean by dormant @Kakarot? I've been posting here and there through the years. I don't post as often as other members that is true. While it is true that most vets that are here before 2010 are working with UGL I am not one of them. I have members that can vouche. Some of which have joined in the last 2-3 years. Some I asked what they thought of the lab and others telling them to stay away from certain labs. If you want I can PM them to back me up on here.
Also no the asking for pics of labs was started by those so called vets that were UGL in the down low in 2014. Put the two and two together my friend. They where trying to keep the competition away.

I know you mean well. I took no offense to your post. I actually like it because it shows you care about other members my friend.
What do you mean by dormant @Kakarot? I've been posting here and there through the years. I don't post as often as other members that is true. While it is true that most vets that are here before 2010 are working with UGL I am not one of them. I have members that can vouche. Some of which have joined in the last 2-3 years. Some I asked what they thought of the lab and others telling them to stay away from certain labs. If you want I can PM them to back me up on here.
Also no the asking for pics of labs was started by those so called vets that were UGL in the down low in 2014. Put the two and two together my friend. They where trying to keep the competition away.

I know you mean well. I took no offense to your post. I actually like it because it shows you care about other members my friend.
I gotcha man nothing personal sometimes you just have to throw shit at the wall to see if anything sticks.:D In hindsight you are much too articulate to be manwhore, I do apologize for that at least.:p The whole drug dealer privacy angle threw me off and made me think of another member that I can't recall at the moment but was related to a hammer or hammerish ugl. :confused:
I gotcha man nothing personal sometimes you just have to throw shit at the wall to see if anything sticks.:D In hindsight you are much too articulate to be manwhore, I do apologize for that at least.:p The whole drug dealer privacy angle threw me off and made me think of another member that I can't recall at the moment but was related to a hammer or hammerish ugl. :confused:
Please don't throw faecal matter at me. Well you did think I might be manwhore so I guess that is worse? All jokes aside he was a character and emailed me a few time trying to get me to run his Tren a and then post a positive review on here back in 2013. I refused because that is against my character. Apology accepted by the way my friend. I remember their was a member or lab called hammer but i don't know if we are talking about the same guy...
All aside I like that you have people best interest in mind. You have my respect.
Have you seen much change here since then:rolleyes:
Yes and no. A lot of members are still UGL behind the scenes but I will not mention names because that once again isn't in my type of character. One of them actually never sent my order about 1 or 2 years ago. He is still here but I consider that $375 a loss. A change I have seen is that members bully other members which didn't use to happen as much. We were a tight crew that stuck together and did honest review on gear. Now new members have to watch out what they post because then they will be attacked.
I'm guessing it was a serious question by the way? I don't know if the little emoji makes it a sarcastic question. Excuse my lack emoji understanding.
Yes and no. A lot of members are still UGL behind the scenes but I will not mention names because that once again isn't in my type of character. One of them actually never sent my order about 1 or 2 years ago. He is still here but I consider that $375 a loss. A change I have seen is that members bully other members which didn't use to happen as much. We were a tight crew that stuck together and did honest review on gear. Now new members have to watch out what they post because then they will be attacked.
I'm guessing it was a serious question by the way? I don't know if the little emoji makes it a sarcastic question. Excuse my lack emoji understanding.
Eyes rollin cus many times I here this is not a source board. They are right its not. It seems to be a Private Source Board.
Not sayin anything bad. Just sorta fun watching the dynamics of all the moving parts then quick insight from your perspective.

Thank You @loveyourbody
Yes and no. A lot of members are still UGL behind the scenes but I will not mention names because that once again isn't in my type of character. One of them actually never sent my order about 1 or 2 years ago. He is still here but I consider that $375 a loss. A change I have seen is that members bully other members which didn't use to happen as much. We were a tight crew that stuck together and did honest review on gear. Now new members have to watch out what they post because then they will be attacked.
I'm guessing it was a serious question by the way? I don't know if the little emoji makes it a sarcastic question. Excuse my lack emoji understanding.
I never get solicited about gear from members :( not sure if I should feel good or bad about that:oops: I don't know about the bullying but I try to help people out as much as I can...helps if they don't spend all their time in the underground asking questions that were awnsered one page back. Lots of solid members on here but most of them try to avoid the underground section.
I thought any picture posted to the net since like 2012 has some kind of digital footprint embedded in them no? I agree and disagree with many points about new sources, but a lot of you guys are getting very anal and just because you DEMAND things does not mean you are in the right.

Now how is asking for tittie pictures of the source's ladies in any way relate to harm reduction eh? I'm a grown adult and if anyone asked me this is real life I would knock them on their ass for being so disrespectful!

Some of you guys need to grow the fuck up, like seriously wow.
I thought any picture posted to the net since like 2012 has some kind of digital footprint embedded in them no? I agree and disagree with many points about new sources, but a lot of you guys are getting very anal and just because you DEMAND things does not mean you are in the right.

Now how is asking for tittie pictures of the source's ladies in any way relate to harm reduction eh? I'm a grown adult and if anyone asked me this is real life I would knock them on their ass for being so disrespectful!

Some of you guys need to grow the fuck up, like seriously wow.
Fucking beta you are.