New Member
Powerlifting squat, conventional, slightly beyond shoulder width. I was deadlifting with a narrower stance, but changed it up after years of going pretty narrow. I think that may fix things. Before i was having to use a lot of back to get it started. Now that i widened it up a bit i start a bit more upright. I have tried sumo in the past, but decided it wasn't for me. So i widened it up to maybe 1 or 2 inches beyond shoulder width and took my grip out an inch.
Speaking of widening your deadlift stance I recently went for my true 1rm and in anylizing videos side by side when I pulled 525 I had a narrowing stance about 13inch apart but when I went 545 I went about 15inches aprt and I think that's why I needed to strain extra hard because my knees were pushing my elbows apart at the bottom as well increasing the moment arm and making me need to sit deeper in the start position.