Unfortunately, the Underground Anabolics book is not published annually. It may have been the original goal but
@w_llewellyn told me he wasn't going to do it again.
Why? A big segment of the online community turned against him due to the influences of the source ecosystem -- including ugls/sources/admins/mods/vets -- that did their best to discredit him with smear campaigns as well as sources that threatened/blackmailed him and launched DDoS attacks against his website(s).
This is the price that is paid when you try to expose the poor quality control of UGLs.
As a supporter of
@w_llewellyn's efforts, MESO experienced some blowback as well (but nothing quite as severe as what Bill went through).
I highly recommend buying a copy at http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007FN0604/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=B007FN0604&linkCode=as2&tag=mesomorphosiscom&linkId=T2OWR6FTW3U47UIE (Amazon) - it's only $9.99. Even though the lab tests themselves are dated, the book is much more than a collection of lab tests.