Liquid Muscle

Hello sir ,

When he get back to me on shipping he will get it.

I don’t need my hgh tested . It’s not for sale nor have ever spoken in email or pm about it. By the way I just got another 20 kits today box’s came last week .

Here is a copy of my email to him

So your sending off 20g huh?
Is that total or just one product, seeing as your giving away tren & EQ. If your other products are bad, why would anyone buy your test e
So your sending off 20g huh?
Is that total or just one product, seeing as your giving away tren & EQ. If your other products are bad, why would anyone buy your test e

My other products are just to make the deal and build a rep with the test. I really want only to sell Test 2 orders a day 200 max.

Once I’m know for my test and a good price the other stuff wit be once in a blue moon if that.

Think if my test cost 20 per 50ml I make 140.00 x 2 280 a day

If I choose to give a oil for free that maybe cost 20(tops) I’m a good guy not a gready person. You stay loyal to my test and good things happen.

I read a thread today guy marked a free test p with every order. On his list test p sold $20.00 . My kg of prop breaks down to .05ml so a 10ml is .50 . Your ordering test e from him at $55.00 ( that cost 1.90 to make) and he’s giving you .50 free

What makes a better deal ? Btw his oils were not tested the way you guys want , but 2 members posted blood.

Me making 1 deal I profit 60.00 so out of my kg 1 vial pays for testing. This should be a mandatory thing to all here.
Well dude seems open about his prices and tactics, he went straight to clear vials when asked to and his tren is the sexiest amber of the God's I've seen since my last home brew lol so I'm thinking he will be kept busy here.

I really like the idea of only doing a few orders per day. Steady income, less eyeballs when sending packs out and pretty hard to fuck up only 2-3 orders per day unlike large labs who send out 100 or whatever.
@Test Junki i mightve skipped this but are you US domestic only? @ulfbehrt youre Canadian, right?
You bought?

Hmm to share your experience. Would love to know if your sending it off for testing. You labmax?
You doing bloods?
No labmax, i do alot of bloodwork, usualy doesnt include hormone panel, however i brought up HRT to my doc so i will get a baseline in about a week. Ive been off my self medicated trt for about two months. Im going to filter it, and try it out after labs. Will run 2cc a week,500 mg? And will get bloods done on my own after a few weeks. Guess we will find out how much test is in there. How much does anylyzer need to test? I could do that also.
Ordering was simple. An email,send funds,5 days later the drone dropped an egg.
No labmax, i do alot of bloodwork, usualy doesnt include hormone panel, however i brought up HRT to my doc so i will get a baseline in about a week. Ive been off my self medicated trt for about two months. Im going to filter it, and try it out after labs. Will run 2cc a week,500 mg? And will get bloods done on my own after a few weeks. Guess we will find out how much test is in there. How much does anylyzer need to test? I could do that also.
Ordering was simple. An email,send funds,5 days later the drone dropped an egg.

Beautiful brother.

How ever you chose to test . You get a store credit.

Thank You
I thought we established I only send fakes free of charge to the folks with condition similar to yours... you missed your reading!
I understand you can test items as well. Would you be willing to test his products? How do you perform your test? What all can you test for?

I understand you can test items as well. Would you be willing to test his products? How do you perform your test? What all can you test for?


I can send him what ever you ask of, You know and trust him consider it done.

Finished or raw maybe both ,