I used to power lift, it is a different type of lifting. I always used rep ranges 6 and under, i prefered 4x3x2 and 3x3. 5,3,1 is a good program. I hit 405 pause bench, 600 on squat, and 650 on dead lift. I lifted this way for 6-7 years. I am taller, 6'2" ish. It is not ideal for building an aesthetically pleasing physique. I found that the heavier weight increased overall thickness in my body. When i decided to start bodybuilding, i would split my week up and do one half heavy with low rep, and the other half higher reps. Now i train almost all higher rep, the heavy weight puts unwanted stress on my joints and inhibits further training. Depends on what you enjoy, smashing huge weight is fun Tho. I used to ego lift and train reckless, which is probably the main cause of my joint issues. Keep your form tight, lift heavy, eat heavy and you'll be wearing xxl hoodies and flipping over small trucks in no time. Being thay strong is addictive.