I've had the same fluff on me for too long now, time to get rid of it. Mainly by getting my diet in check. I'm going to transition into a bulk once I'm lean enough, which I'm really looking forward to. This is my first cycle ever, I'm 23 years old. I haven't mentioned weight yet, but it's because I want to go off bf% and how I look instead of weight. I plan to cut until mid-July.

I'm using Pharmacom Var (10mg tabs) and Naps Clen (40mg tabs), and Bronkaid (25mg ephedrine) and Caffeine pills (200mg). These aren't the doses I'm doing, I'll log what I take, post progress pics and of what I'm using, going for a blood test in a few weeks as well and will post the results.
Try and go to the new member intro thread and introduce yourself. You re missing out on a great opportunity not doing so and you will not get taken serious if you don't.
Day 1
Protein= 155g
Took 50mg ephedrine with 400mg caffeine (split into two doses), 5mg var, and at night took store brand pill of benadryl.
Workout= Full body + 45 LISS cardio

Notes= Didn't feel much of anything.

Day 2
Protein= 155g
Took 50mg ephedrine with 400mg caffeine (split into two doses), 10mg var (split into two doses, and at night took store brand pill of benadryl.
Workout= Chest/tris/shoulders + 45 LISS cardio

Notes= Still not much of a difference. But I took 10mg that day, decided to go back down to 5mg from then on.
Day 3
Protein= 155g
Took 50mg ephedrine with 400mg caffeine (split into two doses), 5mg var, and at night took store brand pill of benadryl.
Workout= Back/biceps + 45 LISS cardio

Day 4
Protein= 155g
Took 50mg ephedrine with 400mg caffeine (split into two doses), 5mg var, and at night took store brand pill of benadryl.
Workout= Glutes + 45 LISS cardio
Day 5
Protein= 155g
Took 50mg ephedrine with 400mg caffeine (split into two doses), 5mg var, and at night took store brand pill of benadryl.
Workout=Shoulders + 45 LISS cardio

Notes= No sides or anything yet but my muscles feel a lot harder, especially chest and shoulders. Glutes are crazyy sore from yesterday. Also feel REALLY horny...so much that it's really distracting. Really weird sexual fantasies I never really thought I'd have. Especially while working out lol.

For diet, I'm re-feeding on Day 14.
Ah, you just described every second of every day when I'm on cycle.

And off cycle. :)

Omg glad I'm not alone haha!!! off cycle too?

I'm the type that wears baggy sweatshirts and minds my own business at the gym, focusing on my workout. But today and yesterday...idk. Why does getting gang banged in the gym sound so appealing to me lol. Makes it tough when I'm around all guys there, at school I'm around my fellow nerds and nobody at home so only really is extra tough at the gym.
Omg glad I'm not alone haha!!! off cycle too?

I'm the type that wears baggy sweatshirts and minds my own business at the gym, focusing on my workout. But today and yesterday...idk. Why does getting gang banged in the gym sound so appealing to me lol. Makes it tough when I'm around all guys there, at school I'm around my fellow nerds and nobody at home so only really is extra tough at the gym.

And which gym is it that you're working out at?;):D
Day 6
Protein= 155g
Took 50mg ephedrine with 400mg caffeine (split into two doses), 5mg var, and at night took store brand pill of benadryl.
Workout=Abs + 45 LISS cardio

Notes= nothing new really but I've noticed my chest is smaller. As in the fat on it has gone done a little idk. I don't mind, I guess this means I don't have to worry about my nipples showing in unpadded sports bras...need lesss support yay!
If any of you guys see this I'd appreciate some help :)

I was thinking of changing my split, I don't think this is very effective Bc shoulder day seems to be a waste along with a rest/abs day next to it. Feels as if something like a push/pull/legs split would be more effective but that changes the ratio of upper body to lower body. Kinda want to focus more on lower body.

This is my current split:
Back biceps

Or I could do

Or just do

Thank you :)

Heading to the gym rn, was planning on doing push so chest tris shoulders.
Hmm i like the idea! How would I go about it? I'd prefer 5-6 days training a week.

My current slit is very similar to your current split. Swap the bis and tris, then combine the glutes, shoulders and abs to make it a four day then take three days as rest or some cardio. I'm curious to see how your final split will look
Hmm i like the idea! How would I go about it? I'd prefer 5-6 days training a week.

