Male Bodybuilders (who deserve attention)

Posting that pic of yourself talking and talking about how you have gear stashed at your parents house is beyond reckless. Would you post about buying cocaine and having a stash of it at your parents house while posting that goofy pic of yourself?
PM Millard asking him to please bail your retarded ass out and do it quickly.
Then give blazingshotgun your # and who he can get the "bail" money you may need. If you can't get to your parents house to get the illegal drugs out and if you can't suck it up and tell them where it is and ask them to please smash the vials and flush the pills.
CLean your own place of illegal drugs and wipe you computer the best you can while considering destroying the hard drives on all devices that you've ordered on.
Apologize top NAPS and especially that POS from Legend. DO it now.
I purchase from naps too . Why wipe my PC I do everything from my cell phone . I can't be bothered to troll you guys all day on my PC .
the oral tren and legends gear is sitting in a draw in my parents house 5 hours away . I used his testotserone and it was legit . 1150ng on 250mg
I didn't touch that shit yet . I wasn't ready for tren or that anavar or anadrol
Posting that pic of yourself talking and talking about how you have gear stashed at your parents house is beyond reckless. Would you post about buying cocaine and having a stash of it at your parents house while posting that goofy pic of yourself?
PM Millard asking him to please bail your retarded ass out and do it quickly.
Then give blazingshotgun your # and who he can get the "bail" money you may need. If you can't get to your parents house to get the illegal drugs out and if you can't suck it up and tell them where it is and ask them to please smash the vials and flush the pills.
CLean your own place of illegal drugs and wipe you computer the best you can while considering destroying the hard drives on all devices that you've ordered on.
Apologize top NAPS and especially that POS from Legend. DO it now.
Posting that pic of yourself talking and talking about how you have gear stashed at your parents house is beyond reckless. Would you post about buying cocaine and having a stash of it at your parents house while posting that goofy pic of yourself?
PM Millard asking him to please bail your retarded ass out and do it quickly.
Then give blazingshotgun your # and who he can get the "bail" money you may need. If you can't get to your parents house to get the illegal drugs out and if you can't suck it up and tell them where it is and ask them to please smash the vials and flush the pills.
CLean your own place of illegal drugs and wipe you computer the best you can while considering destroying the hard drives on all devices that you've ordered on.
Apologize top NAPS and especially that POS from Legend. DO it now.

Copy and paste much ?
Brian Buchanan hard to believe his waist was only 27inches and not smaller but I guess that is do to all the mass he has up top that makes it seem smaller.
In my opinion, Evan Centopani is a great bodybuilder who doesn't get much attention. Great physique and a really honest, down to earth guy.