Liquid Muscle

That does it. I'm going to Homebrew
You might as well, if I'm not mistaken you filter the ugl gear before you use It? Peace of mind. You'll know it's sterile, as long as your raw source stays on point, you'll know the strength of your gear. Plus it's cheaper.
@Cramps88 Yes, I do apologize. I know better and it is sketchy. Just extreme anger for an individual who jeopardizes others well being for their own greed. I will own any verbal lashing that comes my way. I am just really upset that a fuck comes to a good community and starts throwing curve balls at guys and trying to rob members. I feel as if we need to stone this douchebag. I do agree with others, I think he was previously here. I doubt people just stumble across forums like ours and say Oooo I can scam these people. I will take some heat, but hopefully Liquid Butthole sees that his parade was flamed on all levels. Maybe it will make his return under another handle less likely and more difficult.
I totally understand the anger these scumbags fuel in us. I posted because I don't want to see you take heat especially over a shit head like this. Plus no matter what we always as members have to hold ourselves to a higher standard then the scammers. We can vet and call them out but we have to still follow the standards set forth here. But believe me I appreciate you and everyone else who goes after these scum fucks.
You might as well, if I'm not mistaken you filter the ugl gear before you use It? Peace of mind. You'll know it's sterile, as long as your raw source stays on point, you'll know the strength of your gear. Plus it's cheaper.
I just hate looking for a source, not knowing what you get, and yes the cost. Homebrew sounds the way to go, money saved can buy a few more compounds. I blast and cruise and ive run out for a month or two before i could find more. Test is best, and going cold turkey sucks. I always filter ugl. I realy liked some testoviron amps i got last year.
I just hate looking for a source, not knowing what you get, and yes the cost. Homebrew sounds the way to go, money saved can buy a few more compounds. I blast and cruise and ive run out for a month or two before i could find more. Test is best, and going cold turkey sucks. I always filter ugl. I realy liked some testoviron amps i got last year.
At $0.88 a gram, I ended up buying way more test than I need. It's a good problem to have tho...
@ChoppedTop Yea, I would stay well away. Fueling this fire is not going to benefit none of us. At the moment we all have are pitchfork in hand and are ready to storm. I get it. But let's take this as a lesson learned. This should help new members realize how valuable guys like @HIGHRISK, @AIRBORNE DADDY, @mghoward74
Etc. Really are. The vetting process is VERY important. We should thank and respect members like them who take time out of their day to drill sources for are safety. ALOT more people would be out money and possibly their health if these guys were not around. Thanks fellas.
Fuck I ordered two vials from this asshole and was going to inject them and see if I got a boner to tell you that the gear was good.. fuck now I am just sitting here with a limp noodle. So I inserted a quick video for ya boys.


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Ok just Incase someone wasnt in the Sasquatch post, This post^ was in reference to that. It just me being a sarcastic asshole.
Knowing how fucking stupid he is I wouldn’t put it cross him if it really was. Work 7 mikes from it so just gonna cruise by and see if it a house or what. If it was really out of the way I wouldn’t bother
You guys gotta be harder on these fucks. Don’t lose your hard cash. Either go to a source board and look there. Lately new srces here arise and will fuck you over. This is a non moderated board. You guys gotta listen to the old timers. Told you guys this fuck tard couldn’t even speak English.