Lipid/cholesterol blood results - do I need a statin ?


New Member
got bloods back

*HDL is 0.8 (range >1.0
*LDL is 3.3 (range <2.5)

non hdl cholesterol
ldl ratio and chol/hdl ratio are all in range though

im on trt and just added bergamot and fish oil a few weeks ago

do you think with these levels down naturally?

if not I’ll try ezetimibe first
Anybody have experience with ezetimibe ? It’s not actually a statin right ? I’d prefer not take any drug I can’t fix with extra work / diet or natural supplements
got bloods back

*HDL is 0.8 (range >1.0
*LDL is 3.3 (range <2.5)

non hdl cholesterol
ldl ratio and chol/hdl ratio are all in range though

im on trt and just added bergamot and fish oil a few weeks ago

do you think with these levels down naturally?

if not I’ll try ezetimibe first
Anybody have experience with ezetimibe ? It’s not actually a statin right ? I’d prefer not take any drug I can’t fix with extra work / diet or natural supplements

Why don't we evaluate your diet first and then your supplements?

Yes, citrus bergamot 1000mg 2x per day is good but we need to address diet first
The ratio is most important in my opinion.
All the bergamot will help I take the same dose Evom1 stated.

Ezetimbe reduces cholesterol absorption, which I also take it basically innocuous.

What’s your thyroid panel look like. A slow thyroid can affect your cholesterol also.
Why don't we evaluate your diet first and then your supplements?

Yes, citrus bergamot 1000mg 2x per day is good but we need to address diet first
As in how ?

Terms of cleanliness , I eat one cheat meal a week , the typical bodybuilding diet with. With fruits and veg though lol

In terms of micro nutrition there may be some vitamins I am missing but it’s a good diet
Whats your exact daily diet?
Meal 1 rice /chicken / brocolli coconut oil

After training rule one isolate and rice crispy bar

Meal 3 Chicken potatoes half a grape fruit

Meal 4 extra lean beef mince with brown rice brocolli spinach and cauliflower

Meal 5 rice chicken spinach brocolli

Meal 6 tuna fish and avocado

Total cals 3200
240 protein
210 carbs
50 g fat

Every second day I switch our a carb meal with oats

I also supplement fibre fish oil co q 10 and bergomont (bergamot from 2 weeks ago)
Aw dude do I really have to lol

Meal 1 rice /chicken / brocolli coconut oil

After training rule one isolate and rice crispy bar

Meal 3 Chicken potatoes half a grape fruit

Meal 4 extra lean beef mince with brown rice brocolli spinach and cauliflower

Meal 5 rice chicken spinach brocolli

Meal 6 tuna fish and avocado

Total cals 3200
240 protein
210 carbs
50 g fat
It's the god damn rice Krispy treat (not srs).
i gave you my diet , what do you think about original question? or were you just curious what i ate? lol

Dietary intervention is better than pharmaceutical if you can help it
What @Cridi887 said however you're actually doing really good man. Most people claim to eat well but it's actually a disaster lol.

Only thing I would say is stuff you already know, like have the oats more frequently and go for high fiber veggie choices.
Dietary intervention is better than pharmaceutical if you can help it
Agreed for sure
That’s why I posted this, I have a box of ezetimibe and was wondering everyone’s thoughts
But I feel I’ve done everything I can naturally , and it has worked to some extent , but too get back into ranges I think ezetimibe might be what I need - statins I want to avoid like the pandemic
Agreed for sure
That’s why I posted this, I have a box of ezetimibe and was wondering everyone’s thoughts
But I feel I’ve done everything I can naturally , and it has worked to some extent , but too get back into ranges I think ezetimibe might be what I need - statins I want to avoid like the pandemic
yea. thats really unfortunate. best of luck to you. Zetia may be the best go to.

