Losing weight prior to a restart attempt.


New Member
I am thinking about restarting and coming off testosterone and hcg. However I believe that my body fat and bodyweight is toooooo high as I'll be setting myself up for failure. I am at 240lbs and although strong and bulky muscular I feel that I need to lose a lot more adipose to keep the conversion of test to E2 better than before. I tried once before but wound up with brain fog, anxiety and shaky hands after 8 months of no testosterone. I felt better after 2 weeks going back on testosterone. But I am growing tired of being beholden to my doctor for my health.

What does anyone think? Anyone have any luck with dropping bodyweight and restart.

I was ASIH and probably metabolic syndrome from the start back in 2006.
I don`t understand your fear. You`re probably going to use serms on your pct, so your actual level of E2 isn`t going to matter that much in your recovery. After you recovery, probably your body fat is going to maintain your stable T level a little bit lower, but that isn`t reason to stay on TRT if you don`t actually have hypogonadism.
That is not reason to delay anything.
While losing weight slowly may boost test a bit,
losing weight too fast will slow down thyroid and thus test. Google hypothyroidism and hypogonadism relationship.
Nolva or Clomid are better for recovery than HCG in the long run