MENT yes or no?


  • Yea

    Votes: 12 66.7%
  • Hell no

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters
Yea for sure. I've already bought it so I'm gonna run it, only thing that really worries me is the high aromatization rate I'm going to run aromasin on cycle at 12.5 a day to start. And if it doesn't keep up I might add letro or caber because of the prolactin
Lol12,5 go for 50 man.. I tryed ment, i was a water ballon with 50 sromasin and 2,5 letro
Trestolone is my favorite compound by far. It feels about twice as strong as tren mg for mg. It makes me feel outstanding all day long, and I can actually sleep at night unlike tren. The body recomposition effects are on the same level as tren, only trest makes me hold a little more water weight.

The only real side effect I get is uncomfortable bloating after cheat meals. The bloat / water weight is hardly noticeable when I keep my diet clean. The other "side effect" I get is an insanely high libido. Trest boosts my sex drive more than test or anything else I've tried.
Trestolone is my favorite compound by far. It feels about twice as strong as tren mg for mg. It makes me feel outstanding all day long, and I can actually sleep at night unlike tren. The body recomposition effects are on the same level as tren, only trest makes me hold a little more water weight.

The only real side effect I get is uncomfortable bloating after cheat meals. The bloat / water weight is hardly noticeable when I keep my diet clean. The other "side effect" I get is an insanely high libido. Trest boosts my sex drive more than test or anything else I've tried.
What's recovery like?
Is it just me or does that Shit sound like a sales pitch. I mean I've already bought the Shit, but that comment sounds sketchy af
Wtf you on about? I was a king what recovery like as I know trest can hit you hard recovery time can take ages after pct

Where's the sales pitch here simple question for a simple answer:)
Wtf you on about? I was a king what recovery like as I know trest can hit you hard recovery time can take ages after pct

Where's the sales pitch here simple question for a simple answer:)
Oh shut lol no brother, not you, the jm that you commented about. That's the pitch was talking about lol guess I quoted the wrong one
Wtf you on about? I was a king what recovery like as I know trest can hit you hard recovery time can take ages after pct

Where's the sales pitch here simple question for a simple answer:)
I got the quotes all fucked up lol
I was talking about the jm's comment not yours brother
What's recovery like?

I've been on testosterone year round since the fall of 2008. I don't have to worry about PCT. From the logs I've read online, most guys don't have a problem with PCT after trest ace.

I read one guy's story where he had a terrible time recovering from trest decanoate. I think that was more from taking megadoses of a long ester more than from the hormone itself.
I've been on testosterone year round since the fall of 2008. I don't have to worry about PCT. From the logs I've read online, most guys don't have a problem with PCT after trest ace.

I read one guy's story where he had a terrible time recovering from trest decanoate. I think that was more from taking megadoses of a long ester more than from the hormone itself.

What was your sweet spot for daily shots (50-100mg/ed) including aromasin/letro? Did you need you continue aromasin/ letro for a bit after cycle? I know you jumped back on cruise but curious if you needed to extend your time on after your blast.
What was your sweet spot for daily shots (50-100mg/ed) including aromasin/letro? Did you need you continue aromasin/ letro for a bit after cycle? I know you jumped back on cruise but curious if you needed to extend your time on after your blast.

I didn't go over 30 to 35 mg/day of trest in my last cycle. 12.5 mg/day aromasin was enough to control the estrogen sides. I've only had one full cycle (3 months) with trest, so maybe it's premature to say it's my favorite compound right now. I tried 50 mg/day briefly last summer, but it was too much.

I've been on test year round for 8 years now. I'm thinking of trying a cruise on low dose trest without test to see what it's like.
Is it just me or does that Shit sound like a sales pitch. I mean I've already bought the Shit, but that comment sounds sketchy af

Are you geardedandbearded on reddit? I'm mw314159. I've professed my love for trestolone there and on other sites like gh15 in recent months. :) I'm a software engineer, not a salesman.
Are you geardedandbearded on reddit? I'm mw314159. I've professed my love for trestolone there and on other sites like gh15 in recent months. :) I'm a software engineer, not a salesman.
Nope not me lol but that's good that it's a legit reply. So much bs on here you don't ever know who's for real and who ain't! I'm excited as hell about trest but the sides make me nervous. But I will be running aromasin as an a.i
The sides from trest are nothing compared to tren. There's no insomnia, irritability, or bad moods I get from tren. No anger or irrational suspicions of the gf cheating on me. I can't argue with tren results, but the process of being on tren is a mindfuck for some guys. Trest is the only thing I've tried that delivers those kind of results with the main side effect of feeling awesome all day. It's the best "feel good" steroid I've tried. Like dbol but not toxic.

For me, managing estrogen side effects with aromasin was enough. And not eating like a pig and binging on carbs. High carb cheat meals bloated me way more than they normally would off cycle.
I am using oral trest right now 75md ed.
Its great preworkout at 50mg and seems to add great synergy to my current stack. It has great androgenic properties without the andro sides.
If you have xtra loot to burn it's a great addition to a cycle.
No anger or irrational suspicions of the gf cheating on me.

Heh. I found out literally that night that the bitch was cheating on me all along. Many men, several every month since the first month of our relationship. Isn't it ironic, don't you think.

I had to quit trest and get back to a cruise dose of test for a while. I can't wait to get back on. Maybe next month after things settle down a little more.
The sides from trest are nothing compared to tren. There's no insomnia, irritability, or bad moods I get from tren. No anger or irrational suspicions of the gf cheating on me. I can't argue with tren results, but the process of being on tren is a mindfuck for some guys. Trest is the only thing I've tried that delivers those kind of results with the main side effect of feeling awesome all day. It's the best "feel good" steroid I've tried. Like dbol but not toxic.

For me, managing estrogen side effects with aromasin was enough. And not eating like a pig and binging on carbs. High carb cheat meals bloated me way more than they normally would off cycle.
I knew a guy at a gym who used it
He said he used very high dose AIs to COMPLETELY block estrogen
he didn't say which or what dose, I guess something like 2.5-5 mg Pharma Letro ED
Nolvadex, he didn't say how much

...and be prepared for it
sit down, breathe slowly

Estradiol tabs

he said it was impossible to properly tune Trest/AI ratio
so he blocked ALL estrogen conversion
and took some estradiol to avoid low E symptoms
it worked fine for him he said
now I wonder how did he determine the proper estradiol tabs dose