Good evening MESO,
We would like to offer the people from EU countries the option to order the famous Meditrope HGH from within the EU with fast delivery and a good customer care.
We will be sourcing the famous Meditrope Mauve Tops.
For authenticity and verification purposes Meditrope HGH vials have non-removable and identifiable batch numbers written on every single vial along with Meditrope official logo. All the batches will be labtested.
For now we will stick with the Mauve Tops and will only buy Black tops if Mauves are out of stock. They are both from the same manufacturer the only difference is the dosing.

All meditrope Mauves batches are guaranteed to be overdosed at minimum 4mg (12iu) or more per vial. 1 kit = 10 vials.

Donation to anabolic lab will be done this weekend.

1-5 kits €135
5-9 kits €130
10-19 kits €125
20+ kits €120

Please only send us emails using a protonmail account.

Shipping info
We will ship your pack as soon as possible after funds have been collected.
We only send orders from EU to other EU countries (EU DOMESTIC). We charge €15 per pack for the shipping cost. We will reship your pack if it will somehow get lost.

First stock will be shipped with original meditrope packages. Later we will ship them without. If requested, then we can ship them with original packages.

Order info
When placing an order please send us 1 email with order in subject. Please write your exact order and shipping info in the same email.

Payment option
We only accept payment in Bitcoin (BTC). If you don't know how to work with btc, then now is the time to learn it :)
We can provide you a quick handout about how to work with BTC.
Probably the one of the top best UGL hgh on market
The generel pharma price is so much higher than even chinese pharma ansomone and people still go crazy for it? I don't get it :D
My order from meditrope eu landed in my Western EU Country within 4 days...freakin fast...mauves #89 landed, my GH Cycle can go on...satisfied with the whole process of coummunication, ordering, Shipping...
Meditrope out of stock. Expect to have it restocked in 3 weeks.. will update when its avaiable again
Atm not accepting new client orders for meditrope hgh.. In 2-3 weeks will have some kits avaiable for current customers and max. order will be 3-5 kits per person.

We will update here when kits are avaiable and also willl update when we are open for new client orders again.

Best regards.
No one meso member post pictures from their bodys before and after the usage of the meditrope only what i can see are high laboratory shitnumbers ! Anyone here use any vial from this source with 10i.u a day and up and can upload pictures and show us the result ??
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No one meso member post pictures from their bodys before and after the usage of the meditrope only what i can see are high laboratory shitnumbers ! Anyone here use any vial from this source with 10i.u a day and up and can upload pictures and show us the result ??
Not many have money to take 10 i.u and if we go that route how much you take don't reflect in results to ge honest
Many people take grams but don't look like stage bodybuilders. Genetic play a huge role
Is a guy on YouTube who do pranks now and he said what his cycles have been and guy don't look like you expect from all the peds but examples can go on
Not many have money to take 10 i.u and if we go that route how much you take don't reflect in results to ge honest
Many people take grams but don't look like stage bodybuilders. Genetic play a huge role
Is a guy on YouTube who do pranks now and he said what his cycles have been and guy don't look like you expect from all the peds but examples can go on

He's asking for something that's far more subjective than blood work.

i could take 10 IU/day and be a slack ass with training and diet, show the results and people would be like, WTF? Is this shit bunk?

It's a stupid request. i'll take analytical testing all day every day over the before and after pics of some random bro on a steroid forum.
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He's asking for something that's far more subjective than blood work.

i could take 10 IU/day and be a slack ass with training and diet, show the results and people would be like, WTF? Is this shit bunk?

It's a stupid request. i'll take analytical testing all day every day over the before and after pics of some random bro on a steroid forum.
This guy thinks pharma gh is magic... he doesnt believe in "high laboratory shitnumbers !"
He's asking for something that's far more subjective than blood work.

i could take 10 IU/day and be a slack ass with training and diet, show the results and people would be like, WTF? Is this shit bunk?

It's a stupid request. i'll take analytical testing all day every day over the before and after pics of some random bro on a steroid forum.
Its not a stupid request pictures that show a body transformation is the only one thing that will show us the thruth about this company.
This guy thinks pharma gh is magic... he doesnt believe in "high laboratory shitnumbers !"
I wonder how you guys compare the 100unit-dollar shit with pharmacy hgh. When people take a good generic like Ansomone or Jintropin so it can be ok to compare it to pharma but meditrope is definite not comparable with 1 i.u of pharma !! I dont think that hgh is a magic i have never use it this is why i cant say if its a magic or not !
Its not a stupid request pictures that show a body transformation is the only one thing that will show us the thruth about this company.
There are too many variables involved when it comes to a body transformation... he clearly explained that to you. You are a fuking idiot