Male Bodybuilders (who deserve attention)

Didn't know Bolo Yeungs kid competed this was back in 2003. He didn't stick with it ,now he goes more to the slender look these days and looks much different


well shit being a fan my whole life i never knew he had a that competed in bb.Learning something new all the time.
Your first cycle?? I don't understand why you need to lie to people here all the time..

Blazing has cycled before and is still dealing with lactating nips..

Congrats on losing a lot of your fat blazing but stop the fucking trolling..
I took epistane for like 6 weeks . When I was 18 in high school . Do you consider that a cycle ? I been on 200mg of test for a year now . Do you consider that a cycle ?
I experimented with winstrol in the past . It was shit
I don't have time for your games.. You've talked about using oral tren and a bunch of shit from legend... Troll away... :rolleyes:
the oral tren and legends gear is sitting in a draw in my parents house 5 hours away . I used his testotserone and it was legit . 1150ng on 250mg
I didn't touch that shit yet . I wasn't ready for tren or that anavar or anadrol
the oral tren and legends gear is sitting in a draw in my parents house 5 hours away . I used his testotserone and it was legit . 1150ng on 250mg
I didn't touch that shit yet . I wasn't ready for tren or that anavar or anadrol

Ok, chotch.... Here you go:

Lucky ass I was on tren and had zero energy and my hair was thinning like Arnold's
I meant winstrol . Not tren . Idk why I brought up arnold.

I haven't done a real cycle yet . You we'll see soon . I'll be uploading my modeling photos in 3 months

You mean 750mcg of "winstrol" here too?? :

milkthistle is worthless .

Nac 1200mg a day kept my liver values in great range while on 750mcg of oral tren a day . I recommend it . You can buy 300 pills on ebay for $22

Great range I mean low normal

Anyway, just stick to the truth and you won't get tripped up. Good luck..