Liquid Muscle

I will be done with them once all the tall 10 ml arrive. Then it will be just 10ml clear vials.
My mistake but greatly appreciate the guys who took the shot and ordered.

Things will only get better.

Like I said before If you keep this up you will be here a long time brother. You seem pretty genuine and sincere, but so have plenty of other labs who ended up fucking people over! I got my fingers crossed for you dude and honestly Canada could use a few guys like you ;)
I will be done with them once all the tall 10 ml arrive. Then it will be just 10ml clear vials.
My mistake but greatly appreciate the guys who took the shot and ordered.

Things will only get better.
Im curious to see the #'s on them raws once they get in. Do you know how to do the math once you receive the potency of your raws in order to make that said tested batch reflect dead on what the label claims are???
Im curious to see the #'s on them raws once they get in. Do you know how to do the math once you receive the potency of your raws in order to make that said tested batch reflect dead on what the label claims are???

Is that even possible? Like if the raws come back 99.86% pure how does that even reflect on how much mg/ml he used when brewing? Or do I not understand what you mean exactly? Thanks :)
Is that even possible? Like if the raws come back 99.86% pure how does that even reflect on how much mg/ml he used when brewing? Or do I not understand what you mean exactly? Thanks :)

You can indeed brew to perfectly hit exact label goals by adjusting for slight impurity. For example, if a raw is 98% pure then you can account for this. IF you recipe calls for 20g then you can make the adjustment using the ratio 100/98 and wight out 20.41g to give exactly 20.0g of active ingredient for the brew(20.42g*0.098=20.0g); that is justan arbitrary example but we can do the math for any recipe you have once you know the exact purity of the raws via MassSpec.
Im curious to see the #'s on them raws once they get in. Do you know how to do the math once you receive the potency of your raws in order to make that said tested batch reflect dead on what the label claims are???
Something in a posted email leads me to believe he does, said he brewed it to 326mg? At his advertised 99% pure? Or was that making up for about 80% purity to get to 250? Id like see the numbers too. Hope its some overdosed shit,
Something in a posted email leads me to believe he does, said he brewed it to 326mg? At his advertised 99% pure? Or was that making up for about 80% purity to get to 250? Id like see the numbers too. Hope its some overdosed shit,
Yes but you gotta think havi overdosed gear can be just as dangerous for guys who uave to take an AI while running blasts/cycles. Its not always a good thing to have overdosed gear. Things can get bad an away from you very quickly if your runnin a cycle/blast blindfolded brother
You can indeed brew to perfectly hit exact label goals by adjusting for slight impurity. For example, if a raw is 98% pure then you can account for this. IF you recipe calls for 20g then you can make the adjustment using the ratio 100/98 and wight out 20.41g to give exactly 20.0g of active ingredient for the brew(20.42g*0.098=20.0g); that is justan arbitrary example but we can do the math for any recipe you have once you know the exact purity of the raws via MassSpec.

Yah, but then you need to take into account ester weight as well if you want TRUE label claims no? Sorry If I'm totally missing the point lol.
Yes but you gotta think havi overdosed gear can be just as dangerous for guys who uave to take an AI while running blasts/cycles. Its not always a good thing to have overdosed gear. Things can get bad an away from you very quickly if your runnin a cycle/blast blindfolded brother
What worries me is whats in that cut? Another hormone? Estrogen? REALY NEED TO KNOW, i agree.
Yah, but then you need to take into account ester weight as well if you want TRUE label claims no? Sorry If I'm totally missing the point lol.
The guy who told me how he does it never said anything about having to take ester weight into account in order to hit exact label claims. If that was true then he would have told me already bit he never said anything about it which leads me to believe theirs no need to take ester weight into account lol.
What worries me is whats in that cut? Another hormone? Estrogen? REALY NEED TO KNOW, i agree.
Yeah thats whats always worried me about ugl aas. What the fuck is it cut with??? Its a mystery that would probably scare the fuck out of us all smfdh lol
Yes but you gotta think havi overdosed gear can be just as dangerous for guys who uave to take an AI while running blasts/cycles. Its not always a good thing to have overdosed gear. Things can get bad an away from you very quickly if your runnin a cycle/blast blindfolded brother

I don't think having overdosed AAS is any concern really, but overdosed compounds like t3 or caber for sure! If I was using test that was labeled at 300mg/ml, but it was actually 333mg/ml that wouldn't affect me at all. And If a dude is already using and AI I doubt an extra 100 or so mgs would make any difference.
I don't think having overdosed AAS is any concern really, but overdosed compounds like t3 or caber for sure! If I was using test that was labeled at 300mg/ml, but it was actually 333mg/ml that wouldn't affect me at all. And If a dude is already using and AI I doubt an extra 100 or so mgs would make any difference.
Fair enough but i stil wana know exactly what im putting in my body on a mg basis....Im funny like that......
Yeah thats whats always worried me about ugl aas. What the fuck is it cut with??? Its a mystery that would probably scare the fuck out of us all smfdh lol

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the impurities in AAS is not other hormones no? Like if my test comes back at 99.86 purity the .14 left over is just a by product of the process and not another hormone no?
Im curious to see the #'s on them raws once they get in. Do you know how to do the math once you receive the potency of your raws in order to make that said tested batch reflect dead on what the label claims are???

I can do the math. I see if I need any help your the guy I hit up
I don't think having overdosed AAS is any concern really, but overdosed compounds like t3 or caber for sure! If I was using test that was labeled at 300mg/ml, but it was actually 333mg/ml that wouldn't affect me at all. And If a dude is already using and AI I doubt an extra 100 or so mgs would make any difference.

i think it would be a problem (overdosed) for people that save their prescribed Test and run UGL in it's place.

Would have to be a decent % over label claim, mind you, but it could possibly fuck things up when the TRT doc starts asking questions about blood work.

Luckily, i've never read something like that ever happening. First time for everything though.
Yes but you gotta think havi overdosed gear can be just as dangerous for guys who uave to take an AI while running blasts/cycles. Its not always a good thing to have overdosed gear. Things can get bad an away from you very quickly if your runnin a cycle/blast blindfolded brother

I never thought of this. I cooked the batch at 335mg/ml

But I see what your saying.

I like 300mg with a 10% over.

Once I get test results I will fine tune the 250mg
Correct me if I'm wrong, but the impurities in AAS is not other hormones no? Like if my test comes back at 99.86 purity the .14 left over is just a by product of the process and not another hormone no?
fuck bro i couldn't correct you if you were right or wrong cuz to be quiet honest, i have not a fuckin clue lol. I do however know a particular very knowledgable member who perhaps would know. He is the ine who told me how he can adjust the raws once mass spece'd to hit exact lable claims each an every time that you brewed from said tested batch.