With a strong puff of air the dust is blown off these documents for the masses to read... its been about a year an a half since I looked at that stuff. Good call.

Just food for thought. Especially for the members not aware of it's existence and/or the subsequent debate the ensued.
I thought any picture posted to the net since like 2012 has some kind of digital footprint embedded in them no? I agree and disagree with many points about new sources, but a lot of you guys are getting very anal and just because you DEMAND things does not mean you are in the right.

Now how is asking for tittie pictures of the source's ladies in any way relate to harm reduction eh? I'm a grown adult and if anyone asked me this is real life I would knock them on their ass for being so disrespectful!

Some of you guys need to grow the fuck up, like seriously wow.
Yes it's asinine, uncouth perhaps but forcing all the questions (tit pics included) gives us (the potential customer) insight into how the lab handles rough situations. Think of it as a stress test.
Yes it's asinine, uncouth perhaps but forcing all the questions (tit pics included) gives us (the potential customer) insight into how the lab handles rough situations. Think of it as a stress test.

Sorry, but I don't see how asking for pictures of loved ones boobs has ANYTHING to do with checking a source out. It's childish and immature. If people want to share that's one thing, but to make it a prerequisite is just fucking stupid and disrespectful!
Sorry, but I don't see how asking for pictures of loved ones boobs has ANYTHING to do with checking a source out. It's childish and immature. If people want to share that's one thing, but to make it a prerequisite is just fucking stupid and disrespectful!
That's the point.... no one is really going to give the lab actual shit over not posting tit pics. How they handle it is what matters. If the source can handle all the bs he's more likely to handle any problems that might arise instead of skipping town.
That's the point.... no one is really going to give the lab actual shit over not posting tit pics. How they handle it is what matters. If the source can handle all the bs he's more likely to handle any problems that might arise instead of skipping town.

Ohhhh ok I understand what you mean now.
Please tell me this is some kind of joke? -Why would someone post pictures of their lab? I understand why we would like to see them but a source shouldn't need to post a picture of their lab. That puts a huge risk on them and on the buyers.
-What will a picture of their stock do for us?
-you are making me suspect that you work for the Feds.
- THIS IS THE WORST OF ALL! You must be a fed. Why would a source put this kind of info out there. This would put a ton of sources at risk!
-I like number six but sources lie about testing their gear all the time. You should also be testing your own gear.
-I'm not a fan of tits they sag. I like a nice ass.
-once again I like a nice ass not tits.

When did mesos start having mods? You have been here since 2016. I've been here since 2010 I think can't remember.
What's your VESTED interest in new sources not posting any pics?

If LE recognizes the lab they are already pounded.
Some "labs" are just
a couple beakers
hot plate
vacuum filters
empty vials and stoppers
vial crimps and crimping tool
raws, BA, BB, oil

How can pics of that identify a lab?

Are you kidding? Pics of a lab are nothing more than pics. I mean, shit, if your lab is setup in front of your house and you can see the address I guess that's bad for business but if it's a credible lab they shoukd have no issues showing their space. This does nothing to jeopardize them in anyway. It shows they are a credible lab, or not.

Pictures of stock, finished and raw , shows the community how serious a source is. Reddit for instance had a 300 vial minimum to become a source. Can you imagine how fast that stock would go? Showing how much they can supply, what they have for rotating stock and how they operate is a massive deal. It shows how sterile they are, how invested they are, etc. My opening stock quantity would be no less than 1500 finished vials and enough raw to refill that 1500 vial supply if I was to source.

And yes, I work for the DEA. I'm Hank Schrader.

Pm responded

I understand where you are coming from but it doesn't work that way. Think about it this way. They are not only a source they are mainly DRUG DEALERS. Would you go up to a drug dealer and ask him to show you where he produces his cocaine? I respect your opinion but the lab part which would be great to see is just to much of a risk in my opinion for both the source and buyer.
As for the vials I can't argue with that. It's a solid point. I have 72 vials of juice myself. I don't source by the way just personal use. Can never have to much juice... by vials of juice I am talking about 72 vials filled with 10ml of apple juice. I love apple juice.
If a rec drug dealer doesn't show anything to sell, customers can walk away.

Most juice deals are done online, so nobody knows for sure if the "dealer" is actually a scammer who won't even mail anything.

A few things. Don't be disrespectful. Learn to talk like an adult. I was not disrespectful to him or anyone. I'm not new I've been here since 2010 and on another board since 2004. You joined last year. If anyone is new it is you disrespectful member you like you annoy me. Just so you know he sent me a pm and we talked it out. Unlike you the OP at least knows how to communicate properly.
1- I could send you a picture of a shit ton of vials filled with GSO. The picture does nothing.
2-Posting a picture of a big lab puts you on the radar of the Feds a lot easier. In the drug world it is about staying low key.

If you reply be respectful if you cannot then please don't bother replying. Your post alone made me feel like I am arguing with a 20 year old.
Again, what's your vested interest in avoiding lab/stock pics.
No lab or stock pics?
then don't expect to attract ANY customers

even prostitutes must show something to appeal customers

Even drug dealers SHOW their stash inside their trench coats
Eyes rollin cus many times I here this is not a source board. They are right its not. It seems to be a Private Source Board.
Not sayin anything bad. Just sorta fun watching the dynamics of all the moving parts then quick insight from your perspective.

