Liquid Muscle

i think it would be a problem (overdosed) for people that save their prescribed Test and run UGL in it's place.

Would have to be a decent % over label claim, mind you, but it could possibly fuck things up when the TRT doc starts asking questions about blood work.

Luckily, i've never read something like that ever happening. First time for everything though.

My goal was marketing use less oil and get better results. Never taking the trt guys into acct.
If people want to be so precise when it comes to ordering AAS from UGL's why the heck don't they just order pharm grade!?
fuck bro i couldn't correct you if you were right or wrong cuz to be quiet honest, i have not a fuckin clue lol. I do however know a particular very knowledgable member who perhaps would know. He is the ine who told me how he can adjust the raws once mass spece'd to hit exact lable claims each an every time that you brewed from said tested batch.

If Test comes back @ 98% pure I can make adjustments to make exactly .

I always thought over dose was better but think different now
fuck bro i couldn't correct you if you were right or wrong cuz to be quiet honest, i have not a fuckin clue lol. I do however know a particular very knowledgable member who perhaps would know. He is the ine who told me how he can adjust the raws once mass spece'd to hit exact lable claims each an every time that you brewed from said tested batch.

See same here lol. Last 20 so years I order raws from china guys with good reviews, I brew the shit with ester weight in mind and I go to town lol. Never had a problem aside from customs and products always did what it was suppose to do. The last few weeks have been just stupid because of ELITE and everyone is getting overly anal about this shit IMHO. PPL had like what 700+ pages of amazing feedback till the Elite shit came up and now people are bitching about rubber stoppers and whatever lol!
See same here lol. Last 20 so years I order raws from china guys with good reviews, I brew the shit with ester weight in mind and I go to town lol. Never had a problem aside from customs and products always did what it was suppose to do. The last few weeks have been just stupid because of ELITE and everyone is getting overly anal about this shit IMHO. PPL had like what 700+ pages of amazing feedback till the Elite shit came up and now people are bitching about rubber stoppers and whatever lol!
On the subject of rubber stoppers, what kind of stoppers do you use @Test Junki ??? If your not using silicone ones in those big jugs then they all need to be switched asap. After multiple stabs to them rubber ones will eventually start making them break apart leaving lil pieces/chunks of stopper in the vials. Silicone is the way to go, especially with those big jugs you carry......
Due to the weather . No mail was shipped today. Will go out in the morning. I apologize but Mother Nature had other plans for me today. View attachment 82518

Did you remove your location from the image lol? If I was a LEO looking for you I would search for norther states that had snow storms today and then order from you to narrow down your location!

For your own safety QUIT POSTING so many darn pictures dude! For only wanting 2 orders per day you are being pretty irresponsible! Just saying man.
On the subject of rubber stoppers, what kind of stoppers do you use @Test Junki ??? If your not using silicone ones in those big jugs then they all need to be switched asap. After multiple stabs to them rubber ones will eventually start making them break apart leaving lil pieces/chunks of stopper in the vials. Silicone is the way to go, especially with those big jugs you carry......

I use silicone in my 50ml .

I will continue to use silicone in my 10ml clear. The small brown 10ml have the gray rubber stopper that I use for my every day guys.
Did you remove your location from the image lol? If I was a LEO looking for you I would search for norther states that had snow storms today and then order from you to narrow down your location!

For your own safety QUIT POSTING so many darn pictures dude! For only wanting 2 orders per day you are being pretty irresponsible! Just saying man.

No more pic
On the subject of rubber stoppers, what kind of stoppers do you use @Test Junki ??? If your not using silicone ones in those big jugs then they all need to be switched asap. After multiple stabs to them rubber ones will eventually start making them break apart leaving lil pieces/chunks of stopper in the vials. Silicone is the way to go, especially with those big jugs you carry......

I've used 50ml jugs with rubber stoppers since the early 2000's and never had pieces break off dude. I'm cautious though and always rotate and never hit the same spot. I use slin pins a lot as well so that for sure makes a difference.

Dude is offering test at a sweet price with plenty of free gear as well and we are talking about rubber stoppers lol?

Ordering from a UGL and expecting pharm grade gear for UGL prices is just silly lol.
Ordering from a UGL and expecting pharm grade gear for UGL prices is just silly lol.
So what sub par standard would you like your injectable hormones made to?

I've never told a member I dislike them, but you're really working your way to it. You are a detriment to the community at best with a lot of the things you post.
So what sub par standard would you like your injectable hormones made to?

I've never told a member I dislike them, but you're really working your way to it. You are a detriment to the community at best with a lot of the things you post.

Oh I'd be so upset if you didn't like me :(