I train for powerlifting, so I'm probably not the one to listen to about a BB split. Have you considered powerlifting?

If I was to do an upper/lower five or six days a week split I'd set it up around compound lifts with varying rep ranges each day aka DUP (daily undulating periodization). For example the first upper/lower days work in the 10 rep range, second pair of days in the 5 rep range and the third pair of days in the 15 rep range. Or 3, 6 and 10 or whatever your preference is. If you were to do 5 days a week I'd alternate which group got 3 days each week. Like 3 uppers and 2 lowers and the next week 2 uppers and 3 lowers.

Start with your heavy compounds like squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press, etc. and finish with isolations. I'd only deadlift on two days a week though and sub in a upper body pull on the third day.

Or I'd just run this routine.

Dual-factor Bodybuilding routine for Intermediate and Advanced lifters

Definitely worth a read. Might suit what you're looking for since it's for aesthetics.
My current slit is very similar to your current split. Swap the bis and tris, then combine the glutes, shoulders and abs to make it a four day then take three days as rest or some cardio. I'm curious to see how your final split will look

Hmm I've tried that as well, combining shoulders and legs! Found it pretty effective bc my shoulders don't get too burnt out from chest lifts like bench/incline if it's in the same day :)

I train for powerlifting, so I'm probably not the one to listen to about a BB split. Have you considered powerlifting?

If I was to do an upper/lower five or six days a week split I'd set it up around compound lifts with varying rep ranges each day aka DUP (daily undulating periodization). For example the first upper/lower days work in the 10 rep range, second pair of days in the 5 rep range and the third pair of days in the 15 rep range. Or 3, 6 and 10 or whatever your preference is. If you were to do 5 days a week I'd alternate which group got 3 days each week. Like 3 uppers and 2 lowers and the next week 2 uppers and 3 lowers.

Start with your heavy compounds like squat, bench, deadlift, overhead press, etc. and finish with isolations. I'd only deadlift on two days a week though and sub in a upper body pull on the third day.

Or I'd just run this routine.

Dual-factor Bodybuilding routine for Intermediate and Advanced lifters

Definitely worth a read. Might suit what you're looking for since it's for aesthetics.

I would love to try powerlifting sometime, my numbers are just not so great right now. My lower body seems to be srsly lagging. For example today I benched 105 for 4x8-10 (bar to chest, no arch), overhead press did 65 for 4X8-10, but when I do barbell squats (atg) it's 4x8-10 for 115. That's low bar, my front squat is the same as my bench, it seems easier to me than back squat. I always end up doing either back or front squat then some glute bridges or hip thrusts as well. I haven't tested my maxes ever, the racks at my gym also don't have safety racks which is annoying.

My last srs cut was periodized very similar to the way you described here, really loved it. Main difference though was that it was three day split (chest/tris/shoulders/abs, then legs/shoulders, then back/biceps) started with 8-10 reps, then next cycle 12-15, then 15-20, and 6-8, 3-5. The 3-5 rep days were a lot of fun. I'll give the link you shared a read as soon as I get home and put the plan together into excel. Thank you :)
I would love to try powerlifting sometime, my numbers are just not so great right now. My lower body seems to be srsly lagging. For example today I benched 105 for 4x8-10 (bar to chest, no arch), overhead press did 65 for 4X8-10, but when I do barbell squats (atg) it's 4x8-10 for 115. That's low bar, my front squat is the same as my bench, it seems easier to me than back squat. I always end up doing either back or front squat then some glute bridges or hip thrusts as well. I haven't tested my maxes ever, the racks at my gym also don't have safety racks which is annoying.

My last srs cut was periodized very similar to the way you described here, really loved it. Main difference though was that it was three day split (chest/tris/shoulders/abs, then legs/shoulders, then back/biceps) started with 8-10 reps, then next cycle 12-15, then 15-20, and 6-8, 3-5. The 3-5 rep days were a lot of fun. I'll give the link you shared a read as soon as I get home and put the plan together into excel. Thank you :)

You should definitely try powerlifting. We need more female powerlifters around here. Whenever you're ready just come on down to the powerlifting section. Your bench is actually pretty good, by the way.

