Liquid Muscle

Please please sir

Please prove I spoke to 1 member about hgh

Please prove anyone spoke of you

Don’t prove to me Please post your proof here for all to see I’m a lier.

My life motto. I never lie , never

I never meant to sound disrespectful to any member who is protecting this community.

I get the ass kicken part you people want clean oil and proper doses of gear. I get it all . Test have to be done . I fucked up and jumped the gun due to lack of reading scos.

But please You have my word no hgh nothing other For sale than Test.

I don’t lie. But he has proof as he stated so please post.

Pleas sir you holding back info ( real info) from the members of meso is a bad thing. You should post your proof so people stay away.

This is what’s right to the members you clame to watch out for.

Any thing proof please

You kind of made my dick hard with your lie. I gave this 1 hour and will give it forever but not a peep.

You made a clear statement to all members of MESO of who I spoke with,

Please next story you tell Mother Goose begin with "Once Upon a Time"

Another Hour and nothing snake

Please post me pushing anything to anyone Mother Goose

Mother Goose may I ask you how I take advantage of your members your protecting with your tales.?

Me charging $80 for a 50ml instead of $45 for a $ . We all have access to powder list Test cost .19 a cc or cheaper. Explane how me excepting 2 orders a day for max 150ml is taking advantage.

To me its like someone is pissed I took there money away and gave you a pinch to make waves.

Please don't forget to start with "Once Upon a Time"

Mother Goose, The members of MESO call upon you for there safety and security you truly should post something to shut me the fuck up.

Please begin with "Once Upon a Time"

Happy New year

There never hard feeling as to truly looking out for members , just no need to lie

6 in a row!? Multi-quote, for Christ's sake.
hes welcome to bust my balls about vials and labels and testing , just no lies
A lot of the vetting process (which I'm sure you have read) is also pushing a sources buttons to see how he handles himself under pressure. Being honest, transparent, and direct is the best way to approach it.

If you didn't do something someone accuses you of doing. Deny it and move on. (If you did do something it will come to light). BUT if you didn't, then no need to attack members.

Everyone wants to make sure your shit is together. And everyone wants YOU to make sure YOUR shit is together (I.E. testing your raws before you brew)
A lot of the vetting process (which I'm sure you have read) is also pushing a sources buttons to see how he handles himself under pressure. Being honest, transparent, and direct is the best way to approach it.

If you didn't do something someone accuses you of doing. Deny it and move on. (If you did do something it will come to light). BUT if you didn't, then no need to attack members.

Everyone wants to make sure your shit is together. And everyone wants YOU to make sure YOUR shit is together (I.E. testing your raws before you brew)
Oh, but nooooo

He did do something

Mother Goose says so!

* @Test Junki has not been transparent, honest, or respectful to our meso members. I will post who you are...I will;)

Where do you get your raws from?
A lot of the vetting process (which I'm sure you have read) is also pushing a sources buttons to see how he handles himself under pressure. Being honest, transparent, and direct is the best way to approach it.

If you didn't do something someone accuses you of doing. Deny it and move on. (If you did do something it will come to light). BUT if you didn't, then no need to attack members.

Everyone wants to make sure your shit is together. And everyone wants YOU to make sure YOUR shit is together (I.E. testing your raws before you brew)

Respect brother, Spoken like a man
What the hell is this? What happened to a source upholding professionalism. "Mother Goose"? Really? Be upset but come on man... Look at how you're acting @Test Junki

He made a statement , just asking Mother Goose to post up . Now my snake friend speaking in tongue.

I now got pm/email about him. I'm told hes the one asking for the free gear in every email. I have about 10 a day. Not saying its Mother Goose but now I have info that it could be. So I get his his false statements are due to him not getting what he wants.

Again No disrespect to MESO. Who ever is asking for the free gear and saying they bump my thread, now kinda makes sense.
Crop those pictures a bit more... You could trace that profile Pic and you just put your friends identity in jeopardy
@Test Junki you need a thick skin, we have all come across that proverbial snake in the grass. Let your products and service do the talking. Dont get caught up in that back and forth banter, BREW GOOD GEAR. Thats all you have to do to shut up any naysayers. Stay strong my friend.