Just a remember:
The 5% discount on your order is still valid for orders placed on or before the 30th of April.

We will soon start carrying Pfizer Genotropin 36iu pens too. As soon as new stock arrives we will send it to Janoshik for analysis.
Just a remember:
The 5% discount on your order is still valid for orders placed on or before the 30th of April.

We will soon start carrying Pfizer Genotropin 36iu pens too. As soon as new stock arrives we will send it to Janoshik for analysis.
So you should update since you have done several "offers" and "price reduction", temporary or not we do not have idea which is the actual price to apply that 5% to. Is that for the your first OP?

Will you be testing the meditrope stuff? Or just the Pfizer ones?
So you should update since you have done several "offers" and "price reduction", temporary or not we do not have idea which is the actual price to apply that 5% to. Is that for the your first OP?

Will you be testing the meditrope stuff? Or just the Pfizer ones?
Hello sir,

Normal prices:
1-9 kits €125 / kit
10-19 kits €115 / kit
20+ kits €110 / kit

Prices with 5% discount:
1-9 kits €119 / kit
10-19 kits €109 / kit
20+ kits €105 / kit

Shipping fee is €15 per order. Guaranteed delivery. Free reship in case package is lost.

Will send both new batch and geno’s for testing.
Hello sir,

Normal prices:
1-9 kits €125 / kit
10-19 kits €115 / kit
20+ kits €110 / kit

Prices with 5% discount:
1-9 kits €119 / kit
10-19 kits €109 / kit
20+ kits €105 / kit

Shipping fee is €15 per order. Guaranteed delivery. Free reship in case package is lost.

Will send both new batch and geno’s for testing.
I think it was a good idea to post so everyone coming can have a quick idea about prices without having to take a look to the full thread.

Is bac water still offered as extra?

Will you be testing the meditrope stuff? Or just the Pfizer ones?

Will send both new batch and geno’s for testing.
@Sampei, it is happening!

I think it was a good idea to post so everyone coming can have a quick idea about prices without having to take a look to the full thread.

Is bac water still offered as extra?

@Sampei, it is happening!

yeah 3 months from now maybe we will get a lab result MAYBE
I think purity isn't good anymore with new testing method from jano because they dont test it anymore

Tp don' t test his batch anymore or don t show it
We will ship the outstanding orders tomorrow. And after that we will have a pause in shipping for 1 week. You can still order with the discount till the end of the month.

Best regards,
Thank you sir for sharing your bloodwork. Credit has been added to your new order!
In other words:

Thank you for taking the responsibility so I don't have to, posting this bloodwork so the Meso members finally will stop pressuring me to send my batches out for purity and dimer testing.
In other words:

Thank you for taking the responsibility so I don't have to, posting this bloodwork so the Meso members finally will stop pressuring me to send my batches out for purity and dimer testing.

yeah cause bloodwork is the new meso standard to check for product quality :p
We would like to announce our cooperation with @MACTROPIN
Some of you already knew but from now on we have the complete Mactropin aas and peptide line avaiable + some pharmacy products. They will be shipped from same location.


1-9 kits €125 /kit
10-19 kits €115 /kit
20+ kits €110 /kit

Test-e 250mg/ml........................€30
Test-p 100mg/ml .......................€30
Test- c 200mg/ml ......................€30
Sustanon 250mg/ml .................€30
Tren-e 200mg/ml .......................€35
Tren-a 100mg/ml .......................€30
Parabolan 76mg/ml ...................€40
Deca 250mg/ml .........................€30
NPP 100mg/ml ..........................€30
Boldenone 250mg/ml ................€30
Mast-e 200mg/ml .......................€35
Mast-p 100mg/ml .......................€30
DHB 75mg/ml ............................€35
Primo 100mg/ml .........................€40
Ripped mix 150mg/ml ................€40
MENT 50mg/ml ..........................€50

T4 200mcg ..................................€30
Winstrol 10mg ............................€30
Anavar 10mg ...............................€35
Dianabol 10mg ............................€30
Oxymethelone 25mg ..................€35
Turinabol 10mg ...........................€30
Proviron 25mg ............................€35
Arimidex 1mg ..............................€30
Aromasin 25mg ...........................€35
Letrozole 2,5mg............................€30
Methyl-tren (50tabs) 1mg .........€30
Halotestin 5mg ............................€50
Viagra 50mg ................................€30
Cialis 20mg ..................................€30
Dapoxetine 20mg ........................€35
Noopept 30x20mg ......................€30
MK677 30x10mg .........................€25
Modafinil 30x100mg ...................€45
Black Burner 60x625mg ..............€30

HGH 100IU .............................€150
IGF-1 LR3 1mg ........................€140
GHRP-6 5mg ...........................€20
GHRP-2 5mg ...........................€20
CJC-1295 NO DAC 2mg .........€25
HGH Fragment 5mg ...............€25
TB-500 5mg ............................€25
Melanotan II 10mg..................€20
HCG/ pregnyl 5000iu.............€20

T3 100x25mcg............................€30
T4 30x200mcg ...........................€12
Clomid 24x50mg.........................€20
Nolvadex 30x20mg.....................€30
Cabergoline 8x0.5mg..................€25
Roaccutane 30x20mg ................€30
Aldactone 20x100mg .................€30
Pfizer Genotropin 36iu ...............€140
Raloxifene 28x60mg ..................€40
Finasteride 28x5mg ...................€30
Metformine 30x1000mg ............€25
Insuline Novorapid 300iu ...........€25
Test-e Norma Hellas 1ml ...........€10

HGH 100IU .............................€150
IGF-1 LR3 1mg ........................€140
GHRP-6 5mg ...........................€20
GHRP-2 5mg ...........................€20
CJC-1295 NO DAC 2mg .........€25
HGH Fragment 5mg ...............€25
TB-500 5mg ............................€25
Melanotan II 10mg..................€20
HCG/ pregnyl 5000iu.............€20

Winny inject SP 10ml 50mg/ml ...€30
Bacteriostatic water (10ml)..........€6
Kamagra strip 4x100mg...............€7
Clenbuterol 100x40mcg...............€30
PWO Blackbooster ......................€35


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