Liquid Muscle

Your 100% right

That’s why Iimit to 2 orders and 200 a order .

My cost of my 50ml is 20.00 what’s a fair price in your eyes ? I will change ASAP
Don't change it on my account.

I understand your pricing. I have read the entire thread. I actually respect your business model, my comment was tongue in cheek.

Happy New Years Eve
I just don't understand.

How is someone gonna roll up in here posting stacks of cash and kilos of raws but only looking to sell off 2 orders a day?

If the stock of raws is from local sales then why would one come to meso? But only to sell a few vials?
Local gear has a big upcharge. So if this inventory or raws and cash came from local sales what's the point??

I think this is fuckin LE. Makes no god damn sense.

Holy good guy my cover is blown.
I just don't understand.

How is someone gonna roll up in here posting stacks of cash and kilos of raws but only looking to sell off 2 orders a day?

If the stock of raws is from local sales then why would one come to meso? But only to sell a few vials?
Local gear has a big upcharge. So if this inventory or raws and cash came from local sales what's the point??

I think this is fuckin LE. Makes no god damn sense.

LEO has better fucking things to do than sell a few 50ml jugs online lol.
You'e conspired to sell even though you have not had anything tested. Ulfebehrt has already emailed/pm @Test Junki behind the scene about acuiring his products. He has aready told test junkie to nevermind me as I'm a "source basher".. Lol

If you buy from test junkie, hell push his 1000 ml bottle to Eq and the greys & Black's and whatever he told you guys what he wasn' going to sell you.

As a guy who claimed in his 1st post he had read & lurked on meso for a couple of years, but didn' know the rules for the scoc. So if meso truly believes this guy was never a past/current members, your sadly mistaken.

Its up to the non-desparate and true meso members to vet this source continuum or you'l continue to be taken advantage of...exactly like

Elite labs
Astro labs
Avvang labs
Sasquatch labs
Racoon labs

and so forth ( I can go for days)

I have an idea of who you are test junkie, and once I confirm I will let the board know. I have enough info already

Respectfully, meso
You'e conspired to sell even though you have not had anything tested. Ulfebehrt has already emailed/pm @Test Junki behind the scene about acuiring his products. He has aready told test junkie to nevermind me as I'm a "source basher".. Lol

If you buy from test junkie, hell push his 1000 ml bottle to Eq and the greys & Black's and whatever he told you guys what he wasn' going to sell you.

As a guy who claimed in his 1st post he had read & lurked on meso for a couple of years, but didn' know the rules for the scoc. So if meso truly believes this guy was never a past/current members, your sadly mistaken.

Its up to the non-desparate and true meso members to vet this source continuum or you'l continue to be taken advantage of...exactly like

Elite labs
Astro labs
Avvang labs
Sasquatch labs
Racoon labs

and so forth ( I can go for days)

I have an idea of who you are test junkie, and once I confirm I will let the board know. I have enough info already

Respectfully, meso

I only read the first paragraph and will address what creditably is online.

I speak the truth always , I never lie

Your first paragraph is a lie. Not one person has mention your name in any way shap or forum.

Prove me wrong please

As like I said I speak the truth and once your know to lie your know as a lier.

Prove as you state someone has spoken bad about you to me .
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You'e conspired to sell even though you have not had anything tested. Ulfebehrt has already emailed/pm @Test Junki behind the scene about acuiring his products. He has aready told test junkie to nevermind me as I'm a "source basher".. Lol

If you buy from test junkie, hell push his 1000 ml bottle to Eq and the greys & Black's and whatever he told you guys what he wasn' going to sell you.

As a guy who claimed in his 1st post he had read & lurked on meso for a couple of years, but didn' know the rules for the scoc. So if meso truly believes this guy was never a past/current members, your sadly mistaken.

Its up to the non-desparate and true meso members to vet this source continuum or you'l continue to be taken advantage of...exactly like

Elite labs
Astro labs
Avvang labs
Sasquatch labs
Racoon labs

and so forth ( I can go for days)

I have an idea of who you are test junkie, and once I confirm I will let the board know. I have enough info already

Respectfully, meso

Again prove in any shape or forum I have spoken to anyone about hgh. You now a lier as you my friend are bad for the community.

