Lemons first cut cycle.

Yeah. That's it.

Doesnt happen very often. Some dude the other day posted he had become scared of pinning.

Now, I've never given a fuck. Doesnt bother me......BUT. The only time I've ever had a bit of worry over a pin it was after a week (ED pinning) where I'd had like 3 of those hit me. I think I've only experienced it about 4 times total.

How's it going otherwise? You sleeping good? Are you hungry? Nothing makes me hungry like tren. Its unreal.

Alright bub. Enjoy the ride.

Hungry as fuck lol
Sleeping great, other than last night after the cough

ive definitely had worse experiences, just not fun.
Worth it for the gains if I can set some solid PRs lol
Honestly, was good to just experience it.
I was a bit nervous about pinning before, but now I know the worst case scenario hahaha, so if anything shit's even easier now
Acne has increased around my delts and back, applied some Retinol A, so should be good shortly.

Awesome thread, been following and appreciate the active updates.

random question, have you had good luck with Retino-A? Having a few pimples on my shoulders and wanted to give it a shot the next time around since it seems to be the least harmful compared to other options. My cycle ends Thursday after 12 weeks, but gonna put a new order in (for next cycle PCT in early 2021) soon and thinking to include it to better manage the breakouts next time. Appreciate your input.
Awesome thread, been following and appreciate the active updates.

random question, have you had good luck with Retino-A? Having a few pimples on my shoulders and wanted to give it a shot the next time around since it seems to be the least harmful compared to other options. My cycle ends Thursday after 12 weeks, but gonna put a new order in (for next cycle PCT in early 2021) soon and thinking to include it to better manage the breakouts next time. Appreciate your input.

Retinol A world for the big breakouts

But honestly, dish soap (Like Dawn or Sunlight) keeps me clear as fuck.
I usually dont have acne problems, but I ignored it this time since I was running low Test.
Now I've stopped the retinol for a while and i just wash my back/shoulders with Dawn and I am 100% clear.
This stuff is magic

But yeah if you're kn a pinch retinol is great
Week 3 Tren is treating me well.

It's like this shit just kicked in overnight.
I'm seeing daily changes in physique right now.
Vascularity is popping.
Starting to see some nice seperation and muscles are looking nice and full.

Not seeing any of the flatness some people associate with tren.
But I'm eating a decent bit of carbs, so no real depletion here.

Feel great, no real sides, sleeping like a champ.

Bodyfat is down, weight is up.

I've pretty much ditched the 1k calorie deficit
I'm at around 300-500 deficit.
Its definitely working and my lifts are climbing up, so I'm happy with taking a bit longer or even the rest of the year to get my BF% down to where I want,

Slow and steady wins the race, as long as I'm making solid progress on my big 3 and changing my physique, ok not going to make any drastic changes
Week 3 Tren is treating me well.

It's like this shit just kicked in overnight.
I'm seeing daily changes in physique right now.
Vascularity is popping.
Starting to see some nice seperation and muscles are looking nice and full.

Not seeing any of the flatness some people associate with tren.
But I'm eating a decent bit of carbs, so no real depletion here.

Feel great, no real sides, sleeping like a champ.

Bodyfat is down, weight is up.

I've pretty much ditched the 1k calorie deficit
I'm at around 300-500 deficit.
Its definitely working and my lifts are climbing up, so I'm happy with taking a bit longer or even the rest of the year to get my BF% down to where I want,

Slow and steady wins the race, as long as I'm making solid progress on my big 3 and changing my physique, ok not going to make any drastic changes
Have you run tren before?

Be careful, even if you can do 100+ lbs more on a lift or like siginificantly heavier, still go slow. Thats exactly how you will tear a ligament, muscle or tendon. Trens strength increase is so much.

I purposely made myself stop when i hit a pr every time i deadlifted. After the 3rd week in a row, i didnt bother trying to go higher in weight. I didnt want to get hurt. Even though i definitly could keep hitting PR’s because i realized that if i took the chance the muscle strength was to much for the tendons to keep up. So even if you can set a new pr even time. Hold of a week or 2 or 3 and stay at that same weight, so your other body parts or ligaments can catch up.
Otherwise keep killng it! It would be awesome if you feel great on tren the whole cycle. Cause it really changes the body so fast and strength. Just like you said, slow and steady. An injury will dial you back much more then slowing the progress to a rate thats not like superman. Lol
Otherwise keep killng it! It would be awesome if you feel great on tren the whole cycle. Cause it really changes the body so fast and strength. Just like you said, slow and steady. An injury will dial you back much more then slowing the progress to a rate thats not like superman. Lol
Yes Tren is insane for strength and physique change. Like you said it takes discipline to know how hard to push the weights when lifts go up almost daily. It’s a fine line to max out regularly while using Tren.
Have you run tren before?

Be careful, even if you can do 100+ lbs more on a lift or like siginificantly heavier, still go slow. Thats exactly how you will tear a ligament, muscle or tendon. Trens strength increase is so much.

I purposely made myself stop when i hit a pr every time i deadlifted. After the 3rd week in a row, i didnt bother trying to go higher in weight. I didnt want to get hurt. Even though i definitly could keep hitting PR’s because i realized that if i took the chance the muscle strength was to much for the tendons to keep up. So even if you can set a new pr even time. Hold of a week or 2 or 3 and stay at that same weight, so your other body parts or ligaments can catch up.

for sure brother.

