Those "bros" you are referring to that posted bloods on another forum I'd vouch for anyday of the week and twice on Sundays.
I've seen M96ss post now for over a dozen years and have pm'd him in the past on matters pertaining to gh. Not once have I ever had the impression or suspected M96ss was in the game for any other reason than finding affordable pharma quality gh. The other testers in that thread like Racepicks, Buck, Viking, all of which I've communicated with at one time or another are spending a lot of their own time and money to test these products and post their results for ANYONE to see.
They may not have 1/10th of the education in your field but that in no way diminishes what they have contributed to the community. IMO the point of in-vivo and in-vitro testing is NOT about taking sides but instead collecting data from all methods and finding the truth without also discounting common sense.
Jim, clearly you are more educated in this field than 99% of members here. Please stop taking things so personally and try to understand that we are all just trying to make sense of things.
Rick Kane aka Nozeryder aka Pray4surf aka
Tubes-Boobs-n-Doobs <--1997 original handle from Anabolex
What does all that have to do with the main part of Dr Jim's post, i.e., these bros posted no baseline for comparison and were using untested GH?
Dr Jim posted several good reasons for why the reliability of in vivo GH testing is unreliable, and shouldn't be looked at in isolation from in vitro testing.
What are some of the reasons for the differing IGF/HPLC values? One only needs to know and understand how certain factors effect the reliability of in-vitro testing but here are a few;
1) the generic GH was not folded correctly
2) the testing interval was to SHORT (2 vs 6 weeks for example)
3) the in-vitro and in-vivo assays were not conducted on the same generic "batch".
I've every reason to believe that's the case on the last four, if not all of the tests I conducted since NOT ONE PERSON who was running THE SAMPLES I PERFORMED ASSAYS ON ever posted IGF levels
(Using GH/IGF data obtained from users on other forums is anything but objective duh)
4) the variable GH concentrations among different generic "batches"
5) the well documented genetic differences of GH/IGF dose response curves
6) the extremely small number of individuals used to determine a GH/IGF dose response curve
7) the extremely small number of samples tested
8) the desire of others to make broad conclusions based upon limited data.
9) the need for the "bro
community" to extrapolate extremely confined data sets into simplified user friendly yet erroneous conclusions
10) the remote possibility GH elves substituted lower concentration GH in "Jim's lab"
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