Prove me wrong please lier.

A snake (lier) like your self has alternative motivates a snake , like your self makes shit up in there head like my girlfriend on her period.

Post all you can dream up snake

Let everome know my past, please go on for days. Prove me a lier .

This guy just posted a mother goose story. It’s like how would anyone believe your stories after today.

Prove me wrong snake
Just for the record was there really a source raccoon ? That is a horrible name.

And is the MileStrong you speak of the Old Mikestrong for like 10 years ago who had his own board
Just for the record was there really a source raccoon ? That is a horrible name.

And is the MileStrong you speak of the Old Mikestrong for like 10 years ago who had his own board

And you claimed to have read the

I will expose who you are when the time is right....I promise
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And you claimed to have read the

Please please sir

Please prove I spoke to 1 member about hgh

Please prove anyone spoke of you

Don’t prove to me Please post your proof here for all to see I’m a lier.

My life motto. I never lie , never

I never meant to sound disrespectful to any member who is protecting this community.

I get the ass kicken part you people want clean oil and proper doses of gear. I get it all . Test have to be done . I fucked up and jumped the gun due to lack of reading scos.

But please You have my word no hgh nothing other For sale than Test.

I don’t lie. But he has proof as he stated so please post.
And you claimed to have read the

I will expose who you are when the time is right....I promise

Pleas sir you holding back info ( real info) from the members of meso is a bad thing. You should post your proof so people stay away.

This is what’s right to the members you clame to watch out for.

Any thing proof please
You'e conspired to sell even though you have not had anything tested. Ulfebehrt has already emailed/pm @Test Junki behind the scene about acuiring his products. He has aready told test junkie to nevermind me as I'm a "source basher".. Lol

Respectfully, meso

You kind of made my dick hard with your lie. I gave this 1 hour and will give it forever but not a peep.

You made a clear statement to all members of MESO of who I spoke with,

Please next story you tell Mother Goose begin with "Once Upon a Time"
If you buy from test junkie, hell push his 1000 ml bottle to Eq and the greys & Black's and whatever he told you guys what he wasn' going to sell you.

As a guy who claimed in his 1st post he had read & lurked on meso for a couple of years, but didn' know the rules for the scoc. So if meso truly believes this guy was never a past/current members, your sadly mistaken.

Respectfully, meso

Another Hour and nothing snake

Please post me pushing anything to anyone Mother Goose
Its up to the non-desparate and true meso members to vet this source continuum or you'l continue to be taken advantage of...exactly like

Respectfully, meso

Mother Goose may I ask you how I take advantage of your members your protecting with your tales.?

Me charging $80 for a 50ml instead of $45 for a $ . We all have access to powder list Test cost .19 a cc or cheaper. Explane how me excepting 2 orders a day for max 150ml is taking advantage.

To me its like someone is pissed I took there money away and gave you a pinch to make waves.

Please don't forget to start with "Once Upon a Time"
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I have an idea of who you are test junkie, and once I confirm I will let the board know. I have enough info already

Respectfully, meso

Mother Goose, The members of MESO call upon you for there safety and security you truly should post something to shut me the fuck up.

Please begin with "Once Upon a Time"

Happy New year

There never hard feeling as to truly looking out for members , just no need to lie
Mother Goose, The members of MESO call upon you for there safety and security you truly should post something to shut me the fuck up.

Please begin with "Once Upon a Time"

Happy New year

There never hard feeling as to truly looking out for members , just no need to lie
You are a class act liquid hustle...this little meltdown youre having is...odd/familiar.
You are a class act liquid hustle...this little meltdown youre having is...odd/familiar.

I am having a small meltdown for no reason, my 2 sales a day will not be affected by Mother Goose stories. My thing is when I say something its post a pic, date and time . I just ask he was truly in the know and I asked his to post. All we got back was a whole lot of nothing.

if he feels the need to make up stories there a childerns shelter close by he can tell his tales to or go find someone else to make up stories about. hes welcome to bust my balls about vials and labels and testing , just no lies