If the shipments to China are any seizure or stop, you will see the different problems, for 3kits tp is cheaper than 70dollards but a lot of risk from China and for the moment send them are blocked, but here official meditrope uk you have 99 % success, in 10 days at home, an exemplary communication, if the package is blocked seized by customs, meditrope returns you the 3 kits and you receive before tp answers you the first email lol. Tp is important and official meditrope is also very important. I admit that a reduction in prices is a pleasure ...
What the fuck are you talking about TP offer domestic EU and those prices I quoted are domestic EU.

TP in case of seizure reship everything as well, plus the complaining about TP are useless especially on a compound like HGH. It's not like you need fast shipping on HGH you are gonna run it for months so you better start planning out ahead. Would I pay a bit more for a faster services? Sure I would. Not the prices of 6.5 kits! That's outrageous!

But hey you want fast shipping for 550 euro more? Be my guest. Don't expect to be called anything then a retard. If for you 550 euro are not much why are you buying fucking generics and not pharma HGH?
You say 550 dollars more but for 15kit, if you want to buy 30kit and become a seller. You will have your cheapest hgh, you can go to alibaba too..prices are negotiable ... you talk to a source that has been respected for several years and answered you, if you are happy with your source stick with them ..
You say 550 dollars more but for 15kit, if you want to buy 30kit and become a seller. You will have your cheapest hgh, you can go to alibaba too..prices are negotiable ... you talk to a source that has been respected for several years and answered you, if you are happy with your source stick with them ..
Are you stupid or what, you retarded shill. The difference in price is the same proportionally if you buy 2 kits or 10-15-20 kits.

Respected for several years? This source has just appeared on the market few months ago. Why don't you shut the fuck up and stop shilling your ass like a bitch?
Are you going to guarantee a specific batch number will be sent for any order
Like if I order 10 kits just the day you post analytic results do you guarantee you will send batch 87?

The provider wont even do that, why would he? I wouldn't let you cherry pick batches either..
In his defense, shipping fee is actually pretty cheap compared to tp, so if only grabbing a few kits, the overall price is not that much more

I agree tho, lower price and he would get more customers, but that's still his choice not ours :)
In his defense, shipping fee is actually pretty cheap compared to tp, so if only grabbing a few kits, the overall price is not that much more

I agree tho, lower price and he would get more customers, but that's still his choice not ours :)

TP shipping is $25 for domestic. What is this guys, $20? lol
In his defense, shipping fee is actually pretty cheap compared to tp, so if only grabbing a few kits, the overall price is not that much more

I agree tho, lower price and he would get more customers, but that's still his choice not ours :)
Yeah if you buy 3 kits it's:

TP 275 euro shipped
Meditrope 390 shipped
110 euro more for faster shipping
I guess 3 kits it's the minimum for an HGH cycle, unless ppl like to waste money.

If you buy more the price difference increase and increase and increase
Are you stupid or what, you retarded shill. The difference in price is the same proportionally if you buy 2 kits or 10-15-20 kits.

Respected for several years? This source has just appeared on the market few months ago. Why don't you shut the fuck up and stop shilling your ass like a bitch?
Your Handicap makes me sad .. look at my page in 2019 i. advice already official meditrope uk. If you don't li you are illiterate
Your Handicap makes me sad .. look at my page in 2019 i. advice already official meditrope uk. If you don't li you are illiterate
This is not official meditrope UK, they don't ship from UK. Dafuq are you talking about. This is a simple reseller of meditrope.
The friend hello, yes it is the same, these a friend, I have known for more than 3 years, these an honest man, and very educated ..
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