Yup, first tren run.

I'm being pretty conservative with my lifts
For bench, my PR attempt will only be 10lbs heavier,
I've gotten enough injuries in the past to be VERY wary of gains that are too quick lol
Haven't posted in a while.
Been working like a fog.
I'm fucking tired....
Sp I'll just say I've been doing 1 hour PL sessions, nothing over RPE 7.
Yestersay was a lackluster bench day, AMRAP at 255 was only 7.... so below my PR, but I still put the work in, will make some growth from it.
Today was just too fucked, so I hit a good old fashioned pump up BB day, just didnt have the jam for a good PL session

Tren sides....
No issues
Sleeping well, temperament is great, a tiny bit of acid reflux.
Gains are fucking excellent, I basically have said fuck cutting and ve thrown on a decent 5 lbs of qaulity size and it fucking shows.
Sitting around 3500 cals, same proportion of Macros.
I'll post up a fee side by side progress pics when I'm back at home tomorow.

Very impressed by the tren so far, these gains are wild for week 3.

I saw the numbers creeping up in my lifts and I gotta chase the fucking numbers.
My training partner chewed me out because I wasnt trying hard enough too.
He says I'm ready for 335 bench based in how easy some of my lifts are going..... I always think I cant do it, but I hit the PR nicely... so I'm going to take his advice and just fuxking do it.

I've also been a pussy with squats, so I'll be pushing for some big PRs this week and next.
My knees are as good as they will ever be, so time to chase it lol...

Obviously within reason, I've hurt myself on an Adrol cycle when I started to PR twice a week.
CNS was overloaded and I tore my shoulder.... then my ACL.
So I have no intention of repeating the mistake, but I'm confident I've come a lot further than when I was in my early 20s a d bodybuilding.
350x1 bench by end of blast seems reasonable. First step is to believe. Getting more sleep would help. Tren has never affected my sleep, so you may be lucky too.
350x1 bench by end of blast seems reasonable. First step is to believe. Getting more sleep would help. Tren has never affected my sleep, so you may be lucky too.

The Epitalon is really going good work.

I'm sleeping better on Tren than I was before I started running it.
Absolutly magical stuff.

I will however wake up once or twice to drink water, the tren sweats are vicious, but only the actual thirst wakes me up luckily
The Epitalon is really going good work.

I'm sleeping better on Tren than I was before I started running it.
Absolutly magical stuff.

I will however wake up once or twice to drink water, the tren sweats are vicious, but only the actual thirst wakes me up luckily
Keep killing it man! Be careful with PR an injury will set you back alot. Not worth it. No your limits.
Great workout today.
Hit legs
Worked up to 295 (All I have) for 5 at a RPE 7ish
Which is a PR for me... crazy that it was a PR at RPE 7, wanted to go higher, but I dont want to go crazy on the PRs

My knees have always been fucked (Broke both my knees before, actually had a horse kick my right one and fold it backwards)... back in my Breaker/rancher/wrangler days.

So getting up to this weight is a miracle for me, who docs told i would need a new knee by now.
So I was super fucking happy.

Did some light work at 225 SUPER deap squats (Ass to grass) for mobility.
5 sets
Superset with quad extensions AND glute bridges with a purple band and a 55lb weight.
Both AMRAP super sets 5x

Then my workout partner called me and said he was coming to hit back.
So I said fuck it
Spent another hour and hit back, despite being crushed by legs

Puked my guts out twice, but it was worth it.

Weighted pullups (25lbs)

Bent over rows (Superset serratus pullovers with 25lbs)
225x11 (Puke set)

Shrugs (Pullover superset)

Snatch deads
135 x17 (Puke set lol)

Dear delt fly 20lbs

Great workout.
Noticed the other day that the size is going up like crazy
I'm looking much more vascular and a little leaner.
BUT a little flatter than usual as well
Sleep is starting to get effected, so I'm just crushing some hash before bed now.

Tren is definitely a bit of a different aesthetic than I'm used to.

Physique update
Tried to take a similar picture to my pre cycle.
Pretty sure the Tren is making my head significantly smaller lol (Crazy side effects eh?)

Before Tren


I'm pretty fucking happy with the gains

My head is looking small as fuck lol
Noticed the other day that the size is going up like crazy
I'm looking much more vascular and a little leaner.
BUT a little flatter than usual as well
Sleep is starting to get effected, so I'm just crushing some hash before bed now.

Tren is definitely a bit of a different aesthetic than I'm used to.

Physique update
Tried to take a similar picture to my pre cycle.
Pretty sure the Tren is making my head significantly smaller lol (Crazy side effects eh?)

Before Tren
View attachment 133600

View attachment 133601

I'm pretty fucking happy with the gains

My head is looking small as fuck lol
Well done, and yeah I can see the difference wanna get on tren too lol but not anytime soon
Well done, and yeah I can see the difference wanna get on tren too lol but not anytime soon

I dint know if it's just me, but tren definitely is not the monster I thought it would be.
I'm almost at week 4 and I feel great.

Enhanced and more pleasant mood, if anything im more patient
Great sex drive, but not too crazy because I'm only on cruise test.
A LITTLE Trensomnia, but nothing a few puffs of hash and some melatonin can't take care of
No androgenic sides, acne etc is under control and gtg.
The night sweats fucking suck
and the tren cough fucking sucks lol
Cardio has taken a minor hit, but not too bad.

All quite controllable and I'm feeling good