Spticanon you can trust me if i send you here..
i use his stuff and he definitely sends from within the EU.
Will run out of Mauve tops batch #87 soon.
Batch #89 Mauves avaiable in a week.
i messaged about ordering #87 but you didn't have lab testing available for it and it's running out now. Will you have lab test available with #89?
Hi! Actually we received more #87 and not #89 yet. Both will be tested.
my first opinion about this company. FAST Communication, replying to question in high speed. definitly to recommend.

waiting for mauve tops to arrive, hope that domestic shipping doesn´t take to long.
Good evening all!
We will change our pricing policy for the moment. :)
Here is current pricelist:

1-9 kits €125 /kit
10-19 kits €115 /kit
20+ kits €110 /kit

(Mauve tops only)

We have no minimum order amount so everyone can try us with even 1 kit. We aim to ship your order the same or next working day. We only ship from EU to EU. Shipping cost is €15 per pack.
Please let us know if you want your order with or without original Meditrope boxes. (We will offer this for free, so you do not have to pay for that)

Our one and only email contact for orders:
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Prices are getting better, are you ever gonna offer black tops, price/quality of black tops have ways been better compared to I really dig the 150IU each kit
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If they offered 105/110 euro for meditrope blacktops kit I would buy a ton. @Meditrope think about it. You would tap in a big market indeed
Blacktops has more IU and same or better quality/dimmers for what I remember from TP pricelist. So why pay same money for less IU?
Actually the blacks / mauves are the exact same product. The only difference is that the mauves are overdosed at minimum 120iu per kit and the blacks minimum at 150iu per kit.
With the Mauves you pay for 120iu and for
Blacks you pay for 150iu. Price per iu is the same or minimal difference.
Difference in price is minimal between mauve and blacks 0.7x one and 0.7x the other but your prices are way higher for mauve.

15 kits of mauve from you shipped: 1740 euro

15 kits of mauve from TP shipped: 1215 euro

525 euro difference for faster shipping and the same product? I mean that's a bit too much isn't it? I could understand 200 euro and even then it's quite a lot but ok could make sense... But 500+ euro is a lot! That's 6,5 more kits with TP.

You are clearly asking to much.

I already told you before, if you manage to reduce your price and to be not on par but close to TP your business would skyrocket, if you can't do that you are offering an overpriced product and only a dumb or very rich person would choose your over TP
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We are not here to compete with TP prices, that would make no sense. (Risk/Reward)
And actually we have better prices or similar prices compared to other Meditrope RESELLERS.
If you are happy with your current source then you obviously stay with them.
You can't compete with TP, you can offer a different service for the same product for an higher price, a reasonable higher price.

Again if you think that faster shipping time is worth 500+ euro, suit yourself. You are delusional in my opinion and anyone buying from you has no clue. Same as everyone buying hgh from other sources at ridicolous prices.

You are all selling the same product I don't see any reason to buy from you.

Better shipping is worth something but sure as hell not 500+ euro.

Have a good day
You can't compete with TP, you can offer a different service for the same product for an higher price, a reasonable higher price.

Again if you think that faster shipping time is worth 500+ euro, suit yourself. You are delusional in my opinion and anyone buying from you has no clue. Same as everyone buying hgh from other sources at ridicolous prices.

You are all selling the same product I don't see any reason to buy from you.

Better shipping is worth something but sure as hell not 500+ euro.

Have a good day
If the shipments to China are any seizure or stop, you will see the different problems, for 3kits tp is cheaper than 70dollards but a lot of risk from China and for the moment send them are blocked, but here official meditrope uk you have 99 % success, in 10 days at home, an exemplary communication, if the package is blocked seized by customs, meditrope returns you the 3 kits and you receive before tp answers you the first email lol. Tp is important and official meditrope is also very important. I admit that a reduction in prices is a pleasure ...