Liquid Muscle

Appears as though @Test Junki has a well connected bro who is helping him get going. Nothing wrong with that. Keep security up, dont posst those emails and pms. Just do your own thing. Post lab results, beware of pms many serpents out there and your stepping on some toes but screw the greedy bitches.GIVE US THAT GREAT TEST, you will have more work than you can handle.
I want to Thank everyone who ordered this holiday weekend. Your Holiday packages will go out tomorrow sometime. Some of the packages will be exposed to cold weather. I have read on another board members giving advice how to fix crashed gear due to cold weather.

I have never experience this but my Pharm bottle says " Warning and Shaking the vial should redissolve any crystals that may have formed"
The finished product Is boxed and ready to mail. The raw I have around. Is that what your looking to view?

Let me know what your looking to view I will make it happen .
Finished product...Tren looks nice tho

My finished eq is in a unlabeled brown vial. A pic you would see a caped brown vial. Now maybe I can answer a question this question I had answered 10 years ago.

A member of a board questioned the color of EQ he stated in open that it should be a tint of green .

My eq in raw has no tint of green. I believe what he had previously bought was made in grapseed. This has that tint of green. At the time he was coming at me using EO was the new big thing thus making my more clear in color.

As of that issue 10 years ago I lean making a EQ with grape seed.
Man you love giving away free shit. If this turns out to be legit gear and you keep the prices low and freebies. You'll make boat loads of money here. Just not convinced yet.I've never met a honest drug dealer.
Its an old ploy my man....

He's baiting everyone. He wants to give away a few vials away to drum up business. Its drug dealing 101.

@Test Junki have you gotten those raws tested yet? You probably don' believe in testing do you? Labmax, hplc or blood test do you?

I love how you'e "Giving items away". Not actually selling! Strange that you'
give away tren & EQ, seeing as the price difference between THEM and testE. Could it be possibly getting rid of some underdosed garbage you'e
been sitting

I'll be letting certain members here know you got a new source name
Its an old ploy my man....

He's baiting everyone. He wants to give away a few vials away to drum up business. Its drug dealing 101.

@Test Junki have you gotten those raws tested yet? You probably don' believe in testing do you? Labmax, hplc or blood test do you?

I love how you'e "Giving items away". Not actually selling! Strange that you'
give away tren & EQ, seeing as the price difference between THEM and testE. Could it be possibly getting rid of some underdosed garbage you'e
been sitting

I'll be letting certain members here know you got a new source name

Good morning,

Please tell me what I’m doing or have done.

Your talking in riddles again

Your math is on point to know eq cost less than Tren . I would guess that’s why I gave 50ml jug of eq for free and 20ml of tren for free. Good looking out brother
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For the record

EQ cost .35 x50ml = $17.50 I gave for free when you spend 200.00

Tren E cost .80 x 20ml = 16.00 I gave for free when u spend 200.00

Its cheaper for me to give you Tren E for free than EQ.

But not in Mother Goose eyes.

I will stir the pot and ask everyone to get a powder list and do the math.

Your 10ml vial cost the source less than 3.50 . My price is 3.50 what’s he charge you?

Your Tren E is 8.00 a 10 ml what does he charge you?
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