Thank You @loveyourbody
No need to thank me my friend. I'm just giving you an honest answer.
I never get solicited about gear from members :( not sure if I should feel good or bad about that:oops: I don't know about the bullying but I try to help people out as much as I can...helps if they don't spend all their time in the underground asking questions that were awnsered one page back. Lots of solid members on here but most of them try to avoid the underground section.
It's both good and bad. Some are just like other scammer that take your money and run. Then their are a few really good ones. Either way you aren't missing much. Agreed it bothers me that people don't care enough to read the thread. Excuse my language but fuck, you are putting this into your body. Do your research you know? And yes we have lots of solid members on this board.
What's your VESTED interest in new sources not posting any pics?

Some "labs" are just
a couple beakers
hot plate
vacuum filters
empty vials and stoppers
vial crimps and crimping tool
raws, BA, BB, oil

How can pics of that identify a lab?


If a rec drug dealer doesn't show anything to sell, customers can walk away.

Most juice deals are done online, so nobody knows for sure if the "dealer" is actually a scammer who won't even mail anything.

Again, what's your vested interest in avoiding lab/stock pics.
It's just an unrealistic expectation @master.on
It benefits me in no way if they post or don't post a picture. I can't remember what lab was on here a few years ago that did the whole picture of his lab as requested by members. Turned out that he was just an amazing photo shopper that tricked everyone into thinking that was his lab. Big surprise it was.
Once again I just feel like a lot of mesos members live in a fantasy world where you will trust you lab because you got some pictures. NEVER TRUST A SOURCE. Oh here is an example. You guys love PPLs and he never post any pictures of his lab.
It's just an unrealistic expectation @master.on
It benefits me in no way if they post or don't post a picture. I can't remember what lab was on here a few years ago that did the whole picture of his lab as requested by members. Turned out that he was just an amazing photo shopper that tricked everyone into thinking that was his lab. Big surprise it was.
Once again I just feel like a lot of mesos members live in a fantasy world where you will trust you lab because you got some pictures. NEVER TRUST A SOURCE. Oh here is an example. You guys love PPLs and he never post any pictures of his lab.
You should review the ppl thread my friend.
It's just an unrealistic expectation @master.on
It benefits me in no way if they post or don't post a picture. I can't remember what lab was on here a few years ago that did the whole picture of his lab as requested by members. Turned out that he was just an amazing photo shopper that tricked everyone into thinking that was his lab. Big surprise it was.
Once again I just feel like a lot of mesos members live in a fantasy world where you will trust you lab because you got some pictures. NEVER TRUST A SOURCE. Oh here is an example. You guys love PPLs and he never post any pictures of his lab.
1 You're talking out of your ass
Panda DID post pics
PurplePandaLabs Raw source

2 While pics don't totally weed out scamers
at least creates an entry barrier
so that scammers with no raws or labs, won't get any customers.

3 Too much for a vested interest to avoid pics
Are you frustrated because your get money by Xmas, scam plan is being exposed?
1 You're talking out of your ass
Panda DID post pics
PurplePandaLabs Raw source

2 While pics don't totally weed out scamers
at least creates an entry barrier
so that scammers with no raws or labs, won't get any customers.

3 Too much for a vested interest to avoid pics
Are you frustrated because your get money by Xmas, scam plan is being exposed?
Do you need to use that kind of language when you talk to other members? Another member told me he did so I am going back to check to see where I missed it. I didn't argue with him. I know this thing called respect and all I said will do. I have nothing to gain from this and just putting my to cents. The way you talk makes your 2 cents worthless to me now. No disrespect but I like communication with civilized members. This is what I mean by members are no longer working together. You all have clicks. We didn't back in the day. You joined last year I see. What other boards are you a member on?

2. I guess that is true to an extend. Anyone can still go online and get these so called pictures for you all. It's a worthless systems that old members put in place. I'll give you one last clue. The conduct got put in place to keep the competition out. Not to protect the members. You might be working with the members I'm talking about who knows?
2. I guess that is true to an extend. Anyone can still go online and get these so called pictures for you all. It's a worthless systems that old members put in place. I'll give you one last clue. The conduct got put in place to keep the competition out. Not to protect the members. You might be working with the members I'm talking about who knows?

This is requested with a hand written note with MESO Rx with "today's" date. That is harder to produce than a photo from the internet.

This is requested with a hand written note with MESO Rx with "today's" date. That is harder to produce than a photo from the internet.

Yes and no. A friend of mine is an expert with computers. I myself am not. I'll ask him if he can do me a solid when he has free time and photo shop a lab with mesos on it and raws.
I respect you all's opinion as long as you are respectful but the best labs I've used don't do these things you all ask. I am starting to feel like an old man here. Seems like most of these new members are in their early 20's... I only say this because you are all treating the sources like a shopping mall. We are buying drugs from drug dealers and are breaking the law. This could land us in prison a few years depending on size of purchase. I like the old days. Less info and better gear...
cough cough I know nothing about that lol :oops::D
Already said I would read up on it CdnGuy. We don't need immature comments.
Yes and no. A friend of mine is an expert with computers. I myself am not. I'll ask him if he can do me a solid when he has free time and photo shop a lab with mesos on it and raws.
I respect you all's opinion as long as you are respectful but the best labs I've used don't do these things you all ask. I am starting to feel like an old man here. Seems like most of these new members are in their early 20's... I only say this because you are all treating the sources like a shopping mall. We are buying drugs from drug dealers and are breaking the law. This could land us in prison a few years depending on size of purchase. I like the old days. Less info and better gear...

Already said I would read up on it CdnGuy. We don't need immature comments.
Did I quote you? No ! So chill the fuck out bud...:)